Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seven Main Reasons Why to Install a Home Water Purifier

First reason is for your Health, you owe this to yourself. The connection between water quality and health was demonstrated time and again by medical professionals and these conclusions can easily be found online.

The bad effects take time to build, but once the damage is done it is almost impossible to undo. We learnt elsewhere, from reliable official sources, how dangerous to Health the tap water flowing in our houses can be.

Second reason for the Health of your loved ones. You owe this to the young children and babies in your household. They are much more sensitive than healthy mature people to inferior water quality.

And they drink more water than adults, relative to their body weight, so that the risk to their health is larger. A similar reasoning applies to aging persons as well, if any are around.

Third for the other uses besides drinking, like cooking (soups, juice, coffee, tea etc.), bathing and showering that, if satisfied with bad water, also risk to worsen the well being of all affected.

Fourth for the bad taste. Why in the world should you agree to be sentenced to accept whatever bad taste water the municipality runs in their old and filthy pipe lines, when you can with a simple device upgrade many times over the taste, confidence and safety of one of the most essential factors of your life.

Fifth for saving all the useless cost of purchasing bottled water. That is if you are caught in the trap that only bottled water is worth being drunk. This opinion has been demonstrated to be questionable at least, in the majority of cases.

In a year time that needless expense sums up to quite a hefty amount. You could find more satisfying uses for that money, don't you? Not to mention the environmental pollution generated by the mass of empty plastic bottles you will have to throw away.

Sixth for the comfort. Once your device is installed, you are free from all worries. You will have to change a filter once in a while, sure, not a big deal if you consider the advantage of profiting from the unlimited supply of all the water you may need, now pure and healthy.

Seventh for the convenience. It is reported that the additional cost of purifying home water amounts to less than ten cents a gallon. You may wish to check the estimates if you doubt their accuracy but that seems a reasonable figure. Not bad, if you think of the benefits you enjoy when you take your decision.

Depending on the specific home purifier water system you select there may be additional compelling reasons to convince you of the wisdom of your choice.

These are the money back guarantee the supplier may be ready to grant if you are not satisfied. Or the Warranty for Life, that some suppliers are ready to give, at certain conditions.

Or the customer support service, should you ever need help. Or a phone service to answer your questions and doubts, if you feel that only a specialist would satisfy your curiosity.

In short there are so many good reasons for seriously considering installing a Home Water Purifier that it would be a pity and a waste to hang on: do it now!

Elia E. Levi is a retired engineer.
After researching the subject of drinking water quality and of home water filters and purifiers, he set up a website where he proposes the results of his inquiry for all to consider, to reach independently their conclusions.
Read more on these subjects in Home Water Purifiers

Water Wall Paint Damage

A Loft Conversion - A Fantastically Versatile Space Saving Room For Your Overcrowded Home

Because of the way the housing market is at the moment, banks feeling the credit crunch and not making as many mortgages available to lenders as in previous years and home owners not feeling confident with the way the housing market appears to be going, more and more people are staying in their homes and not selling or moving up the property ladder. This generally will have an effect on the overall housing market, driving property prices down as though people who are desperate to sell are forced into desperate measures to try to get a sale. But what of those people who want to move but realize that it may be foolish to do so with so much uncertainty in the housing market?

More and more people are looking to add a loft conversion to their home in an attempt to maximize space for the family. These rooms can serve many purposes and allow much of the old living space in the house to be spread out over a third or fourth floor. Relatively cheap to convert, a loft is the ideal place for an extra bedroom, a social room, a master bathroom or even a study away from the noise that is usually going on in a family home.

Many larger families are looking to make the most of all of the available space within a home as I'm sure that you all know, kids just do not seem to stop growing and take up more and more space each day. Many families choose to use their loft conversion as a play room for the children, taking all of the clutter and toys that is associated with children and putting it way out of sight at the top of the house. This plan seems to work very well all round as the kids are playing in the safety of the family home and the parents know where they are and it frees the rest of the house up to be a proper family home.

If you choose to use the loft conversion as a bedroom then you will need to look out for special loft furniture, this is usually a little smaller than standard furniture as the height of the ceiling in the loft is usually a little lower than that in a conventional room. That being said all of the usual furniture that you would need for a room is available in the slightly scaled down loft version.

If you wanted to use the loft as an office or a work room then you may be able to get a second room out of the loft conversion. Lofts are deceptively big and unless you needed a very large office or workroom you would perhaps have enough room for an extra bathroom as well. A benefit of using the loft as an office is that office furniture takes up very little space so you would maybe do away with the need to purchase any specialist loft furniture for it.

Whatever you choose to do with your loft conversion I hope the above information goes someway to show you how versatile a room a loft conversion can be, and with the correct usage of loft furniture you should be able to achieve all you have planned for.

For more info on all things home, loft and conversions please visit our site
Loft Furniture
Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site
Harwood E Woodpecker

Stairwell Mold To Basement

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Deep Fryer Guide to Mini Deep Fryers

If youre just one person, or someone with a small family who is wanting to deep fry food in the comfort of your own kitchen, then you need a mini deep fryer. Like with any cookware appliance, certain aspects of a mini deep fryer that you want to look for are durability, easy of use, safety, easy clean-up, and a style that meets your particular needs and general liking.

Mini deep fryers are a perfect addition to a small familys cookware collection, or for anyones personal use. What youre going to be able to find with a lot of mini deep fryers is the option of dual use as not just a deep fryer, but also a fondue pot. When you have limited space in your kitchen, this can be a big plus. Below is some information about a very popular mini deep fryer, the Nesco Mini Fry N Fondue:

The Nesco Mini Fry N Fondue is a three-cup deep fryer. It has a polypropylene exterior and an aluminum oil reservoir with a non-stick surface that makes it easy to clean up and easy to store. It has a removable lid and replaceable filter. One of its most attractive features is its viewing window in which you can actually watch your food cooking. With the three-cup oil capacity it has 950 watts of power. The lid actually stays in place while you lower and raise the frying basket to keep burning hot oil from splattering anywhere, which helps ensure safety. Safety is also found in the cool touch feature and non-skid feet on the bottom of the fryer. Finally, you can use your dishwasher to wash both the basket and the lid.

To learn more about other mini deep fryers you can get online and search a number of web sites that feature detailed reviews on various cookwares, including various types and brands of mini deep fryers. They come in different, attractive, and fun colors and styles. Their small size and portability make them easy to store in a home kitchen. You could also visit local department stores that sell cookware, or kitchen specialty stores, and consult with someone in person about mini deep fryers, while at the same time being able to see and touch them up close. They are a fun cooking item to have and use, and can be a great way to share cooking experiences with your children due to their easy use and safety features.

John Gibb is the owner of deep fat fryer sources , For more information on deep fat fryers check out

Monday, April 27, 2009

Renovation Time - Preparation, Planning and Permits - What You Need to Be Aware of Before You Start

With more snow appearing every week, it seems and a depressing housing market too many people the coming winter months will be a great time to either start some new home renovations, or finish the ones that have been put off. Without the distractions of the warm weather, the lake and the golf course now is an ideal time to get cracking on those projects.

Renovations can be as simple as new paint for some or as complex as finishing a basement for others. No matter what level you are, it's important that you are aware of local bylaws and follow all safety rules when doing your work. This can be as extensive as requiring building, electrical and plumbing permits being required along with detailed plans before proceeding. Or something as simple as proper disposal of leftover paint when your project is complete.

By checking bylaws and regulations first, you won't be left with any unhappy surprises later. Failure to have the proper permits in place may not seem necessary at the time and a great way to save costs, but could result in nullifying your insurance policy if non-permitted wiring causes a fire. On some occasions, even trying to sell your home several years later can be a major headache without the proper permits in place for your finished basement or newly installed basement bathroom.

Imagine having to remove all your drywall two years after the fact, just to get an electrical permit to satisfy a potential buyer of your property. Then you would also have the additional cost of redoing it afterwards adding time, frustration and additional cost to your initial money savings of a few hundred dollars for permits.

If you are working on an older home, you should be even more diligent with safety codes and acquiring all the proper information. Many homes from the 1970's used asbestos in the vinyl flooring and not only can it be hazardous to remove, but requires special disposal techniques. Depending on the new flooring being installed, sometimes it can be installed over top without disturbing it, or a sub floor can be added on top of it to seal it in.

Although all of the asbestos based products were banned in the early 1970's, some products still did manage to get installed after the ban as leftover flooring was used up. So if you are unsure, find someone to test it for you.

