Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seven Main Reasons Why to Install a Home Water Purifier

First reason is for your Health, you owe this to yourself. The connection between water quality and health was demonstrated time and again by medical professionals and these conclusions can easily be found online.

The bad effects take time to build, but once the damage is done it is almost impossible to undo. We learnt elsewhere, from reliable official sources, how dangerous to Health the tap water flowing in our houses can be.

Second reason for the Health of your loved ones. You owe this to the young children and babies in your household. They are much more sensitive than healthy mature people to inferior water quality.

And they drink more water than adults, relative to their body weight, so that the risk to their health is larger. A similar reasoning applies to aging persons as well, if any are around.

Third for the other uses besides drinking, like cooking (soups, juice, coffee, tea etc.), bathing and showering that, if satisfied with bad water, also risk to worsen the well being of all affected.

Fourth for the bad taste. Why in the world should you agree to be sentenced to accept whatever bad taste water the municipality runs in their old and filthy pipe lines, when you can with a simple device upgrade many times over the taste, confidence and safety of one of the most essential factors of your life.

Fifth for saving all the useless cost of purchasing bottled water. That is if you are caught in the trap that only bottled water is worth being drunk. This opinion has been demonstrated to be questionable at least, in the majority of cases.

In a year time that needless expense sums up to quite a hefty amount. You could find more satisfying uses for that money, don't you? Not to mention the environmental pollution generated by the mass of empty plastic bottles you will have to throw away.

Sixth for the comfort. Once your device is installed, you are free from all worries. You will have to change a filter once in a while, sure, not a big deal if you consider the advantage of profiting from the unlimited supply of all the water you may need, now pure and healthy.

Seventh for the convenience. It is reported that the additional cost of purifying home water amounts to less than ten cents a gallon. You may wish to check the estimates if you doubt their accuracy but that seems a reasonable figure. Not bad, if you think of the benefits you enjoy when you take your decision.

Depending on the specific home purifier water system you select there may be additional compelling reasons to convince you of the wisdom of your choice.

These are the money back guarantee the supplier may be ready to grant if you are not satisfied. Or the Warranty for Life, that some suppliers are ready to give, at certain conditions.

Or the customer support service, should you ever need help. Or a phone service to answer your questions and doubts, if you feel that only a specialist would satisfy your curiosity.

In short there are so many good reasons for seriously considering installing a Home Water Purifier that it would be a pity and a waste to hang on: do it now!

Elia E. Levi is a retired engineer.
After researching the subject of drinking water quality and of home water filters and purifiers, he set up a website where he proposes the results of his inquiry for all to consider, to reach independently their conclusions.
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