Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to Protect Foundation Plumbing Pipes?

If you install any underground plumbing pipes, in your concrete building foundation, you will need to protect them, from the concrete. You can use a variety of products and the most common of them will be a Styrofoam wrapping that can be purchased at most plumbing supply stores.

Let's start with the waste pipes, that are made out of plastic. The concrete could actually start to put pressure on the plastic pipes as the concrete starts to expand and this pressure could actually damage your new waste pipes.

You don't need to wrap all of the plastic waste pipes, only the parts of the waste pipes that will be exposed or in direct contact any concrete, but you do need to protect every copper water supply line that will be buried under the ground or exposed to the concrete, with a plastic sleeve. These products can be purchased again at most building supply or plumbing supply stores.

If these pipes aren't protected properly, you could find yourself within a short time, repairing the pipes that are either inside of your concrete foundation or buried underneath your concrete foundation. Either way, this isn't going to be a good thing.

You definitely need to wrap a plastic sleeve around the water supply pipes that are going to be buried or in direct contact with the concrete. This is a must and most building departments will require your plumbing pipes to be wrapped, before it they will sign off on your rough foundation plumbing inspection.

However, for the waste pipes, you can actually use cardboard to protect them. If you're short on funds, why not grab some cardboard boxes, dismantle them and start using cardboard to wrap the pipes, with a little duct tape.

There are plenty of ways to save money in the construction business, buy a few books, read a couple of articles, with a lot of pictures in this can provide you with lots of construction information, from experience building contractors.

Check out some of the best selling Home Building Plumbing Books all on one website

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repairs. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks for reading our articles

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10 Things a Homeowner Won't Tell a Contractor - Common Courtesy

I've been a contractor in the state of California for over 20 years and there are some things that a homeowner won't tell a contractor. These are a few things that a contractor might want to hear, but a reluctant homeowner, might have second thoughts telling their contractors how they really feel.

1. We are happy with all of the work that you did in a timely manner and we appreciate your services.

2. We are happy with the way you performed your construction tasks, efficiently and we appreciate your services.

3. The work was done by a true professional and we would recommend you to any one of our friends.

4. The payment plan that you created in the contract worked out perfectly and never made us feel uncomfortable. It never seemed like you had too much of our money or we were putting you in a bad spot financially.

5. Thanks for keeping the job clean, it meant a lot to us, because we have seen other construction jobs that look like a tornado ran through them.

6. Thanks for helping us with our design. Working with your contractor on a daily, weekly or monthly basis can be frustrating or joyful. Let the contractor know either way how you are really feeling.

7. You and your crew are extremely hard-working and we appreciate the simple fact that you didn't come to work late or leave early.

8. Thanks for the reasonable priced estimate on our project. You helped us say a lot of money and we appreciate that sincerely.

9. Thanks for doing the extra work at a reasonable price. You could have gouged us at certain times, but you chose to be fair and work things out, in a way that would benefit both of us.

10. This one is the most important and often overlooked by homeowners and it's simple and easy to do. Thanks for doing what you said you were going to do and actually doing it.

Just a simple thank you and paying them on time, for a service well done is enough for most contractors. However, a little common courtesy can go a long way, even in the construction industry.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Home Remodeling Contractor

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Click here if you're looking for additional Homeowner Contractor Advice. If you're interested in gathering more information on how to hire a good contractor, make sure that you visit our website.

Important Do-It-Yourself Home Remodeling Advice

Often I'm asked by homeowners, if they think that they can build something on their own. Often I end up explaining the process to them and it's pretty confusing. I would like to give some homeowners and construction handyman some do-it-yourself home remodeling advice, about projects that I think they should avoid and the reason why.

1. Working on Electrical Service Boxes

I really don't recommend, anyone who lacks experience working with electrical, to be working on it at all. When it comes to the electrical service box repairs, if you don't have any experience working in this specific area, I am suggesting this to all homeowners and do-it-yourselfers, stay away from electrical service power boxes. Electricity can be extremely hazardous to your health, so take my advice, this is coming from an expert on the subject.

2. Plumbing Water Supply Lines

I don't recommend, anyone who doesn't have any experience working with plumbing water supply lines, because if they break, or if your repair, doesn't hold properly, you could destroy a large portion of your home. Picture this, you just got through putting a new faucet in, everything looks great, but it's time for you to go to your baseball game. You come home about four hours later and the entire house is flooded with water.

This kind of stuff does happen and you need to take the advice of an expert here. It has even happened to me and I understand the process, pretty good. If you plan on fixing any plumbing water supply lines, make sure that you can spend the time, keeping an eye on your new home repair. If you're going to have any problems with them, they will usually happen within the first few hours of use.

I hope this helps, sometimes it's better to pay a professional, but I can understand, every intelligent person, is interested in saving a few dollars and learning new skills.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Pictures and Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Vista Home Repair Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Home Purchasing Checklists Provide Protection

Home purchasing checklists provide protection for consumers with useful information for future home repairs or current home repairs that will need to be done before the home is sold. Home inspectors often use checklists like these, while they're inspecting the home.

If more home shoppers used home inspection checklist while shopping for houses, we would probably have more satisfied homebuyers than dissatisfied ones. Recently just purchasing a home, we had our real estate professional, the previous homeowner's real estate professional and a mortgage lender, involved in the purchase of the property.

There was a home inspection report from the current homeowners, available for us to look at. It provided us with the damaged parts of the home that were repaired or replaced. Some of these repairs were from termite damage and it was stated so on the report. This was helpful information for us as we walked around the home inspecting it for damage.

