Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bathroom Interior Decoration

These days a bathroom interior design is even more important and attracts much more attention of the owners than kitchen design. In a modern design concept a bathroom is no longer just a functional zone but turned to be one of the main components of a stylish interior.

The role of a bathroom in our life has been misjudged for too long. Meanwhile, the way how our bathroom looks fundamentally influences our everyday mood. We don't simply accomplish essential hygienic procedure there - this is a place where we start and finish our day. And that is why its atmosphere is of a great importance: it can energize or prepare you for sleep, cheer up, generate necessary mood.

With changed attitude to a bathroom itself the main components, forming its space, remained the same. Yes, undoubtedly the bathroom fixtures selection is important, however the main element, appointing to the bathroom style stays tiles. It's impossible to be replaced.

The Art of Imitation.

It looks like couturieres' laurels keep on the run the bathrooms interior designers: in increasing frequency they use textiles in the most different projects and can't stop making various materials imitating it. So the ceramic tiles became a show-piece of a new art - there used to be collections where ceramic tiles were imitating natural stone, wood or metal, however nowadays designers moved to a new level. A new trend is ceramic tiles adroitly disguising into luxurious silk wallpaper or weightless French lacework impression.

Visual effect is awesome - you can recognize "fake" only at very short range, or even only after touching the tiles. Skillful leather imitations of different types are already common, but "ceramic leather" is an obvious new season hit.

Another trend - historical catchwords - can set wits to imitation. This is not just a new vintage - skillful, but still a fake, - that is a retrospect, reference to classics and traditions, to the warmth of a family estate in the midst of a noisy city, if you prefer. Here one can see not only designers' desire to create an outer effect, adding olden time imitation to surroundings, here aspiration of creating something historically veracious is absolutely clear. In addition to such surroundings designers offer already well-known trend, which is popular during several seasons, - vintage terra-cotta tiles with baroque ornament of cracks and attrition as if left after the hot Italian sun.

Ecological Rhetoric

Fortunately modern design fashion is far from being monotonous, it is various, contradictory, and there is always a counterbalance to every modern trend: so historical catchwords nostalgia and imitations flimsiness neighbors on bionic trend. Perhaps there is nothing new in it - well- known 60-70th yet again. This trend will no doubt find its fans among former school students and new intellectuals. In fact coming into this style designed bathroom one wants to think about sense of life as well as caducity and eternity of all existing... In this trend ergonomic forms and outrageous colors are not as important as up-to-date ecological rhetoric.


The last in the list of new trends is one more bright direction. Both classical and mould-breaking art theme was always used with pleasure by the bathroom designers while creating new collections of ceramic tiles. From year to year craftsmen reproduce pictures of well-known artists, photos elements, sketches or children drawings on ceramics. These days art trend moved to a new level - with both selecting objects for reproducing and implementation of the design idea.

New Classics of Any Genre

Variety of new trends in ceramic tiles design amazes and gives full scope to art and selection of the only correct trend. Today fashion is good by being cosmopolite. However on closer look one can notice some similarity specific to all interior design in general.

One way or another, with all variety of themes, forms and colors - either it is ceramic tiles or sliding wardrobe model - art deco style rules the object design world these days, invisibly and subtly but skillfully and persistently. Don't the same imitations and paintings, luxurious leather and expensive species of wood imitations, painting of various flora and fauna objects refer exactly to it? Today's art-deco is different - it is based on nuances and touches, not showing up to the full extent. But because of it its presence isn't less visible. Using its motifs designers skillfully spice almost any bathroom interior - from high-tech to country. It is also used in design of luxurious hotels, as well as in gallery space, private inns and bathrooms... So imitation, bionics and art are samples of art-deco style implementation in its new interpretation. This style is expensive, intellectual, presentable - became a trend already. Art-deco elements usage demands professional skills and good taste, but result usually exceeds the best expectations.

Arthur Prudent is a developer of London builders - bathroom, kitchen installation - web site offering all aspects of builders services. London builders - Bathroom Interior Decoration.

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