Electrical wiring in older homes can also be a challenge. Aluminum wiring and 60 amp service are two of the biggest challenges that arise. The older 60 amp service could even prevent you from placing insurance on your property, or you may be stuck with extremely high yearly rates. This could affect future resale values or the ability to sell at all.

If your home does have aluminum wiring, there are even special switches and receptacles required to ensure the connections do not overheat. You even require special Marrettes (the little plastic connectors that screw onto wires) when connecting copper and aluminum wires together.

Aluminum wiring may also affect the ability of you or a future home owner to put insurance on the property. If you do have aluminum wiring in your home, be very aware of plugs or switches that give off significant heat. This could indicate serious overheating problems and needs to be addressed immediately.

Proper renovations to a home not only make it more comfortable, but also a safer environment. So if you do have questions check with your local city or towns permit department to ensure you have all the information you need to make a safe informed decision about how to proceed.

Bill Biko

Helping people become involved in Alberta Real Estate and generating wealth while they sleep

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Building a New Home Basics

Building a new home can be a very stressful project to take on, especially if you have been saving up for this day for a long time and don't want anything to go wrong. It is best to be fully prepared before you start the project so that you can reduce the chances of any mistakes being made that could prove to be costly for you in the future.

To start off, figure out how much you can afford to spend. This will end up influencing a lot of your decisions like the kind of architect you hire, the contractor you sign on, as well as the size of the house. Make a budget, and make sure you and everyone involved in the project is willing to stick to it. Include a ten percent miscellaneous fund or contingency in case you need to spend a little extra.

The next thing to do is to hire a very good architect. Make sure you talk to people you know to find out about the various architects in your city. You should do some research on this as well as set up meetings with your shortlist of architects and talk to each of them about your vision for your house. There is no point in hiring someone who will build a generic plan for you; your house needs to show your style so make sure you go in with a very good idea of the kind of house you want.

This means knowing more than the basic things like number of bedrooms and cost, you need to really think about the way you want your house to look. For example, if you want privacy for each room, if you have a lot of children and want the focus on the living area, or if you want a huge garden.

All these things are very important when the architect makes the plan for your house so make sure you think about these and then sign an architect who can understand it and help make it a reality.

Your architect will also give you options for the plan based on your budget. All the plans will be based on the vision you have for your house, but will have things that are different based on the amount of money you have to spend on the house.

Next, hire a good contractor. Talk to your architect, family and friends about people they know in the business. Look to hire someone with good references, and if you are on a tight budget make sure you hire someone who is known to stay within the budget. Set expectations with the contractor on the amount of influence you will have on daily matters, as you can choose to be very involved or simply sign the checks.

Once you have a good contractor in place and the plan has been finalised, make sure you stay involved with the project to make sure it proceeds according to the plan. While small changes might need to be made here and there, the larger picture needs to remain like the one you envisioned.

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New Jersey's Tax Exemption And Abatement Laws

P.L.1991, c.431 with final retroactive amendments effective August 5, 1992 consolidated, into one more flexible law, the various long term tax exemption laws under which municipalities may agree with private entities to undertake redevelopment projects in return for tax exemptions.

P.L.1991, c.441, effective for the first full tax year commencing after its January 18, 1992 enactment, consolidated the various five-year tax abatement and exemption laws into one, more standardized law to govern all tax abatements and exemption regardless of the type of structure.

Long Term Tax Exemption Law

Prior to 1993, which was the first full year of operation governed by the new Long Term Tax Exemption Law, under the provisions of N.J.S.A.40:55C-40, the "Urban Renewal Corporation and Association Law of 1961," commonly known as the Fox-Lance Act, a qualified municipality (a municipality with "areas in need of rehabilitation") could abate from 15 to 20 years the taxes on newly constructed industrial, commercial, cultural, or residential projects of a corporation, with profits in excess of the limited profits returned to the municipality, or from 30 to 35 years for condominium projects. Condominium projects were given 30 to 35 years in order to provide a realistic period for permanent financing. Also, prior to 1993 under the provisions of N.J.S.A.55:16-1 et seq., the "Limited-Dividend Nonprofit Housing Corporation or Association Law," a qualified municipality could abate for up to 50 years the taxes on newly constructed housing. Further, under N.J.S.A.55:14I-1 et seq., a qualified municipality could abate for up to 50 years the taxes on newly constructed senior housing. Lastly, prior to 1993, under the provisions of N.J.S.A.40:55C-77, the "Urban Renewal Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1965," basically the same types of properties and projects as the Fox-Lance Act could be abated for 20 to 25 years with all profits being returned to the municipality. In all cases under these property tax exemption laws in-lieu of tax payments were required.

Commencing in 1993 the provisions of N.J.S.A.40A:20-1 et seq. permitted a qualified municipality to abate the taxes on properties and projects in the same way the pre 1993 law did with the following notable exceptions:

A new, flexible in-lieu of tax formula was established with a phasing-in of payments in-lieu of taxes to occur under both the percent of gross rental formula and the percent of total project cost formula.

The formulas for computing payment in-lieu of taxes for both office projects and housing projects were changed. The minimum annual service charge for office buildings was reduced from 15 to 10 percent of the annual gross revenues of the project or units of the project. Municipalities retained the option of computing the payment in-lieu of taxes at no less than 2 percent of the total project cost or total project units cost. For housing projects the annual service charge was changed from a minimum of 15 percent to a maximum of 15 percent of annual gross revenue of the project or from a minimum 2 percent to a maximum 2 percent of the total project cost or total project unit cost.

The payment in-lieu of tax formulas remains basically unchanged for all other types of industrial, commercial or cultural projects.

Five-Year Exemption and Abatement Law

Prior to 1993, which was the first full year of operation under the new Five-Year Exemption and Abatement Law, there were three types of property to which a qualified municipality (a municipality with "areas in need of rehabilitation") could grant a partial exemption and abatement for a five-year period.

These property types included:

Homeowner improvements (including additions and enlargements) made to one-unit or two-unit residential dwellings that were more than 20 years old. As determined by ordinance the first $4,000, $10,000 or $15,000 of increased value due to improvement on each unit could be exempted from taxation (see N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.72 to 3.79).

Commercial and industrial improvements and construction projects (with less than a 30% increase in building volume) could have the full assessed value of the improvement exempted with payments in-lieu of taxes made at 2%of project cost or 15% of annual gross revenues or an in-lieu of tax payment phased-in. (see N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.94to 3.112).

Multiple dwelling improvements or conversion of other types of structures to multiple dwellings could have up to 30% of the full value of the improvement or conversion alteration exempted. No in-lieu of tax payment was required (see N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.121 to 3.129).

Commencing in 1993 the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:21-1 et seq., the "Five-Year Exemption and Abatement Law," which consolidated all provisions of the previous five-year abatement statutes, permitted a qualified municipality to grant partial exemptions and abatements on residential dwellings, non-residential structures and multiple dwellings in the same way the pre 1993 law did, with the following notable exceptions made to the new law:

A new, single definition of "areas in need of rehabilitation" was established to govern all exemptions and abatements which, if chosen, could enable an entire municipality to be designated as an area in need of rehabilitation (thus permitting new structures to facilitate infill construction).

The new five-year law also permitted, for the first time, tax abatements and exemptions for new construction of single family and multi-family dwelling units and non-residential structures rather than just improvements or enlargements to such properties.

The new law also increased the allowable maximum tax exemptions for the value added by an improvement from $4,000, $10,000, and $15,000 to $5,000, $15,000 and $25,000, respectively, as the municipal ordinance may specify.

Biography: Gerald Jerry' Dowgin "The Property Tax Doctor" and the author of the Homeowner's Assessment Review Guide ( a former tax assessor worked in the field of public finance at the State and local levels in New Jersey for more than three decades until his retirement in 2001. As a Supervising Tax Analyst in the Office of Research and Statistics in the Division of Taxation in the New Jersey Department of Treasury he worked principally on local property tax issues. Then he joined the Office of Legislative Services (OLS) in 1983 and served as the Secretary to the New Jersey Property Tax Assessment Study Commission for four years. While working in the OLS, Local Government Section he researched, drafted, and estimated the cost of the Senior Property Tax Freeze Bill which was signed onto law and worked on legislation that became law that virtually stopped the tax assessment practice of "Spot Assessments" in New Jersey that had treated many property taxpayers unfairly.