The work that was repaired to look satisfactory and the rest of the home had minor damage. Listening to one of the real estate sales people that were involved in the transaction, you would've thought we would get in the deal of a lifetime and they had nothing but good news to say about the product they were representing. I easily understood that, this person could have influenced some one into believing that the home was in great shape, if they didn't have a home inspection checklist with them.

The home had been re-carpeted, painted and was in generally good shape. The problems with the home, were the old windows that were hard to open, the heating unit leaked gas, the tile flooring that ran through the kitchen and a large room addition looked great, except for one thing, they installed the tile over linoleum.

This eventually will have to be replaced as the tile starts to separate from the linoleum. While I'm writing this article, there's about 40 square feet of tile that needs to be replaced, because it's popping up and cracking.

A home purchasing checklist does not guarantee that you will find everything but can't eliminate some of the things that homeowners have the biggest problems with. If you could just eliminate one of these problems, the small price of purchasing, one of these checklists would be worth it.

Home purchasing checklists provide protection for the shopper and I would recommend, never shopping for a home without one.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

By Greg Vandenberge

What is a Three Way Home Electrical Light Switch?

A three way home electrical light switch is a special light switch that can be used in your hallways, large rooms and stairways. These light switches are specially made to operate one light or a group of lights from two different locations.

They are most commonly found in hallways and provide a homeowner with the option of turning the light on at one end of the hallway and turning it off, when they are finished walking through the hallway and are about to enter into another room.

Before three way home electrical light switches were made, people would turn the hallway light on and leave it on or they wouldn't turn the hall light on at all, because they knew that after they walked down the dark hallway, they wouldn't be able to turn the light off at the other end.

Three-way light switches are also used in stairways. It makes a lot of sense, to be able to turn your stairway light on, at the bottom of the stairs and then after you have walked up the stairway safely, you can simply turn the stair lights system off.

As homes become larger, it's not going to be uncommon to find three way light switches being used at either end of large rooms. If your living room or family room was located within the center of your home and had an entrance at each end, it wouldn't be a bad idea to install a light switch at each end, for travelers who are simply walking through these room.

Remember that three-way light switches, are used to operate lights from two different locations.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Great Home Repair Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Encinitas Home Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Monday, September 28, 2009

Building Codes - Stairway Construction

The stair building code was created for building safety. Before the building code and local city enforcement (Building Inspectors), anyone could build a house. This meant Uncle Earl who had just watched a couple of his friends build a house down the street construct some sort of a dwelling. The next step for Earl would be to help these guys for a day and now he is a professional home builder. You get the point.

Stair Building Codes create the safety needed for one of the most hazardous areas of your home. You might know someone who has fallen down a stairway?

I lived in a house I built for 15 years and I redesigned the stairs from a winder design to a T shaped set of stairs. Both sets of stairs were built using the local stair building code for my city.

Wow I could not believe how many times my family members fell down the stairs. I even fell down once. I was amazed. When I switched from the winder to the T shaped stairway there were less accidents. My point is that even using the stair building codes this is a dangerous part of your house.

Having a professional stair builder install your stairs is great advice. Take it. For example this happened to me on quite a few jobs. I get a set of plans from a architect who has been designing houses for over 40 years. I looked at the stairway to find out that he has designed a stairway that is too small for the length of this part of the home. If I build the stairs using the plans that by the way were approved from the local building department, I could have a problem.

You are probably asking yourself how does this happen. Aren't these people experienced professionals. Of course they are. They probably have the U.B.C. (Uniform Building Code) in their office somewhere. Everyone makes mistakes here and there but this is one area of the home where safety is a big concern.

Just look at it like this. The stair building code was designed to improve the safety and reduce the number of accidents while using the stairs. Over the years I have seen stairs poorly designed and constructed. These stairs create problems for the owners of the buildings not just the people that use them. Did I mention lawsuits. This is one area where a lawyer will have a field day.

As a building professional I advise you to use the stair building code first for safety and second to avoid lawsuits. Get an idea from some of the pictures I have taken over the years on problems with stair building.

Use common sense while building or remodeling your home. It goes a long way.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Stair Building Articles

Retaining Walls Suffer From Moisture Problems

Whether you're driving down the road or through a neighborhood and you notice a retaining wall that has large cracks in it, or is severely discolored, or one that has white calcium deposits from moisture covering the entire wall, you've got problems with moisture.

The retaining wall is designed to hold the dirt back, that's it's sole purpose. It's not going to hold any moisture back unless someone has installed a waterproofing membrane to separate the soil from the concrete block wall. If the soil isn't ever going to get wet, then you probably don't need to waterproof the retaining wall.

However that's normally not going to be the case. So we need to waterproof the interior of our retaining walls to eliminate future moisture problems that could eventually, deteriorate as moisture starts to accumulate, inside of our block wall for a longer periods of time.

If you don't know anything about waterproofing, I would suggest that you hire a waterproofing expert. Waterproofing looks easier than it actually is, and might be out of your scope of work.

I'm not going to suggest that you use waterproofing paints, because I haven't seen great results with these products. However, if you're not that concerned about your retaining wall and are looking for a cheaper way to apply any waterproofing materials, these paints might not be a bad idea. Sometimes, Something is better than nothing.

If you live in a relatively dry climate, it might not be necessary to waterproof your retaining walls. But if you live in a damp or moist area, especially an area where the ground is moist all year round or more than six months out of the year, I would suggest that you waterproof the back of your retaining walls.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link House Basement Repair Ideas. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Dryer Vent In Basement Window.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Monday, September 14, 2009

Achieve All of Your Goals

In Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen's original "Chicken Soup for the Soul," I am reminded of the short story titled "Another Check Mark On the List." This is a story about a 15-year-old boy named John who, on one rainy day, when it was too wet outside to play, he decided to write a list of goals. John continued writing until he had 127 goals. These goals included exploring the Nile River, climbing high mountain peaks around the world and learning 3 foreign languages. He also wanted to be featured in a Rose Bowl Parade and play several musical instruments.

