Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why Solar Energy? - 5 Reasons to Use Solar Energy

Many of us are aware of the changes being made to our climate causing weather patterns to severely alter around the globe but what are the major factors attributed to this anomaly? One of the major factors to Global warming as it's called is the emissions of Carbon Dioxide from power stations still burning fossil fuels.

Relying on coal oil and natural gas endangers our future. Toxic pollution global climate changes and the knowledge of diminishing fuel supplies is causing social unrest but we are adding to all this every time we use electricity. Instead of continually using fossil fuels that are unsustainable we should be looking to transform our world economy and global warming by using the alternative renewable energy that's so abundant on our planet, namely solar energy.

Here are 5 reasons why we should be using Solar Energy

1. All over the States people have been left without power. In California alone over the past few years Millions have constantly experiencing power cuts. Experts tell us this is just the begriming.

2. The Earth's population is estimated to reach 10 billion over the next 40 years so with energy sources depleting rapidly now is the time to make more use of Solar Energy for our power electricity needs.

3. Solar energy is clean, easy to use and solar panels and solar installation kits are constantly being improved upon while coming down in price.

4. Cost Effective: Using Solar energy to run electrical item in our homes was once thought of as too expensive but after the initial installation has been paid for there are no ongoing cost's so it's more cost effective in the long run.

Just think, the cost of electricity on the Grid is constantly increasing so by installing your own solar power you could pay off the installation fees in a few years easily from the amount you will be saving.

5. It may surprise you to learn that just a small fraction of the solar radiation that hits the earth could in fact replace the worlds energy consumption. Take into account that sunlight is a free commodity and you have another reason to use Solar Energy.

So to recap on why we should be using Solar Energy to replace fossil fuels. It's cleaner, it's not toxic, homes do not have to be connected to a national grid allowing remote places the luxury of electricity.

The earths population is increasing rapidly while our natural resources are depleting making it imperative that we use an alternative energy supply. And lastly it's a free resource that's in constant abundance.

Saving money is great but saving the planet is something we should all be doing our part in. By installing solar panels you will save money on electricity bills and help save the planet. To find out more about how solar power energy works and how easy it is to install visit

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