New Fascia Back Not Painted

Using the Minimalist Decorating Style

A small home is oftentimes an overwhelming place to decorate, but you can choose to use the minimalist decorating style to make your room feel larger and more open. Choosing your decor may be a little overwhelming, but the time spent finding the right pieces will be well worth your time.

Don't know where to start in finding pieces for your minimalist decorating style? Here are a few basic rules that you can use to create a room that you will enjoy and be proud of.

Rule #1: Minimalism is Key

In modern homes, minimalist decorating is a very popular way of giving your home that modern style. This look is normally associated with people who have more artistic leanings, but it is also popular in many other homes, too.

Minimalist decorating is a wonderful way to give the room a less stressful fear, too. This can help you to have a place of refuge and rest that you can come home to at the end of each and every day.

Rule #2: Adding Technology

Minimalist decorating does not mean that you will have to forego technology. There is many ways that you can add all of the technology components that you want without straying from the minimalist style of decorating. An entertainment system may be the place where you will want to begin your decorating, because it tends to be the center of entertaining.

A television can be a big choice these days with the many options, so you want to consider purchasing one based on your needs. A VCR or DVD player could be built in and you could choose a flat-screen, plasma, or other type of television to watch. Some of these television choices tend to take up less room than others, so keep that in mind when choosing.

Rule #3: The Affect of Windows

Newly constructed homes normally feature many windows in the construction. This can help a room and home feel more open and large. Using these windows to enhance the minimalist decorating style and the modern feeling can help you to make the home feel larger.


You can find many different minimalist decorating ideas simply by looking on the Internet and in magazines. Keep in mind that the pieces that you choose are up to you. By planning carefully, you can make the most of the minimalist decorating style to make your home feel more inviting and comfortable for you, your family, and your friends.

Adam Peters publishes articles for A focused website that offers the best articles on minimalist decorating and flooring.

Finding Structural Problems

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Adding Value With Home Improvement

Many people embark on home improvement projects with the aim of raising the overall value of their homes.

Whilst some projects will add real value to your home, other projects will not even re-coup their costs.

We look at the projects most likely to provide a good return on investment.

Central heating

This is pretty much an essential commodity nowadays and homes without central heating are likely to receive a poor reaction from potential buyers.

Opt for energy efficient systems that potentially use 20 to 40 per cent less energy.


Stylish, modern, good quality kitchens tend to be an excellent selling point, but remember to keep your outlay in proportion to your home's value.

Fitting a luxury kitchen into a starter home is unlikely to increase the property's value enough to justify the expenditure.


Buyers will also be impressed by a well appointed bathroom. A good move for owners of larger family homes would be to install a second bathroom, provided the space is available.


Increasing energy costs and environmental concerns provide a strong case for good insulation. Areas to look at include; roof lagging, hot water tank covers, pipe lagging, draught excluders and double glazing.


Extending your home to create a larger kitchen or add an additional bedroom has traditionally being a good way to add value to your home.

However the value of your property will also depend on your neighbourhood, so transforming a former council house into a seven bedroom mansion is unlikely to produce a significant increase.


A quick and simple way to improve the appearance to your home and win the approval of potential purchasers.

Although decorating will not significantly increase the value of your home, it will help you sell your property quicker and achieve your desired sale price.

Garden improvements

Neat, well-maintained gardens are popular with buyers, providing a blank canvas for keen gardeners and lower maintenance for those with less time or interest.

As with decorating, the garden is unlikely to make a significant impact on the property's value, but can be very helpful in achieving a quicker sale.

Don Suter is Managing Editor of the UK Property Portal (, an online directory for UK property sales, rental, surveyors, mortgages, conveyancing, property insurance, removals, news, investment and development.

For more information and advice, search our property sales pages

Framing Basement Walls

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sweeping Ahead - The Building Industry

An arcade, is a series of arches, lined up in a straight line or in a circle, columns or pillars have been used since ancient Egyptian times. The Romans used arcades and countless very different structures, the bleachers surrounding the theatre in some temples or in the Coliseum, and building of aqueducts.

A Column is a vertical support employed to support a horizontal structure of a building and can be circular or polygonal and its height must be at least four times greater than the width of the section. The first columns were made from logs or canes tied together.

The Dome is a concave deck of a building, usually in a hemispherical shape, until the nineteenth century they could only be built in stone or wood and were often reinforced with iron straps. However since the industrial revolution there have appeared numerous materials suitable for building a dome, such as cast iron, reinforced concrete, steel, aluminum, laminated wood or plastic.

Other important elements in these building systems are the structures that serve to bridge major structural points with a weight much lower than that of a conventional beam. The structures can be wood or steel and may take any form, since they are based on the branch structure formed in triangles. In the eighteenth century, mathematicians had learned to apply their knowledge to study the structures, making it possible to calculate the exact tensions that occur in any situation.

During the nineteenth century, engineering undertook many large scale construction works, such as bridges, dams and tunnels. This is essential for scientific progress in the building trade, as the calculation of a structures needs or the resistance of materials is essential.

Some types of structures such large buildings like warehouses, factories and even homes, as well as bridges or roads had not gone through many big changes as far as basic structure is concerned up until the last one hundred years. A large part of the changes that have occurred over the last century are based purely on the introduction of new technology and thus new materials.

A structure can now be formed in outrageous shapes and dimensions that even thirty years ago would have been beyond the comprehension of builders. These new materials continue to appear with exiting innovations being released each year to challenge the minds of not only big city architects but also more local institutions such as alteration services in Chester who are at the forefront of this ever changing building design in Chester.

Darrell F writing about building design in Cheshire and also refurbishment in Cheshire

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Exterior House Painting - Homeowner Tips

Fixing up your house can be a fun and exciting time, as you decide on a new look for your home. Designing and planning home projects is both complicated and time consuming, but if done right the results are very rewarding for you and your family.

Exterior house painting is one of the quickest and most surefire ways you can change the look of your home. Painting it a different color or just mixing up the color schemes can give your house a fresh new look. Be sure to consult experts, or do your own research, when deciding on color schemes, as certain colors do not mesh well.

It is better to do this research prior to painting, so time and money is not wasted learning the hard way that certain colors clash too hard for your home. Exterior house painting is not Chinese algebra, but doing your homework never hurts.

Contractors' opinions are useful as well, as they have probably been in the business for some time and have experience with color schemes. Consulting a skilled contractor is a good idea before making a final decision on your exterior house painting choices.

Hiring a contractor is wise as well because of the time and headaches you will save while getting a professional job at the same time. Many people take home projects lightly and end up paying the price later, whether it is a monetary price or just the hassle that comes from disappointment in your decision. Taking some time for planning and design will probably help you to avoid these messes.

More information on College Works Painting exterior house painting for your home is just a click away

How to Remove Pet Stains

You can find all kinds of products that will help you to remove nearly all types of stains. The perfect solution in completely removing stains is by cleaning the spills and dirt the second they appear.

There are a number of ways to clean up stains by using products in your home which you use frequently, such as detergents, rubbing alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. You just need to know how to use these regular household products.

Your first option is to use 1 teaspoon of clear, household type ammonia and a half cup of cold water. You can apply this solution to the carpet directly or use it in a spray bottle. It is crucial not to wet the carpets backing when you use the solution. Once you have applied the solution, you can use paper towels to blot; allow it to dry from top to bottom.

Your second option is to use detergent solution made of dish soap or hand soap. The ideal combination is one quart of water and one quarter of a teaspoon detergent. You need to make sure the soap does not contain lanolin or bleach.

Your third option is to use water. It will re-hydrate the stain to help with removal. The majority of pet stains can be cleaned up by using a steam cleaner. Once you are done, be sure to dry the area as completely as possible.

Ink stains

1. Buy isopropyl rubbing alcohol.

2. Apply it by pouring some onto a clean white towel or cloth. You can use paper towels if they are white.

3. Blot the stain as much as possible until it is cleaned.

4. Be careful, because if the stain is small, you should blot in one direction only so you do not spread the stain.

Beer and wine stains

1. Mix a solution with 1 part water and 1 part white vinegar.

2. Apply the mixture to the stain. You can use a spray bottle to saturate.

3. Allow the stain to sit around 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Use a sponge and clean in a rubbing motion.

5. Rinse the area with warm water.

6. Brush the carpet pile back into the natural direction it has.

7. Use layers of white paper towels; place them on top of the area; put something heavy on the paper towels. Wait until the area has dried.