Of the 127 goals that he listed over 60 years ago, John has achieved 108. If he lives to become 75 years old he will achieve 109 (he listed "live to see the 21st Century"). How did John achieve all of these goals? He wrote them down.

Step 1 Write It Down:

Write it down, write it down, and write it down!

Have you ever got to a point where you were going to write down a New Year's Resolution or some other goal you thought you wanted, only to find yourself procrastinate. One year later, did you need to achieve the same New Year's Resolution or goal? Why does this happen?

It happens because of that little voice inside of you that says, "I am not good enough or worthy enough to be in possession of the benefits derived from achieving my goal." "I have been programmed for failure."

I recently read a motivational quote that said: "If you can't write it down, you can't do it."

Let us think about that for a minute. Every day you may be compiling lists of things to do to run your household, perform your job, or plan your business trip or vacation. How many times do you really write down, exactly what you want out of life?

How many long term or short-term goals do you write down?

Now when thinking about what you want to achieve focus your attention on specific words and ideas relating to your goals. Give those words and ideas your complete attention as you write them down.

Did you ever write a letter, business report, or term paper and at times find your fingers flying across the keyboard?

Since written words are symbols of objects, ideas, or feelings, could the physical process of entering these words onto a page actually create a subconscious connection?

I believe it does. When you use language to communicate on paper, you need to process the information on a subconscious level.

The help you are getting while creating your list of goals is coming straight from your powerful subconscious mind. Why not take advantage of the power of your mind in achieving your goals?

Write your goals down in your day planner, write them down, and hang them on your walls. Write your goals on sticky notes and place them on your bathroom mirror or on your windows.

Every time you write your goals down, your body is moving towards them. The goals are getting clearer and clearer. The roadmap you create by writing goals down projects straight to your subconscious mind and is being acted upon.

A now popular syndicated cartoonist wrote down 15 times a day, every day the following sentence. "I want to be a syndicated cartoonist." He did this every single day, even when he did not feel like a syndicated cartoonist. Now, Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert Cartoon" is a full-time, syndicated cartoonist, known the world over. Scott "wrote it down."

One way to state that goal in a more positive and immediate context is to say, "I am a syndicated cartoonist." Act as if you already are in possession of the goal. It takes a lot of pressure off you during your daily activities when you feel the new role. You then become comfortable with it.

Write your goals down everywhere. As you write them down think about John, the 15-year-old goal achiever from the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" story. Now that John is in his seventies, what advice would John have for you when you ask him, "What is the most important thing I can do to achieve my goals?"

Listen to John whisper in your ear these three words... write it down.

Wayne F. Perkins is the Stress Annihilator for sales teams and executives. Wayne helps corporate clients achieve their goals. "Annihilate Stress an Propagate Hope" Phone: 602-647-4280

Advantages Framing With Steel

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pools Can Add Value To Your Home

If you're looking to enhance the value of your home, either to resell or for your own personal enjoyment, you might be looking for a pool to increase that value and enjoyment. Here is a comparison of ideas that might help you make that decision a little more easily.

An in-ground pool can run you several thousand dollars but since they come with a variety of shapes and sizes they give you the greatest amount of versatility. You can have a slide and a diving board and a deep end, and if you have a square pool it is easy to swim laps. The shallow end is suitable for water games and youngsters who are learning to swim.

An aboveground pool is much cheaper than an in-ground pool but requires additional decking and fencing for privacy and convenience. Also, the deep end is not very deep and since they are usually round they're difficult to swim laps in. These are good, however, for splashing around on a hot summer afternoon.

However, if you're looking at an aboveground pool you may find that a cheaper but equal alternative is to purchase a large inflatable pool that is big enough for several members of your family. These are not those tiny "kiddie pools" that you see in people's yards. These are actually quite large inflatable pools but are also only suitable for splashing around and not for swimming.

An alternative that many people don't think of is a current pool. These might go under a different name depending on where you live and they are perfect for the serious swimmer who likes to swim laps and does not have a lot of room in their backyard. Sometimes measuring about 8 feet wide and 15 feet long these pools may not seem useful for very much but they create a current, like in a river, that pushes against you as you swim. That way you stay in one place swimming against the current, unlike in a current-less pool where you swim from side to side.

Another alternative is to buy a hot tub instead of a swimming pool. For young children, a hot tub full of non-heated water will still be as enjoyable since the children don't swim but just splash around. And the adults can turn up the heat in the evening and relax.

A swimming pool can be an expensive investment, especially if you don't put a lot of consideration into its usage beforehand. Take some time to think about what your swimming pool needs are now and in the future.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of Pools Information a website providing information on Pools

I Have A Squeaky Floor

How to Give Your Bathroom a Custom Look With Knobs and Pulls

Many homes today that have been purchased brand new or have been recently built suffer from something like a case of the blahs. The home itself is, of course, beautiful, or you wouldn't have bought it, but you may also find your new surroundings a bit sterile, particularly in the bathroom.

Brand new bathrooms are often done entirely in white - white walls, white tile flooring, white tub, white shower stall, white sinks...that's a lot of white, and certainly doesn't do much to show your personality. To really start feeling at home and comfortable in your new house and bathroom, you will want to put your own personal stamp on things, you'll want to express your unique sense of style, and the good news is that all that white makes the perfect canvas to put your creativity to work on.

