Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Replacing Shower Faucets - Avoid the Traps - Get Expert Advice

It's the same old story all over again. The drip-drip saga of your shower faucet threatens to rock the boat. Tired of those countless fitful bouts of sleep, you have pulled out all stops in repairing that wretched fixture. But, to no avail. The constant, and now extremely grating leak, has wrecked havoc in your life.

Now before you begin to sound like the protagonist of a Shakespearean tragedy, you better put an end to this Himalayan battle. And how does one achieve that? Does replacing shower faucet sound like a plausible solution? It may be music to the ears of faucet manufacturers and suppliers, but it's the only way you can enjoy the soul-stirring silence of solitudes all over again.

Eight Tips That Attenuate Concerns

But replacing an old shower faucet is not something that one greets exultantly. And the grounds for this kind of trepidation are not that risible too. The possibility of replacement of the valve from behind the wall or through the closet or even a change in the surround is enough to deflate the optimism of a seasoned veteran.

But things are not as complicated as they seem. Here are a few tips that ease your concerns quite a bit:

  • Don't select the new faucet in haste. Remember the saying, size does matter?
  • Be very clear about the measurement of the holes for the fixture. Take the old faucet along when you venture out to purchase the new one.
  • Style is not something you can be utterly cavalier about either. Make sure the new fixture manages to get you out of your blue funk.
  • The instruction manual must be treated like the Holy Grail. Follow it religiously.
  • While dealing with that recalcitrant old faucet, make sure your efforts are ably buttressed by the right tools. So a pipe wrench is used only on pipes.
  • Switching from iron pipes to copper or plastic is a nifty choice since they come without any kind of threading.
  • While bathtubs have a two-valve faucet assembly, a two-valve shower assembly is common place among showers. This means the installation of the faucet is detached from the taps that supply water.
  • However, the internal mechanism of tub and shower faucet assemblies is strikingly similar to those installed in sinks.

With the faucet replaced, you better get used to the silence that resonates from every pore.

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