Protect your carpet against paint drips, snow, mud, dirt, stains, and heavy traffic conditions. Read about plastic carpet protections as well as temporary carpet protections.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fence Building Ideas

What if I told you where to get the ultimate fence building Encyclopedia? Better yet, what if I told you, you could get it for under $20? If you're building a standard 1 x 6 dogeared fence, that's 6 foot tall and made from wood, with 4x4 post cemented into the ground, this book might not interest you, but if you're thinking about building a fence, that will make all your neighbors jealous, you might be interested in the "Fence Building Bible."

If you're interested in using your imagination, along with some of the information in this fence building Encyclopedia, if you're interested in creating a masterpiece, instead of just another barrier that divides the property, you had better think seriously about, either running down to your local library and checking the book out, or purchasing the book, so that you have it on hand when needed.

Here's a quote from the product description that could be helpful, "Beneke suggests the appropriate types of fence to keep the swimming pool secure, con fine the livestock, keep deer away from the garden, or create outdoor living spaces. He then discusses the essentials of proper fence design and provides step-by-step illustrated instructions for planning, building, maintaining, and repairing any style of fence."

If you're planning on building a fence to keep livestock, it would be extremely helpful to know what kind of fence will be necessary to keep pigs or cows separated from the other animals, including you. There's nothing worse than building a new fence, putting some large cattle inside of it and having them tear it apart and escape.

The fence building Bible as simple instructions, with lots of illustrations, to give you plenty of ideas. There's a good chance that you will see a fence in this book that you have never seen before. If you're thinking about building something out of the ordinary, I would suggest strongly, that find this book.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Solar House Books

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Home Improvement Tips - Renovating So You Can Age at Home

When remodeling your home you should think to the future. Do you have an elderly relative that might be moving in at some point or should you be planning for your own future?

A recently released a study that found 75% of the people who currently own homes planned on retiring in them. Its even got a term. Aging in place.

Try to think with the future ahead in mind. Here is some ideas to keep in mind when you are renovating your home.

  • Consider a more open more wheelchair friendly layout for your design.
  • Remodel your home so that you can live on the ground level if necessary.
  • Avoid steps on the main floor if possible.
  • Widen doorways to make them wheelchair accessible.
  • Try to plan the front entry as low as possible to the ground and eliminate stairs with sloping walks.
  • In a bathroom remodel, install extra reinforcement for grab bars and make them handicap accessible.
  • Use lever type faucet handles in bathrooms and the kitchen.
  • Plan for a lot of storage within easy reach - the area from 20 to 44 inches above the floor and no more than 20 deep.
  • When installing cabinets use drawers where possible.
  • Make sure that drawers have pulls that are easy to grasp.
  • Install lever handles on doors throughout the house.
  • Consider hard flooring or choose an attractive, low-pile commercial carpet.
  • Place your electric outlets higher than normal and switches lower.
  • Consider a shelf outside the front door so you can put down packages while looking for keys and bringing bags in from a car.

Not only will these upgrades to your home benefit you if you choose to retire in your home, it will also likely make it more appealing should you choose to sell it at some point later.

Bob Current writes about a variety of subjects including home renovations. You can download his free report on Choosing The Best Contractor For Your Renovation at

Saturday, April 18, 2009

How to Buy Your Wood Stove

Given all the variety in today's wood burning stove market, when you come to the point of actually buying a stove for your house, the prospect can be intimidating. The good news is that it doesn't need to be. Here are a few tips to make the buying process as simple as possible.

First, choose a wood stove that matches your home size.

Several factors are involved here. In a nutshell, you need to decide what you want your wood stove to accomplish. Are you heating a single room, a floor, or your entire house? Once you after that question, you'll be able to decide what size category you should be looking at.

Fortunately, on the technology side of things, any new-model stove you buy will be certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. This means, practically, that the stoves you consider will all produce clean, radiant, efficient heat--so there's no need to get too concerned about so-called spec numbers like Btu output and square footage ratings. At best, these numbers are very general estimates, because they are not standardized, and vary widely depending on factors like climate, fuel, and house type. That's why stove size is the best way to guide your decision making.

Second, pick out your favorite designs and materials.

If buying a wood stove is part art, part science (I think it is), here's where the art kicks in. After you know what size you need, you can cut loose and let your sense of style be your guide. Case in point: welded steel is cheaper than cast iron and just as durable--but if you're looking for class, it's likely that the clean, sculpted lines of iron stoves will catch your eye.

Go ahead and decide, "Am I looking for heating output only, or heating and style?" In terms of sturdiness and efficiency, there's virtually no difference between iron and welded steel stoves. Designer materials like pewter and soapstone--offered in an array of colors--give you some opportunities to make your stove a conversation piece, but no drop-off in heating ability. So relax and enjoy this part. It's your call.

Third, list any "super powers" your stove should possess.

This is kind of obvious, but what could be worse than buying your stove, only to make a painful discovery a few weeks later? "Hey, where's that built-in spit for roasting small pigs and turkeys?" More seriously, you should ask yourself, "Do I need a wood stove with a cooking surface? How about an ash pan for easy maintenance? Do I have to have a removable fire screen?"

By identifying any non-negotiable features, you'll make your search more focused and make sure you don't regret your decision down the road. With all the manufacturers in the market today, someone is sure to be making the stove you're looking for. So take your time as you compile your feature list. These options pertain to convenience and aesthetics--not vital heating ability--so don't sweat it.

Finally, purchase your wood burning stove from a trustworthy dealer.

In the past, brick and mortar stores were the default place to buy wood stoves--and there continue to be reasons to buy locally, such as the opportunity to talk with an experienced dealer and inspect floor models first hand. Of course, buying via the internet is also a viable route today, and this may be even more true if you have a clear idea of what you're looking for. If that's the case, then shopping around online may lead to discounts. A good online store will have generous return policies and reps to address any questions you have. Whether you buy local or online, by doing your research, you're setting the stage for a happy purchase.

AJ Vanderhorst writes about how to get the most out of wood stoves. A world of warm aesthetics and hot, clean, fuel economy awaits your discovery. Explore today's wood burning stoves at Modern Wood Stoves.

Cast Iron Pipe In Top Plates

Prevent Falls with Stair Treads - Home Tips

Millions of people are injured each year from falls in the home, but you can help prevent them in your home by using carpet stair treads. Protect your family from dangerous falls and slip related injuries. Stair treads are one easy and inexpensive way to keep your family safe.

Stair treads should be a must in your home if you have children or elderly adults living with you, as these two groups have the greatest risk for fall related injuries. For older adults, a fall can have devastating consequences if it breaks a hip bone or creates another injury. Of fall injuries, a significant number happen on a home's stairs and a study on insurance costs found that only car accidents created more insurance costs than fall injuries.

Many people overlook their stairs when they are making their homes safer. They install alarms and locks, buy mats for their bathtub, and put in smoke detectors. While these safety features are all important, protecting your family from falls is also important. We often take for granted that hand railing will keep everyone safe on the stairs, but this just isn't the case.

Stair tread should provide a non-slippery surface on your stairs. Whether your stairs are concrete, wood, or carpet, you can add additional protection to them. You can find stair treads made out of rubber, metal, or braided materials. You can also use carpet treads on wood floors to stop people from slipping on them.

You'll find that buying carpet stair treads is cheaper than installing full carpet on your stairs. The treads will also look attractive next to wood flooring. Look for treads that will not only look great but will also allow you to see the depth and width of the steps. This will also help individuals walk up and down safely.

In addition to the stair treads, encourage your family to turn on the lights when they need to go up or down the stairs. Many people try to navigate in the dark and either slip or they trip on items that have been left on the stairs. Using the lights will help you see any obstacles and help you see where you need to place your feet to safely make it up or down.

Installing carpet stair treads will help you keep your family and guests safe from unintentional falls. They are easy to install and will cost you less than fully carpeting your stairs. Don't forget to make your stairs safer as you add safety items to other parts of your home.

An often overlooked safety feature for your home is carpet stair treads

Learn more about discount carpet ideas and solutions at My Flooring Pro

Friday, April 17, 2009

California Seasonal Maintenance

Buying a home is a good investment opportunity and in the years to come you can see the value of your home rise. Many people buy a home with the intention to sell it in a couple of years for a profit. However, some people who put their property out for sale complain that they are not getting the price that's suitable to their property. Why does this happen? Reason buyers are complaining is the bad housing conditions and this makes them want to lower the price.

