Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Loft Conversion - A Fantastically Versatile Space Saving Room For Your Overcrowded Home

Because of the way the housing market is at the moment, banks feeling the credit crunch and not making as many mortgages available to lenders as in previous years and home owners not feeling confident with the way the housing market appears to be going, more and more people are staying in their homes and not selling or moving up the property ladder. This generally will have an effect on the overall housing market, driving property prices down as though people who are desperate to sell are forced into desperate measures to try to get a sale. But what of those people who want to move but realize that it may be foolish to do so with so much uncertainty in the housing market?

More and more people are looking to add a loft conversion to their home in an attempt to maximize space for the family. These rooms can serve many purposes and allow much of the old living space in the house to be spread out over a third or fourth floor. Relatively cheap to convert, a loft is the ideal place for an extra bedroom, a social room, a master bathroom or even a study away from the noise that is usually going on in a family home.

Many larger families are looking to make the most of all of the available space within a home as I'm sure that you all know, kids just do not seem to stop growing and take up more and more space each day. Many families choose to use their loft conversion as a play room for the children, taking all of the clutter and toys that is associated with children and putting it way out of sight at the top of the house. This plan seems to work very well all round as the kids are playing in the safety of the family home and the parents know where they are and it frees the rest of the house up to be a proper family home.

If you choose to use the loft conversion as a bedroom then you will need to look out for special loft furniture, this is usually a little smaller than standard furniture as the height of the ceiling in the loft is usually a little lower than that in a conventional room. That being said all of the usual furniture that you would need for a room is available in the slightly scaled down loft version.

If you wanted to use the loft as an office or a work room then you may be able to get a second room out of the loft conversion. Lofts are deceptively big and unless you needed a very large office or workroom you would perhaps have enough room for an extra bathroom as well. A benefit of using the loft as an office is that office furniture takes up very little space so you would maybe do away with the need to purchase any specialist loft furniture for it.

Whatever you choose to do with your loft conversion I hope the above information goes someway to show you how versatile a room a loft conversion can be, and with the correct usage of loft furniture you should be able to achieve all you have planned for.

For more info on all things home, loft and conversions please visit our site
Loft Furniture
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