Many of the things you can do to dress up your bathroom fall into the do-it-yourself home remodeling category. A bath remodel does not have to involve a contractor and a plumber, particularly when you just want to decorate the room, not tear it apart and start over again. If you don't want white walls, then a coat of paint in your favorite color will go a long way towards sprucing things up. Since much of the space in your bathroom is taken up by other things - toilet, tub, sink and vanity, medicine cabinet, shower stall - you can get away with painting the walls a bright or bold color without it being overpowering.

The next thing to look at is the shower curtains and window treatments. Adding in draperies for both the windows and the shower in a fabric that you love will instantly change the whole look of the room, and when you add in other matching bathroom accessories like rugs, toothbrush holders, soap dishes, and more, your bathroom is blah no more!

The last area to focus on is bathroom lighting and cabinet hardware. A beautiful new light fixture that blends in well with everything else you've done is an addition that is both functional and decorative, and to finish things off, choose knobs and pulls that complement either the room as a whole, or match the material your lighting fixture is made of. Bathroom cabinet knobs and drawer pulls come in a huge array of different styles and finishes, and while they are necessary items that you need in order to access your bathroom cupboards, your cabinet knobs can also be highly decorative.

It is easy - and if you shop carefully, also inexpensive - to put your mark on your plain bathroom and give it a custom look that lets your personality and style shine through.

Amanda works for Your Home Supply (YHS) the definitive website for home improvement tools, and gardening supplies. Your Home Supply offers a wide range of products, like cabinet hardware, to help customers with common household repairs, as well as decorative accessories for the home. Visit them now at

Fixings Squeaking Stairs

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Remodeling Tips & Tricks

By using Mosaic Kitchen Tiles remodeling you get an excellent opportunity to bring nature into your home design. One of the best advantages of using these nature-made tiles is the fact that anyone can use them: from home-makers to professional interior designers. Let's quickly take a look and see how this fun & easy tiling technique can help you on remodeling your home.

Some basics

Mosaic Kitchen Tiles redecoration is based on unified natural stones organized and then mounted onto a standard sq/ft mesh backing. These small polished rocks are mostly collected from the beaches of various South East Asian Islands. You can practically tile anywhere and for any purpose: Kitchens, bathrooms and showers - walls, flooring, counters, and backsplashes.


We can quickly find several main benefits while using this solution:

* Provides unique atmosphere and contemporary look and feel to any surface.

* Quick & easy installation that doesn't require any special skills or professional background.

* Their surfaces are flush and in fact, are safer to walk on than most conventional hard flooring as they offer more traction to prevent slipping.

Important advice!

* These stone panels have their weight, so if you intend to install backsplashes use small carpenter's nails to hold the tile in place so you can easily grout it.

* Don't rush! - make a plan; make sure you know how to install these panels, even make a small trial first just to see that you can handle it with no problem.

* Make sure the surface you are about to tile is flat, clean, dry and free of contaminants.

There are plenty other advantages provided by this popular and easy home improvement alternative simply because it provides virtually unlimited remodeling options to any space and surface at any size and location whether for interior or exterior uses.


It is quite fun and easy to work with this special Mosaic Kitchen Tiles technique, just remember to follow the manufacturer's instructions; after all, these tiles provide a permanent surface that you will have to live with for many years. It is recommended to review the above advices as you are ready to begin with the installation process.

Get creative! - Learn more about how you can easily decorate any surface at home or in the office with Mosaic Kitchen Tiles.


Advantages Framing With Steel

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fiber-Cement Siding Compared to Vinyl Siding

In the world of remodeling the exterior of your home, there are several things to consider when comparing fiber-cement siding to vinyl siding.

Disguising the Problem

Vinyl siding is sometimes used as a cover-up to be placed over the old damaged cladding. The current problems may still exist. Sometimes it may be improperly installed. This invites insects and moisture to build up behind the panels, and may even go through the structure of the home.


Vinyl facing may melt or burn if it too close to a heat source such as your grill or a close by fire. The flammability of the cladding is such a concern that some counties/districts are starting to educate homeowners about its natural flammability.

Fiber-cement facing is non-combustible when exposed to significant amount of heat or flame. It has been appreciated for this safety feature. It is also approved for fire-rated structure.

All colors fade from the sun and there are several options that you can do to replace vinyl cladding. You can install a replacement piece and try to find the matching color of your original siding. You can also replace all the cladding again if you can't find the matching color. You may also paint the facing, but keep in mind this type of facing is made to expand and contract which will cause the paint to chip and peel over time.

Fiber-cement facing can be painted any color that you desire. It will also remain longer than with wood. It won't crack and peel as quickly as vinyl.


Always look at the warranty before your purchase. Look closely at the "Life-Time" to see how many years the warranty really covers and also what is covered. Check the "Normal Weathering" section to see what their definition is of normal weathering.

Fiber-cement facing may be found to have a 50 year transferable limited product warranty, and a 15 year finish warranty. This warranty is good for even the most sever climates.

Poor Quality and Aesthetics

Vinyl siding may not look as natural as wood. It has overlapping seams and fake wood grains that try to copy the appearance of wood.

Fiber-cement siding has the beauty of real wood with the ability to be painted any color and not have the chipping and peeling of vinyl or wood. There are no overlapping seams to take away from the natural appearance it will lend to the home.

Weather Resistant

Fiber-cement cladding is a very durable product that can even withstand the most severe climates. It will not go brittle in the cold or be damaged by flying debris like the other type of cladding is known to do.