Such situations won't happen to your home if you have taken steps to maintain it all through the year. Every season entails its own home maintenance requirements and as a California homeowner you need to keep tabs on such things, to have a home that's in top condition, at all time. Here is a look at some useful seasonal home maintenance tips:

Fall and Winter

Clean all your windows and use weather-strips to seal air leaks as this will enable you to make less use of your heater and furnace

Check the motor between bricks of your fences and chimney.

Clean up your gutter and down spouts. Use a gutter filter to prevent debris from falling into it.

Check all your GFCI outlets. These outlets must be present in all wet areas such as kitchens and bathrooms as they help to protect against shocks.

Make sure that all your home electrical appliances are working properly as you will need heating devices to function as winter time proceeds.

Spring and Summer

Check your home's exterior paint and foundation for any cracks and signs of deterioration.

Look around your house. Do you notice water settling around the house rather than draining away? If so, fill up the soil area in such a way that it slopes away from the home.

Check the homes attic and crawlspaces for water leaks, mildew, fungus growth and pest. Clean these areas thoroughly.

Check out on all concrete areas of your home for cracking. If you notice any, fill them up with a concrete-patch to prevent any further deterioration.

Paul is a principal of Search Northern California builders, California condos and active adult California today!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Six Tips For Decks Built to Last

You too can build a deck.

All you need is a few dozen screws, nails, bolts, posts, gravel, stain, thinner, drill, hammer, measuring tape. This article offers some tips about how to build a deck that is strong, economical and comes up to the owners expectations.

Tip #1

Doing things the old-fashioned way may not always be the best idea. Many good software packages offer help in designing your deck. Their services may include alternative designs, list of materials, tools that are needed, measurements and sometimes even building rules.

Tip #2

Once you have carefully planned it out, you need to get materials. There are several newer options available besides pine, cedar and rosewood trees. Manufacturers offer other materials that look and feel very much like wood. These materials are cost effective as they require less maintenance worries and are stronger and less subject to damage.

Tip #3

It is important that the deck be strongly founded. You may want to get professional help if you don't have the tools and skills to level prepare ground, create good concrete pier holes and pour concrete. You must then apply vertical anchors at the appropriate time.

Tip #4

Building codes in most localities determine the required distance between support piers. Since most lumber comes in 8 foot or 12 foot lengths, making support distances equal to or less than that leads to fewer cuts.

Tip #5

In most cases, ledger boards lay up against the house to support the joists (support beams under the walking surface). If it is moved away from the wall, it can prevent corrosion by moisture.

Tip #6

Prefer screws and bolts over nails. This is because screws last longer and work better. Nails on the other hand rust pretty soon. This obviously will lead to the weakening of connections of the deck.

Adam Peters loves writing for websites on many consumer subjects. Learn more about patio sun rooms and six tips for decks built to last at

Kitchen Articles

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spray Foam Insulation Lets You Go Green

The unique challenge of our times is conservation. Everything, from public busses to private homes, is feeling the pressure to go green. In some cases, it's easily accomplished. In others, it's not as easy. And in all aspects of life, the focus has shifted to renewable, eco-friendly resources.

They say every little bit helps. Why not do your part to make your home or business more environmentally helpful? By using eco-safe, agriculturally based spray foam insulation, you can.

There are a variety of insulation options but some are much greener than others. If you're concerned with your home using renewable, energy efficient materials, then using a foam insulation spray could be your solution.

In addition to other benefits you get from using a foam insulator in your home or business, the product is also environmentally friendly. It's made up mainly of renewable resources and the means of application is Earth friendly. It is free of ozone depleting components, and the application solution is water based.

Unlike similar petroleum based products, the greener spray foam has the highest oxygen index, and zero fuel contribution. There are few products that can boast such qualities. The properties of the insulation also help to make your home energy efficient.

You can apply this insulation anywhere you need it, around joints, joists, frames and other building support structures and still get a tight seal. You won't get any air pockets or little crevices where air can leak in or out. This sort of air tight sealing ability helps to keep your heating and cooling units working efficiently. Also, it allows you to get a smaller unit because it doesn't have to work so hard. It's been shown to reduce heating and cooling costs by 40%. That's effectiveness you can see.

Not only is spray foam insulation green, it's versatile. It functions well as a barrier to airborne sound and comes with one of the highest fire resistances available in similar products. Pest and rodents won't do any damage because the insulator has no nutritional value to them. It's water resistant, and flexible enough to allow some movement of the building structure. Finally, it produces no toxic vapors after it's applied. You can even rent or buy the equipment and install it yourself.

With concerns about the environment on everyone's minds, it helps that you can find products to help in your conservation efforts. You can get greener cars, recycle your trash and electronics, and buy energy efficient appliances. Why not make your home or business part of the solution? Renewable resources benefit all of us.

The best thing about spray foam insulation is that you can put it anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're starting fresh on your building, or replacing worn out or useless materials. The spray foam can be applied to existing structures with the same effectiveness it has on new structures.
If going green is a priority for your house or office, applying spray foam insulation is another way to help your environment.

With concerns for the environment growing daily, it's good to know there are more ways that we can be eco-responsible. For your home or business, you can apply spray foam insulation, renewable and energy efficient product. Visit Apex Foam today to see their foam selection.

Wrong Attic Insulation

Hiring a House Painting Contractor - Home Tips

With a professional, homeowners know they are getting the very best the field has to offer. Trained in the ins and outs of the craft, these professional contractors will be able to provide a level of service unmatched by even the more savvy amateur painters. When it comes to paining, homeowners should stop at nothing to ensure their paint job is the best on the block.

A house painting contractor will help to ensure that homeowners get the most out of their painting projects. A well-painted house will turn any remodeling endeavor into a beautiful creation. The exterior painting of a house will do wonders to improve the quality of the rest of the projects in a remodel. This ensures that things come together nicely and the work that went into creating the remodel is put to good use. With a house painting contractor, homeowners know they are in good hands and are able to sit back and relax a bit.

They may also choose to focus on other projects that may not need the expertise and training of a professional. Handling these smaller tasks may help to get things moving faster and get the remodel done as quickly as possible. When things are moving forward like this, the homeowner is able to enjoy the finished product sooner. A house painting contractor will help to ensure the exterior painting, one of the most important aspects of any home improvement endeavor, is done right and in a timely fashion. After all, nobody enjoys delays to their project.

More information on a house painting contractor is just a click away.

Corrosive Metal Conduit

Monday, April 13, 2009

Remote Light Switches

Remote light switches - switches which allow you to turn lights (or other appliances) off or on without having to manually toggle the switch - are getting pretty commonplace these days. From internet searches to infomercials to the shelves of your local home improvement stores, these devices are everywhere.

Wireless television remotes were first developed in the 1950's. By today's standard these mechanical devices were primitive. When you pushed a button it would hit a metal bar with an audible "click" (hence the term "clicker"). The television circuits would respond to the resultant frequency and the television would turn on, turn off, change channels, etc. Unfortunately, anything that resulted in the same frequency would have the same result as my family found out when we discovered we could manipulate the television while eating simply by the sounds of our knives and forks hitting each other or the plate (my brother was especially adept at this).

Technology improved and the number of practical applications for remote controls increased. Remote light switches typically send signals to receivers either wired to the device to be controlled itself or receivers which have been plugged into an outlet with the device then plugged into the receiver. The receiver is programmed to respond to certain remote control transmitters. When you push a button on the remote, the device responds to the transmitters as programmed. This technology is sometimes employed during remodeling of rooms and in the construction of log homes, when accessing the electrical wiring to the house directly can be difficult.

When was the last time you were in the basement and absent-mindedly turned off one light before you turned on another and you were literally feeling your way along the walls to turn on a light so you could see? Or the last time you hit your shin on something in the living room stumbling around in the dark? How about the last time you stayed out later than you planned and came home to a dark house?

Just think of how handy it would be to have remote light switches for these and all of the other applications you can think of! These devices are a must for every household!

To read more visit Remote Light Switches

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Luck is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

You must be ready when an opportunity comes before you, opportunity often comes in the form of work and that's why most people seem to miss it. Most people are too busy looking for the easy path through life. They seem to lay around waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime,... to simply fall at your feet.

Why would you want to spend so much time complaining about something, or someone? Other people can help you along the way, if you let them, but it's up to you, ultimately, to become the most you can possibly be. I have had plenty of opportunities in my life and have took advantage of some, while letting most of them pass by.

