Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Create a Rustic Bathroom

These days, everything is so immediate, futuristic and ahead of the curve. We oftentimes find ourselves caught up amongst the whirlwind of advancing technologies and the endless battle to be fashion-forward and owning the right cars, appliances and gadgets. It's time to stop, take a deep, relaxing breathe, and calm down. Not everything in life needs to be constantly updated. If our past shapes who we are today, why cover it up? Now is the perfect time to "update" your bathroom with rustic style cabinet handles that bridges the gap of old to new.

Go Green
Everywhere you turn, there is a "go green" commercial, green grocery bags or eco-friendly appliances. Adding a bit of green to your bathroom might be the perfect option for you. While to some this means purchasing recycled toilet paper, to others, going green in your bathroom literally means going outside and incorporating your available landscape.

For homeowners with access to lumber, creating more storage space with your local hardware is a great solution. Not only will this limit the resources needed to purchase wood from a store (such as gas money and cost of production), but also, this do-it-yourself project can involve your entire family in a creativity exercise. By utilizing what you have around you, you are literally using your bucolic countryside to redesign your bathroom.

Look To Your Roots
America is known as a melting pot, rich with culture, heritage and tradition. Why not incorporate your ancestors in your new "old style" bathroom? Whether Irish, Italian, Native American, Polish or English or a mixture of everything, you should include a little piece of "you" in your bathroom. For many, a code of arms signifies you and your families' past; by pairing this with a bit of the present, you can create a comfort zone of history.

Get Wild in Style
If you have always wanted to get a little bit wild or exotic when it comes to decorating, your bathroom is the ideal place to express yourself. Using small elements, such as cabinet pulls or cabinet door knobs, you can express yourself in a unique way without overpowering the entire room with conflicting stripes, polka dots or too bold paint colors. Bathroom cabinet knobs nowadays can come in a variety of metals such as copper, iron, chrome and nickel. Additionally, these small elements also come in interesting shapes and sizes. For the outdoorsman, adding fish knobs on your towel rack or shower curtain will certainly compliment any room. Pair this with a soft blue or green paint, and you've got yourself a rustic interior almost instantly!

Be Safe and Secure
Like any good home design, safety and security should always trump design and aesthetic appeal. Be sure to install proper cabinet handles and locks to keep hazardous materials away from children, pets or guests. Ideally, harmful chemicals, prescription medications, sharp items and should be stored in a high storage area, secured with drop latch locks or other child-proof mechanisms. Additionally, hand-held electronic appliances should also be removed from plain view. Not only will this help keep you organizes, but also keeping hair dryers, radios and other items away from water should always be a priority.

Scents Make Sense
What's a bathroom without a fresh scent? If you live in the countryside, the fresh scent of cotton, lavender or chamomile will work perfectly. For the more woodsy or earthy homes, pine needles or cinnamon is a great choice to stimulate your olfactory sensors. If you just simply want a clean, crisp room, light citrus scented candles or soaps help cut through tough odors. Remember, when it comes to the smells in your bathroom, you want to help clear the air, not compete with too many fragrances. If you cannot decide what works best, just use the tried by true method: cracking open.

Jim Richardson is Vice President of Your Home Supply (YHS), the definitive website for Home and Garden products and information on a variety of home improvement products. Your Home Supply offer selections on rustic antique cabinet knobs to help customers design and create their own rustic bathroom. Visit them now at

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