The great amount of thickness that accompanies fiber-cement cladding adds to the products strength that provides impact resistance from wind or hail.

The finest vinyl siding is only 5/100th inch thick.

These are several things you need to consider when investing in the exterior of your home. In the long run, having fiber-cement siding is aesthetically and financially more sound than having vinyl siding which is an inferior product.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Blue Ridge Exteriors. The siding contractor provides James Hardie Siding throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their James Hardie Siding please visit their website.

Resolving Home Remodeling Anxiet

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Buying a Vinyl Fence? Home Improvement Chain Store Prices Are Not What They Seem

You see them advertise on the TV every day, orange aprons fluttering down the aisles at Home Depot, "You can do it! We can help!?", the warm voice of Gene Hackman telling you "Lowes, let's build something together". These big names spend big bucks to convince you that if you want to improve your home you need to do it up big time at their big name, big box, home improvement chain stores.

Whew, that's a mouthful and in a lot of ways very true too. Except for vinyl fencing. Oh, they sell vinyl fencing and their prices seem to meet the big box standards but everything is not always as it seems.

One of the first questions clients always ask me is, "How do you compare to them?" or "Why was our fence more expensive then theirs?" (If it was more). I found the best way to respond was by simply telling the truth. Sometimes our prices were more and sometimes they were less but one thing was certain. We always delivered a higher quality product.

I have nothing against them and have even advised certain people that the H. I. C.S. might better suit their unique needs. For example, I had a guy who was flipping a property and needed the cheapest fence he could buy. He wasn't concerned with how long the fence would last, he just wanted to sell the property. I suggested, Home Depot.

The key to big box store shopping is to know, what you are getting for the price you are paying. I highly urge you to go and look at their fencing first hand. Feel it, touch it, push it and you will see that it gives quite a bit. The panels are thinner and are generally hollow with no internal ribbing and reinforcement.

They also utilize a bracket system which is an inferior way to assemble vinyl fencing and requires external hardware which distract from the clean lines of vinyl. Their fencing usually comes pre-assembled.

Oh, I hear you out there, "Isn't that more convenient?"

Yes, assembled sections do provide more convenience but always remember that lower quality residential grade vinyl fencing normally comes assembled, as fence panels, while prime quality commercial grade vinyl fencing always comes unassembled.

Why? To be able to ship your order more securely so you receive it, complete and undamaged. It also allows you the opportunity to personally attend to each stage of construction, insuring the lifetime strength and durability of your fencing investment.

Keep in mind that the slide and pop assembly of commercial vinyl sections are very similar to "legos", making them relatively easy to assemble. I, personally, am not a very handy man and I can tell you, from experience, they are not hard to put together.

One last thing to realize when evaluating prices between the H.I.C.S. and a vinyl fence dealer. The H.I.C.S. 's panel pricing, generally, does not include the costs of posts and caps. This is very misleading.

They get you in on the appearance of a lower price, which is usually for the fence panel only. Then they add in these costly but essential items at the time of sale. Right when you have reached that point when you are ready to buy.

Odds are, you usually carry on with the sale and find out the hard way that the posts and caps are where these stores make their money. Which is why they sell their fencing in six foot panels (rather then eight) as this means more posts and caps. You will of course, need posts and caps to assemble a vinyl fence. So when you're pricing various options, you'll need to add these costs into the total.

Wow! That great chain store price wasn't so fabulous after all, was it?

Think about it. If you are going to make a lifetime investment in vinyl fencing for your beloved home. The rule of thumb is that, quality always trumps economy. In the long run you'll end up paying less for a whole lot more.

Copyright 2008 David Spangenburg & Michael Goldman

After buying a home, or a car, the purchase of a vinyl fence ranks as one of the larger purchases you'll ever make. You must read the Vinyl Fence Buyers Guide. You can find it at It's not a trade manual, filled with industry jargon and dry terminology. It was written for you, the buyer, as a quick, easy read. Filled with ALL the critical facts and information you need, laid out in a straight forward and sometimes humorous manner. It's an easy to read step by step approach that walks you through each and every phase in the purchase and general installation of your new Vinyl Fence. For more details, go to:

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Basics of Plastering

In figuring for plastering it is not customary to deduct for doors and windows, unless of very large size. It is considered better practice, however, to deduct them and figure accordingly, so that it is possible to use the same figures for getting quantities of material.

Plastering is usually done on spruce lath, which comes 1/4 x 11/2 inches, and made in 4 foot lengths. As studding is spaced 16 inches apart this makes three spans, and all laths should be nailed to the studs at both ends. To cover 100 square yards will take about 1500 laths, and 10 lbs. of three penny nails.

The plaster is usually applied in three coats, known as the scratch, brown and white coats. The first is applied directly to the lath, and consists of lime, sand and hair. Its surface is scratched with a stick to give good adhesion for the brown coats, which contains less hair, but is otherwise very similar.

The white or finishing coat is usually composed of lime putty and fine beach sand in equal parts, to which plaster of Paris is added to make it hard and smooth. For 100 square yards, allow 10 to 12 bushels of lime, 2 bushels of hair, 1 1/2 cubic yards of sand and 100 lbs. plaster of Paris. If a sand-finished effect is desired, the plaster of Paris is omitted and cubic yard of sand added. The surface is finished with a wooden float, so as to bring out the sand and produce a rough surface.

Other types of plaster exist, based on the use of gypsum in the place of lime. They set more rapidly than lime plaster, and care must be taken to use them as directed by the manufacturers. Metal lath and plaster board are also much used in place of wood lath for reproduction corner guards.