I'm no different than most people but now seem to be aware of my surrounding opportunities, all the time.

How many times do you wish for an opportunity to come along? It's probably one that you missed already, at some point during your life. Are you going to be prepared for the next opportunity when it comes along? These opportunities seem to repeat themselves throughout our lives and if we're not in the right state of mind, we often overlook them and let them pass by, time and time again.

You need to prepare yourself in advance for the next opportunity. If you are prepared and have your eyes open, you will be able to see the next opportunity that comes your way. Preparation will increase your chances for success and good fortune always.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Be on the lookout, when you're walking to the grocery store, taking a break at work, reading the newspaper, talking to your neighbor, walking down the street or even while you are sitting alone, letting your mind wander away. Your chances for success could come while your in your quiet places, or relaxing. Be prepared.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Stucco Stain From Roof Leak

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What are some problems painting metal siding

Painting metal and aluminum siding can become a nightmare if not done right. Over the years I have worked on and repaired many homes with metal siding. Metal siding is real common in mobile homes. Most older mobile homes use aluminum paneling for their exterior siding.

Most painted metal siding seems to last at least 20 years. The reason for this is the paint is baked on in a factory giving it a high quality and nice looking surface. This baked on method is used for painting aluminum and most metals siding that gives the product a long life.

I lived in a mobile home park for a few years and my next door neighbor's mobile home had never been painted and was over 45 years old. He would go out and washed the mobile home once a year with some TSP soap while using a brush on the end of an extension pole to clean the home.

His mobile home might not have looked brand new but it was definitely in great shape. Over the years he had developed a few scratches and some dirt that was hard to wash off but that was about the extent of the damage to the painted metal siding.

Well we painted our mobile home and used an expensive metal primer along with some expensive paint from Dunn Edwards & Co... This paint worked great. We lived there for around four years and never had any problems once the home was painted. Having been in the construction business I knew we had to use a good metal paint primer in order for the paint to stick to the baked on paint process for the metal siding to look good.

Here's my advice to you when painting metal siding.

1. Make sure the metal siding is clean. Use TSP soap along with a scrub brush and scrub that baby clean. The cleaner the metal surface the better the new paint primer will stick or adhere to the old paint.
2. Follow the instructions carefully on the paint primer can when applying the primer. Do not paint below or above the recommended paint temperatures.
3. Make sure you explain to the paint salesman at whatever store you're in that you are going to be painting metal siding. Get the right paint primer.
4. I would love to recommend a paint primer but cannot because I don't want to get a phone call from anyone a few years from now telling me the paint is peeling off of their home. Let that responsibility become the paint manufacturers.
5. Let the paint primer dry for the recommended time as per the directions on the paint primer can. I prefer letting the paint dry at least one week. The reason for this is some paint primer's stay soft for a while and if you paint over them immediately they doesn't seem to bond as good and sometimes will stay soft for a long period of time.
6. Apply your final coats of paint following the manufacturer's instructions on the paint can.

There you have it painting metal siding is all in the preparation of the surface you are painting.

Have fun painting and always read and follow the manufacturer's recommended instructions for the products you are using. These people test their products constantly and know the best way to apply them to any surface.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on different Types Of House Siding

Two 3 Foot By 5 Foot Double Hung
Check Brick For Flashing

Hiring a Contractor - Vista Handyman

The first question you need to ask yourself when remodeling a bathroom is can you actually do the work yourself or do you have someone that can help you with the remodeling. If you don't know anyone and can't do the work yourself, I would suggest hiring a contractor with experience remodeling bathrooms.

If you can do the work yourself or think you could do the work yourself, why not give it a shot. Any experience you have in construction or home remodeling, is going to be beneficial to your bathroom remodeling project. There is plenty of information on the internet or in your local libraries on bathroom remodeling and these often prove to be great resources for do it yourselfers.

As an experienced contractor I have gathered a great deal of information through books, at work and watching local home improvement shows. The biggest problem with the show's and quite a few of these books, is they don't provide enough information. Most of the time they provide you with the basics of bathroom remodeling and you could soon find yourself in trouble or seeking the advice from a home improvement professional.

The largest benefit for doing the bathroom remodeling project yourself, could be the money you save, along with the satisfaction of completing the project. It makes homeowners feel good when they've completed a large home remodeling project, like a bathroom remodel.

If you don't have the time, lack the experience or a combination of both, I would suggest hiring a contractor to relieve you from the stress and frustration of your bath remodeling project. The more complex your bathroom remodeling project is, the greater the degree of difficulty, the longer it will take to complete the project. Some of these projects can take up a lot of your time.

If you're working on galvanized water supply pipes or old cast iron waste pipes, you could find yourself hiring a plumber to install your bathtub and fixtures. These old pipes create problems for most do it yourselfers and I would suggest hiring a professional, whenever you run into a problem you don't feel comfortable with.

Choosing to tackle some of these difficult problems yourself, could lead to water leaks and more damage to the home eventually costing you even more money than the original cost of hiring an experienced plumber in the first place. When it comes to water, structural framing and electricity, think twice, especially if you're not experienced in these areas.

My advice to do it yourselfers is to hire a professional if you're not comfortable or seek the advice from a contractor or someone with considerable experience bathroom remodeling.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more House Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fear of Calling A Contractor

Your thinking about remodeling your home. You have asked everyone you know if they have a good contractor they trust or do they know anyone who does. You might have read a few articles like this or visited a couple of web sites to get as much information as you can about dealing with contractors during a house remodel.

Now the time has come for you to take the first step and call one of the contractors. You have spent some time looking through books and magazines to find just what you want done to your house. You have a idea of how much money you are going to spend if the job can be done exactly how you envision it.

You have called the city or county building department in your area to find out what is required from them in the way of building permits. If you have done some of these things you are ahead of most homeowners. There are a few of you that do know what can be done with a rough idea of how much the project will cost. A ball park figure lets say.

Most of the home remodeling Anxiety is caused from the miscommunication or no communication. The biggest problems I have had are from some sort of communication misunderstanding. I have been very lucky with having less than a handful of what I would consider a major home remodeling problem.

Do your best to explain what it is that you want done to your home. This also means understanding what it is exactly in writing what you are going to have done to your house. If you or the contractor do not understand this could lead to a possible anxiety attack and a problem.

Once you hire a home remodeling contractor the next step is to let them do their job. This doesn't mean. If you are watching them tear into a wall and the picture on the other side is about to fall off. Don't bother them. Of course stop them and remove the picture. We all make mistakes. If you see something isn't working out, talk to your contractor about it.

Don't be afraid of your contractor. If you see that what you had in mind isn't working out to your satisfaction. Explain the problem calmly and be to the point. I don't like it when someone beats around the bush and I never get to the problem. I would rather have them yelling at me, telling me what a jerk I am than taking two hours to make a point I have to drag out of them anyway.

If you do come to a problem that neither one of you can solve or you think the other one is at fault for whatever reason. You can contact the Department of Consumer Affairs and explain your situation to them. There is a good chance if you need a arbitrator they will set up a time and day for you and your contractor to meet. The arbitrator will come to a final decision for the both of you and that will be final. Of course their is always the Supreme Court... Well we don't want to go that far do we.

Most of the time if you have everything in writing in the form of a contract you shouldn't have any problems. If you do there is a great chance they will be able to be resolved quickly.
Doing major remodeling to your home can be extremely stressful at some points. Listen to your contractor when he is giving you advice on how to deal with the stress. He is a good source of wisdom especially if he had been doing it for years.

Resolving home remodeling anxiety will be a little more difficult during the construction process. It is very important to think the remodeling project through all the way to the end if you can. Try to think about worst case scenarios and figure out the best possible solutions before they happen.

Flying off the handle sometimes causes hammers and humans to lose their heads, as well as their effectiveness. William Arthur Ward

For more helpful home improvement information visit:

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Visit us now for Home Improvement Tips

Vista Remodeling

Roof Raking - Home Safety Advice

Knowing how to use the snow roof rake correctly is essential to both your safety and health. There are ways that you can make roof-raking safe and you can reduce the effort that you have to put into the raking.

Snow-Raking Can Be A Difficult Job

You will find that raking the snow off your roof is much more difficult than raking your yard. For one thing, a roof is inclined and this is why you have to either use a manual tool to remove the snow or you will have to call in a professional to rake your roof for you. Gravity can help you, however, if the snow fall does not come down for a very long period of time, because the snow will eventually melt, which will keep the ice off of your roof with very little effort from you.