They increase the expense slightly, but reduce the fire risk. Whatever method is used, the plaster should be run back of dados and baseboards, as the open spaces add greatly to the fire risk. This is in fact required by the building codes of most cities.

One man will lath about 100 yards in an eight-hour day, openings not deducted. With metal lath he can do from 100 to 150 yards, though if the plan has many corners his speed is greatly reduced. It has been estimated that a plasterer with one helper can do about 150 yards of the first two coats in a day, and about 90 yards of finishing coal.

Cornices and ornamental pediment add greatly to the cost, but are now far less common than they were a few years ago. Most ornaments are cast in the shop, while moldings are generally run on the job. When work of this kind is to be done, stock models should be used as far as possible. These are furnished by a number of manufacturers and can be ordered from their catalogues.

When plaster board is used in place of wood lath, the first or scratch coat may be omitted. This greatly reduces the labor of plastering, but the plaster often tends to crack at the joints between the boards.

For work that must be done quickly, a new type of gypsum board is now on the market, requiring no plastering, but finished ready for paint or paper. It is preferable to use paper, as with point it is hard to hide the joints. This material is only about 3/8 inch thick, while lath and plaster is 7/8 inch. It can be applied with practically no waste.

There are also a number of makes of wall board, generally some sort of wood pulp composition. These shrink badly after application, and if they are papered the paper always cracks at the joints. The manufacturers recommend covering the joints with wooden corner protectors or strips, but this greatly limits the possible treatments, and makes an agreeable effect almost impossible.

The gypsum board mentioned in the preceding paragraph is far preferable, and the cost is not much greater. Both types of wall board are made 4 feet wide, and almost any even number of feet in length.

They are very easy to apply, and if 20% is added to the cost of the material it will usually cover the labor of nailing on. This, of course, is only for plain work, with few corners, and does not include wood strips or other woodwork.

Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer based out of San Diego, CA. She specializes in home improvement, remodeling, and working with ornamental pediment. For the best in hardwood moulding and wooden corner protectors, please visit

Green Real Estate Features

As the health of our environment and our own personal wellness become issues of greater importance, the demand for eco-friendly homes continues to rise. Home builders and developers have responded to this rising demand, and are building "green" properties in greater numbers. According to McGraw-Hill Construction, a home must contain at least 3 of the following 5 elements to be considered green: energy efficiency, indoor air quality, resource efficiency, water conservation and site management (site management would refer to a home's exterior use of water resources and electricity).

Buyers can enjoy a multitude of benefits associated with the ownership of eco-friendly properties, not the least of which is significant annual savings on energy bills. Most of all, owners of green properties delight in knowing that they're effectively doing their part to contribute to a healthier environment.

Preserve Precious Resources

In order to conserve electricity, green properties utilize the power of solar energy. Installation of solar panels can provide most or all of the electricity that a home may need. While this solution is relatively expensive, homeowners can easily recover the cost of their initial investment over time by way of savings on their energy bills. Solar water heaters, which are relatively inexpensive to purchase and install, are a great way to heat your home's water without the need for electricity or natural gas. Green property may also include radiant roof barriers and upgraded insulation, which can also greatly reduce your home's consumption of energy. Low-E windows and exterior sunscreens are very effective in lowering the amount of exterior heat that your home absorbs. This heat would otherwise make its way inside, and would cost the homeowner more to keep it cool. If you can keep the heat out, you will use less electricity!

Discover Other Simple Solutions

Other, less expensive ways to "go green" include purchasing high-efficiency HVAC systems and Energy Star appliances. Install digital thermostats with timers to further maximize your HVAC system's energy efficiency. Outside, choose to plant trees and shrubs that require less water. Installing low-flow toilets inside the house is also a great way to conserve water. Buyers will find all of these features and more when they look into purchasing eco-friendly homes. Purchase a green property today, and do your part to contribute to a healthier environment for generations to come.

Find great green properties in these Arizona communities: Eco-Friendly Ocotillo and Cooper Commons Eco-Friendly.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Building Stairs With Recycled Concrete

What a great idea using your old side walk or driveway to build a nice stairway for your front or back yard. Using the old concrete instead of sending it to the landfill. Wow talk about earth friendly. Who would have thought that using recycled concrete would create a beautiful center piece in your landscaping plans.

That's enough about that lets get to the nuts and bolts of building the stairs. I came across the idea by visiting one of our favorite breakfast stops in Fallbrook. I had been walking down these stairs for quite a while when it dawned on me that the stairs where kind of jagged. When I took a closer look I couldn't figure it out, What kind of building materials did they use.

Then I realized it was recycled concrete in other words someone's old side walk. They even used the old concrete to make some nice planter boxes and retaining walls. The whole area really looks nice. The landscaping created natural look with a old world look to it.

How do I build the stairs using recycled concrete? Simply put first thing you need to do is get some recycled concrete. If you are going to be tearing up a old sidewalk, driveway or patio then you won't have to look far.

If not you can contact some local general or demolition contractors. They would love to have someone haul away their concrete. The reason for this is they have to pay around five hundred dollars for every ten tons hauled away from the jobs they are working on.

The more recycled concrete you need the easier it will be to get it. If you need a lot you will be able to contact a concrete recycling plant and get the phone number to a local contractor that hauls broken up concrete to their plants. These people can drop off a large load if you have a large area to drop it.

Remember that most contractors don't want to be bothered because they are busy working or planning on working. The easier you can make it on the contractor the more likely you will get what you want from them. They usually aren't interested in doing extra work just to make you happy. You can get a lot by being courteous from most people.

Now that you have the concrete you can start building. The concrete will be stacked on top of the other concrete to form the steps. Depending on how long of a stairway you are building you will have to level the dirt and stack the recycled concrete to make the stairs.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us now for more great Home Remodeling Tips

The Benefits of Metal Roofing Over Tiled Roofing

For years Brisbane utilized tile roofs, and when they first came out were a plausible option for a Brisbane homeowner. Since those times, nature has not been so kind to the clay and concrete tiled roofs. The natural composition of tiled roofs plays a huge factor in their early demise. Both clay and concrete tiles are very porous meaning water causes eventual wear and tear on them resulting in costly repairs. After rain, heat and throw in freezing, the tile roofing eventually cracks under the pressure. Water traps in the pores of the tiles and then when exposed to the heat of the sun bearing down on them, they dry out only to be followed up with repeated abuse of re-absorption of water through further rainfalls and cold and warm conditions. The repeated expanding and reduction effect due to environmental factors cause clay and cement tiles to crack and break. Broken tiles on a roof leave the rest of the home exposed to serious water damage.

Tiles admittedly give a home a quaint look, but their efficiency is less then desirable for any wise homeowner. Metal roofing offers a lot more in durability as well as being aesthetically pleasing to the eye. In looking at the environmental factor alone, metal-roofing pays for itself ten fold over in what it saves the consumer in repairs alone and is worth considering if you need a roof replacement.

Why Metal Roofing is a better alternative over old fashioned Title Roofing

Metal roofing can last the lifetime of a home. Repairs are minimal and are generally due to homeowner inflicted damage such as when attaching solar panels or other hardware on the rooftop. A metal roof is so durable it can withstand winds up to 190 kms per hour with no lift up. Even severe hailstorms cannot phase metal roofing, unlike the severe damage a hail or windstorm can do to tile roofing. Brisbane homeowners can even benefit from having a metal roof over a tile roof through insurance deductions, yet another cost effective reason to have metal roofing.

After a tile roof has been laid and finished it can still move as the house settles and as a result tiles can crack or cause the bedding to crack or even look crooked the naked eye. Unlike a tile roof, when you screw down a new metal roof you will find your new roof will not move. As a result your home will have better structural integrity.

Here's why Metal roofing is more durable than titled roofing

With metal roofing, you never have to worry about chipping, rusting, fading or chalking. The colours do not fade no matter how hard the sun beats down on the roof. The heat reflective facet of metal roofing saves the Brisbane homeowner money through its energy saving factor. Not only does a metal roof save a homeowner a ton of money they also come in a wide variety of colours and styles to meet any homeowners taste setting the home apart from the rest of the block.

Greg Hughey owns and operates Metal Technology Roofing a business dedicated to metal roofing and asbestos removal Brisbane.
Greg has over 25 years of hands on experience with metal roofing and understands the benefits of metal roofing over old fashioned tiled roofing.

Dishwashers Help Both the Environment and Women!

I use a dishwasher - typically twice a week. More when I have extra visitors. It uses power but gives me time to do other useful things and uses less hot water because it is only twice a week. I did the experiment when we lived in a rural area with no water supply other than our low rainfall. I measured the water used washing by hand, including the time taken for hot water to arrive hot, thus wasting both water and heating on the frequent short washes. My results sent me straight out to buy a dishwasher. OK this is a value judgment but sensibly used, a dishwasher saves!

OK, here comes the "clincher" argument! What about the chemicals!. I use a minimal amount of as low impact chemical as possible for use in both the sink and the machine. I do not see a lot of difference. I have a relative with a built in dishwasher in his home, who refuses to allow it to be used and he objects to me using mine. I have heard the arguments!

When it comes to clothes, think about your washing machine and next time you replace it look for one with good energy ratings. If you can afford it, I suggest choosing one of those build to comply with the European Union's long life and recycling requirements to reduce the waste of embodied energy in the machine. My washing machine is Swedish and going strong after 18 years. The same comment applies to dishwashers.

Why use hot water for washing. Cold or lukewarm is just as effective. The only exception I can think of is where there are asthmatics in the house with dust mite allergies, then a 60oC wash for the bedding to be sure to kill the mites but back to cold for the rest of the wash.

Air-dry the clothes unless it is very wet. Even small apartments have somewhere to put a drying rack and I dry sheets on poles across the laundry from the top of the door to the cupboard because the strata rules prohibit them being hung outside. This works well.

How do you heat your water? Gas and Solar are the most energy efficient.

The big ticket issues here are water temperature for washing and use of a dryer.

Jean Cannon is an enviro-entrepreneur -both a scientist and a business person and has been both for over 20 years.

So if you are tired and confused by all the hype about global warming, climate change and the need to reduce our carbon emissions and you just want to look at the reality of what is happening and how it affects you in your business and your life, get my Free Report "Getting Past The Hype To Look At Reality" from

Top 10 Secrets to Small Bathroom Designs

It's official. Small bathroom designs are making an inexorable leap to the frontline in the contemporary interior design firmament. No longer are homeowners treating small spaces with a sense of passive resignation, and are in fact, breaking free from the shackles of convention and weaving magic in small bathrooms.

These homeowners stop at nothing to ensure that their personal space resembles a work of art. Gone are the days when the thought of decorating a small bathroom could dim one's ardor. Today, things stand at polar opposites. One finds an earnest desire to liberate oneself from the constraints of claustrophobic eyesores, even at the cost of demolishing long-standing rules in design books.