Aluminum Or Hard Plastic Roof Rakes

You will need an aluminum ladder and a roof rake to rake your roof. Roof rakes are attached to the end of an aluminum or hard plastic tube to enable you to reach the entire roof area. If you want a roof rake that will last you for a while, then you will want to choose an aluminum one over a plastic one. YOu will need an aluminum ladder to allow you to get up to the roof area and rake the roof to prevent ice. You can even use a chemical deicer if you desire.

Raking Your Roof Safely

There are a few things that you need to refrain from doing when clearing the snow from your roof.

1. Do not climb on the roof to clear off the snow. The mixture of the slippery snow and ice with the inclined roof are a combination that can be quite dangerous.

2. Do not pound or chop on the roof to remove the ice or snow. You could damage your roof if you do.

3. Make sure that your aluminum ladder is anchored firmly to the ground and it offers you firm footing for raking. You may even want to consider having someone hold the ladder to ensure that it does not move while you are raking the roof.

Alternatives to Roof Raking

If you want to save yourself time and energy, you can install de-icing cables on your roof. These cables are installed in a zigzag pattern across the roof and parallel to the gutters. You use a controller inside your home to warm up the cables to melt the snow and ice without any effort from you.

Andrew Caxton is the author and editor of many resources published at A focused website that offers the best articles on lawn care and snow removal, read more at snow roof rakes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Home Building Concrete Epoxies

When concrete epoxies first came out I was working on a church remodeling the sanctuary. We were building a set of stairs that was two steps in height and 75 feet long. The steps were going to get a hardwood covering along with the rest of the sanctuary flooring.

I had used redheads in the past and noticed that over time these redheads would loosen up. I could never figure out what caused the redheads to do this. Was it the concrete that was expanding and contracting or was it the steel redheads contracting and expanding.

Either way I can never figure out what was up with the redheads. Another name for a redhead would be an anchor bolt. Red Hed is actually the company's name that makes the anchor bolt used to fasten materials to concrete or masonry surfaces.

Finding out that Simpson building products had made any new epoxy and all it required was drilling a hole 1/16 of an inch larger than the all thread you were going to use . After drilling a hole you would clean it with a plastic brittle brush. This brittle brush was pretty strong but it was not made from metal like I have thought. I was thinking it would have been a nice metal wire brush.

After drilling and cleaning the hole you would insert the proper amount of the epoxy into the hole you had drilled out with a masonry bit. As you slid the cut to size all thread bolt into the hole the epoxy would ooze out of the whole. This would tell you there was enough epoxy in the hole.

After that I cleaned the leftover epoxy off of the wood that I had inserted the all thread into to remove the extra epoxy that had oozed out. I waited 24 hours and the next day came to work with my electric impact wrench and wanted to put this epoxy to the ultimate test.

I put the washer and nut on the all thread and started to torque the heck out of it. As I was tightening the nuts and washer it started to work its way into the wood.

I was simply amazed after 24 hours the epoxy had held that good.

That was then and today Simpson epoxy requires drilling a hole an eighth of an inch oversize and filling it with epoxy. I still can't believe and to this day am a firm believer in concrete epoxies.

Read the instructions, clean out the holes properly with the recommended brush, insert the proper amount of epoxy, and rotate the all thread slowly into the hole as the epoxy starts to ooze out of it. Do not touch or move the bolt for the next 24 hours.

Concrete epoxies are here to stay and will keep improving as time goes on.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on a great Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes in San Marcos Remodeling

Damaged Roof Plywood

Your Tin Roof - Four Reasons to Preserve This Heritage

Tin roofs are a part of our rich American heritage. Whatever your style-- standing seam panels, embossed tin shingles, copper sheets--they represent a piece of our past.

A notable founding father, Thomas Jefferson, is credited with influencing the early use of metal roofing. Due to the durability of the metal, the increasing availability of metal due to the industrial revolution and improved transportation, metal roofs established a strong hold on the roofing trade. World War II, introduction of inexpensive asphalt-based shingles, and increasing manpower wages ended tin roofing's reign.

Today, owners of vintage homes face an expensive decision when the existing metal roof rusts and starts to leak-save or replace.

Most owners would prefer to save a visible tin roof. There are four excellent reasons:

1. An old "tin" roof is usually a strong statement that "This residence belongs to someone who wants to save our heritage." Beginning in the 1990s, the release of modern coating materials allow this possibility. These modern coatings do not flake, last over ten years, and weatherproof against leaks. Plus these coatings are available in most colors.

2. Almost without exception, owners of tin roofing enjoy the sound of rain drops striking the roof panels.

3. Vintage metal roof owners tend to be aware of the importance of conserving our earth's resources. Indeed, this awareness has caused a resurgence of metal roofing because metal roofs are maintainable, reducing unwanted landfill deposits of old asphalt shingles. Vintage tin roof owners contribute to this renewable spirit by keeping a maintainable structure.

4. Finally the expense of maintaining a 100 year old roof compares favorably to new asphalt shingles and modern metal panels.

For the above reasons, tin roof owners are seeking and finding solutions to weatherproof older panels, protect the old metal integrity and improve the appearance of the residence.

If any tin roof owner wants proof of the durability of his/her roof, inspect the underside of a tin panel. Most of these metal panels were installed over slats, so the underside of the panels is clearly visible.

It is likely that the original coating is still intact over the original metal sheet. If the coating on the outside of the sheet is maintained, then that metal roof will probably outlast the present tin roof owner....and his/her children.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

To Install Gutters Or Not to Install Gutters

They divert rain water away from your foundation and landscaping. They protect the ground around your home from erosion. They keep water from pouring on your head as you enter and exit your home. They can be used to collect rain water for watering your lawn and plantings during drought times. Why wouldn't you want to install gutters on your home?

They leak. They clog. They overflow. They rob the plants around your home of a good soaking. They can cause tremendous erosion at the base of downspouts. They're ugly! They require maintenance from a dangerous rooftop or ladder. Why would you want to install gutters on your home?

There is no easy answer to the simple question: "Should I install gutters on my home, or not?" You'll simply have to weigh the pros and cons for your particular situation and decide for yourself.

The first thing to consider in making this decision is do you really need them? Take a look at the ground around your home. Does it slope away from your foundation? If it does you don't need gutters to keep water away from your foundation. If it doesn't you should probably look into some grading work before worrying about gutters anyway.

Next, take a look the landscaping surrounding your home. Can it be damaged by rainwater falling from the edge of your roof? This may be a tough question to answer at first thought. Go outside and inspect the areas under your eaves. If you find bare ground, mulch or lawn you should definitely consider gutters, or a change in ground materials that your rainwater will fall upon. If you find mature shrubbery, stone or any variety of hardscaping you probably don't have to worry about erosion. Consider the height of your roof. Water falling from the edge of a two, or three, story home will cause far more erosion and water falling from a single story home.

Do you have trees around your home? Are they taller than your roof? Will they eventually be taller than your roof? If you have, or someday will have, trees that will shed leaves onto your roof you should seriously consider making do without gutters. Consider installing an alternative to gutters, or invest in one of the better products designed to keep leaves and other debris from entering your gutters. And don't be fooled into thinking that coniferous trees (e.g. pines) don't count. They drop as much, or more, material onto your roof as do deciduous trees.

A clogged gutter or downspout is not only useless, it is dangerous. The overflow is likely to find its way into the fascia board to which the gutter is secured causing rot and possible infiltration into walls and other structural members of your home. Where the collected water hits a clog it overflows, pouring onto a concentrated area of your landscaping or hardscaping causing damaging erosion. Water is heavy. A full gutter can break free damaging your home, or worse.

Do you live in an area that compels you, or forces you, to ration water use? This factor alone can trump all others. Collected rainwater is superior to any other source of water for lawns and other plantings. It can be used to wash your cars or fill pools and other water features. You use it for washing clothes and bathing, even for drinking with proper treatment.

Can you get by with a simple diverter over your entryways allowing water to fall to one side or both? Can you simply deal with a bit of water shedding onto your head during storms? Can you deal with the mundane appearance of traditional gutters and downspouts? Granted, half-round copper gutters and round copper downspouts add elegance to Victorian and Gothic architecture, but standard aluminum "K" gutters and rectangular downspouts can do more to break the clean lines of modern houses than any other exterior accessory items.

Chances are you live in a home that already had gutters installed either for need or as an afterthought of conformity. If you are looking at having a new roof or siding installed think hard on all of these points before making a blind decision to replace your gutters and downspouts as well. If you are building new, consider the site and talk to your neighbors, especially if you are moving to an unfamiliar area. In the end, the decision is yours and yours alone. Make an informed one.

Mike Hudecheck
Pro-G Contractors
Roofing Siding Windows Doors
Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Philadelphia Counties in Pennsylvania; New Castle County in Delaware; Cecil and Harford Counties in Maryland

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wood Rot Problems In Your House

Let me give you some advice right now," All Wood Rots Eventually". I have heard it all when it comes to this wood or that wood lasting this long or that long........ Hello....... All wood is going to rot at some period of it's life.

With that out of the way we can focus on some wood seems to last a little longer under certain conditions.

Teak is a wood that has a lot of natural oil in it. But you won't frame a house with it. Teak is used on boats and expensive outdoor furniture. It is a excellent wood to use when building a ship. The woods natural oils seem to create a protective barrier around it allowing it to last a long time even at sea. Great wood for the outdoors...

Oak is a excellent choice for almost every wood finish inside your home. It is used for kitchen cabinets, entertainment centers, flooring, trim and furniture. Oak is a hard wood and can take a lot of abuse from almost anything except water. I have seen a nice piece of furniture get stained from just setting one glass on it for ten minutes. Great Wood For Inside Your Home.

Poplar is also a great choice for inside your house. This wood is used by many finish carpenters for making cabinets and other built ins for your house. It is also popular not poplar for wood trim . Most of the poplar that is used inside of your home will eventually get painted. So that makes poplar a inexpensive choice of wood for homeowners that want a nice painted finish on their interior wood projects. Great Wood For Inside Your Home.

Douglas Fir is the most common source of lumber used on the west coast of the United States. This is a extremely durable wood product. On the East Coast they use southern pine and the nominal thickness is usually two inches by four inches for a 2 x 4 . With Douglas Fir a 2 x 4 is one inch and a half by three and one half inches to support the same weight structurally. In my opinion one of the best home framing materials.

Douglas Fir can and has been for a long time now. A great source for clear finish materials used inside of the house. You will see a nice orange or brown looking piece of wood stained naturally in some older home. This is Douglas Fir. It can be a bit pricy but really gives a log cabin look to your home.

Redwood is a great choice for inside or outside your home. I love Redwood it has a nice look to it stained naturally. Redwood is used for a lot of siding, fences, decks and out door furniture. The main problem with Redwood is that is is soft and will get scratched easily. Now for the facts about Redwood. It does rot and termites will eat it.

Wood myth number one eliminated. I have heard stories about wood that termites won't eat. Well Redwood is not one of them. I have seen termites tearing this stuff up. Don't get caught up in the hype that this or that wood will last for 5 years or 50 years. Under the right conditions almost all woods will rot at a accelerated rate.

For more information on wood damage, check out wood repair at

Copyright 2008 Greg Vanden Berge All Rights Reserved

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Few Home Remodeling Rules

Smoke Stain On Outlet Cover

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Home Improvement Projects - Building a Deck

Adding a deck to your home is a very useful way of gaining some extra space on the outside of your home, this can be used as extra living space. Decking is a really great place to use to entertain people, or simply to sit down and look at your beautiful garden. Home improvement deck projects are some of the best simple projects which you can do around the house, it's even possible to do these by yourself without having to hire professional assistance. Decks are becoming much more popular as people like to spend more time outside in the garden.

It's actually pretty easy to create your own deck project, you just need to plan carefully and consider every aspect. You will be able to find many of these decking plans on the internet or in their home improvement stores alongside the other supplies. If you haven't worked with decking before then you should spend time getting to know the materials so that you don't make a mistake. The cost that you end up paying for the decking will depend completely upon the material and type of wood that you use, and the size of deck you need. It is best to try and buy the best quality wood possible as this will be the most durable. If you get extreme weather then it is always worthwhile getting advice to find suitable materials.

It's possible to complete most of these decking products in a weekend. It might take some people longer of course, it all depends how many cups of coffee you plan on drinking! Carefully following the home improvement plans for decking which can be found on the internet you shouldn't have any problems. Make sure you read all of the instructions and be careful not to rush.

Not only does a deck provide your family with more living space, but it will also increase the value of your home. As decks are so important many people buying a home will look for one with a deck, or at least a nice garden. Your house will have both of these things. It is important to have somewhere where you can eat outside, it's all very popular at the moment. You will certainly benefit from installing a deck, and it's also a really good way of adding value onto your home. When you have completed your decking project you simply need to add a few pieces of garden furniture and you can start enjoying the space. This extra space is well suited to party's as it's much easier to clean than your carpet.

Decking projects may seem like a huge thing to do, however it is certainly worth the effort that it takes to do. If you look after it properly then this deck will last for many years to come.

Kurt Schefken usually creates long articles on things relating to hurricane window protection and hurricane protection. Sharing his passion in publications on hurricane window protection and interior storm windows the columnist affirmed his experience in the field.

R30 Ceiling Insulation

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Improve Your Outdoor Decor With Patio Cushions

Patio cushions can make the enjoyment of your patio just that much more comfortable. They can also improve the look of your patio with a wide range of different styles and colors available that cater to almost any taste. You will be able to find a set of cushions that not only match your patio furniture and decor, but the look and feel of your home as well.

These types of cushions are not just functional - they can make or break the look of your patio. That is why it is important to research thoroughly the various patterns and colors that are on the market. That way you have the greatest chance of choosing a set of cushions that doesn't clash with your outdoor decor and works effortlessly with the look you are trying to portray.

When choosing a set of new cushions it is important to know whether you will be leaving your cushions outside when the patio is not in use. If this is the case, you will need a set of cushions that are durable, water resistant and won't fade in the sunlight. You will also want to select a set that are easy to clean, especially if you live in a dry or dusty location. Even more important is buying a cushion that has a fabric which won't encourage insects to nest in the cushion itself.

If you want to buy patio cushions that aren't as durable then you will need to put them away when you're not using your patio. You can either store them inside or buy a cupboard that fits on your patio. This cupboard could store other essentials such as cutlery or plates.

You can purchase patio cushions from home stores or garden shops. There are also sorts of colors, patterns and materials available.

The Patio Cushions Guide can provide you with more information on the best patio cushions.

Missing Kitchen Outlet Covers

How to Go About Painting Your Deck

If you have a deck in your house that has lost all its charm and causes you a twinge of regret every time you look at it, then you should seriously consider renovating it so that it doesn't create a sense of shame when you socialize or hold parties in your house. For many people, building a new deck is not feasible because of the expense that will be incurred.. However, this is no cause for worry as your old and faded deck can attain a brand new look by the simple procedure of painting it.

The only problem with painting is that it is a solution which will work only for a short duration rather than for a significant number of years. The reason is that paint cannot withstand harsh weather conditions and requires a lot of maintenance to retain its beautiful look. Despite this, it can come in very handy if you are looking for a temporary solution for your deck.

Before you commence with the painting of your deck, you need to prepare the surface of your deck thoroughly so that the painting does not go waste. This means that you have to inspect your deck carefully and fix problems like loose and damaged boards, twisted fasteners etc. Using galvanized nails and weatherproof screws for the repair work is recommended for imparting strength to your deck.

After this, you have to focus on cleaning the deck. A deck broom or pressure washer will be very effective here. Similarly, a commercial deck cleaner can also be used for the job. It is very important that the old finish, loose material, dirt etc. are completely eliminated from the deck while cleaning it. Once the deck has been cleaned, care should be taken to make it totally free of moisture.

Priming the wood surface is the next thing that has to be done. A superior quality exterior wood primer should be used for this purpose. If the primer is applied with the help of a brush, it will provide better protection to the wood. Again, two coats of primer are essential for maximum impact when it comes to wood protection.

Once the primer has dried and the deck has been cleaned, it is time to apply the coat of paint. Nowadays, floor and porch enamels with hardeners and extra pigments can be obtained which will not be damaged easily. Apart from this, you should choose oil based enamels that have semi gloss sheen as they are more resistant to water.

You need to realize that for a long life for the deck, maintenance is essential. Try and avoid the use of a garden hose for the deck as it can damage the paint that you have applied on it. The best way to clean the deck is to use a soft broom and a moist cloth that has been soaked in a detergent that is harmless and mild. All of this will keep your deck looking bright and new for a long time.

Adam Peters is a freelance writer .Find at more articles on vinyl railings

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