Secrets Finally Revealed

If a paucity of ideas to inject a dose of freshness into your small space is your constant gripe, it's time to unlock a few secrets. So shun that innate skepticism, and get ready to fire your imagination like never before. Here's how:

  • If bathing luxury is your utmost concern, soak in a small but deep bathtub that does not occupy centre stage in the space.
  • A transparent shower screen as against an opaque shower wall highlights your bathroom's intrinsic style quotient, leaving nothing much to imagination.
  • Do not shelve plans of installing floating or recessed cabinets. Utilize the space on the wall to the fullest.
  • Onlookers are sure to stand up and take note of space saving pedestal and wall-mounted sinks.
  • Open doors to innovating space saving schemes with hinged or sliding doors.
  • Windows in close proximity to the ceiling provide ample space on the walls for cabinets and shelves.
  • Optical illusion is not something that only Chris Angel can perfect. Allow natural light to come gushing into the space through windows and skylights, and watch the extraordinary impact.
  • The sparkle of under cabinet lighting and the shimmer of mirrors can take the space from dull and dreary to devastatingly dazzling.
  • While vertical lines add inches to the space, the spectacular combination of identical wall and floor tiles creates that crackling chemistry.
  • Don't remain in the dark about the colossal impact of light, pastel or neutral shades.

Learn exactly how to generate 100's or even 1000's of positively *BRILLIANT* Bathroom Remodeling Ideas ... FAST ! And here are 25 Dirt Cheap Home Improvement Ideas that could increase the value of your home by several $1000's ...

Wind Generators For Home Use - How to Build One on Your Own?

Wind generators for home use are fast becoming the choice of homeowners looking to save on energy bills. The savings apart, they are also great for the environment too. With the right supplies and tools, you too can build your own wind generator these days. You can have a machine that will put an end to all your worries about the energy bills.

Contrary to popular perception wind generators for home use are not that difficult to build. Some of the things that you need for building one in your home include bolts, nuts and batteries, things that you can always find in a hardware store near you. With these easily available things, you can now build your own wind generator, with a little bit of effort on your part. Moreover, you need not spend a small fortune to build and install a windmill in your home.

You will need to make sure that you check the appropriate laws that govern installation of windmills in your particular area. You will need a proper permit to install one in your home. You can start off the entire process by first of all finding a proper location in your home. When it comes to the design of wind generators, there are two types that are available, horizontal axis and vertical axis, with the former being the more widely in domestic generators.

DC motors are usually used when building wind generators for home use. The size of the motor will also dictate the size of the blades of the windmill. The simple thumb rule being, the bigger the motor, the bigger would be the size of the blades. While the blades are usually made of PVC, for the body of the machine, stainless steel is preferred.

If you want to find detailed instructions on building wind generators for home use, then visit Earth4Energy. You can easily build your own wind generator by following the instructions given on this online guide.

Picking a Remodeling Contractor

If you live in the state of Minnesota and you plan on having some remodeling done, you may need a good home remodeling contractor to help you out with your needs. No doubt you'll find that there are many different contractors to choose from in the Twin Cities area, but you don't want just any contractor working on your home. There are many different considerations that should be kept in mind when it comes to choose from all the remodeling contractors out there. So, here's you simple checklist to keep in mind when you are trying to make sure that you get the best contractor possible for your remodeling needs.

Ask Family and Friends for Referrals
The first thing you'll want to do is to make sure that you ask family and friends for referrals when you are trying to come up with a contractor. Getting contractor references from your friends and family members is a wonderful way that you can make sure you end up with an excellent contractor. This way you actually know someone that has had a great experience with the contractor. It helps you to be sure that you'll get a great contractor.

Ensure They are Licensed by the State
When you are trying to pick out the best remodeling contractor, you'll find that it is important to make sure that they are licensed by the state. They should have a state of MN contractors license that they can show you. You definitely don't want to go with a contractor that has no license. Also, when you are looking at their license, you'll want to make sure that there have been no complaints filed against them or any type of disciplinary actions taken against them in the past. This insures you get the best possible contractor for your remodeling project.

Check for the Contractor's Insurance Certificates
Make sure that you check for insurance certificates when you are trying to find the best remodel contractor. They should have General Liability as well as Workman's Compensation. If they have no insurance, you'll definitely want to avoid going with their services, although just having General Liability is okay.

Find Out About Their Business Longevity
Take the time to find out about their business longevity before you decide that you want to go with a particular contractor. The best option is to go with a contractor who has been in the same business with the same name for over 10 years. Five years is excellent as well. However, if they have only been in business for a year, you may want to be a bit wary of going with a brand new business when you need help with contracting. Experience is a definitely bonus when choosing remodeling contractors.

Make Sure the Business is Stable
You should also take a look at the business that the contractor is running. Is the business one that is both permanent and stable? If there is no office at all and you only get a cell phone number, this is a Minnesota contractor to reject. The best option is to find someone that has an office as well as an address. A working phone number is very important as well when it comes to making sure that the business is a stable one.

Check Out Their References
Ask for a list of client references when you are trying to find the best home remodeling contractor. If they cannot offer you any references at all, you probably will want to choose someone else. The same applies for if you call references and get negative comments. It's best to make sure that you get at least several positive references from people who have used the same contractor in the past. This way you know what kind of a job that they are going to do.

Find Out About Their Experience
Experience is another important consideration when you are considering what type of contractor to go with. Going with a contractor that specializes in the work you need done is the best option. If the contractor doesn't have any type of experience in the type of work that you will need to have done. Having the experience necessary is very important. You really don't want a contractor with no experience at all working on your bathroom or kitchen. So, make sure that you choose carefully.

Take a Look at Their Bids on the Work You Need Done
Before you make your final decision on the best home remodeling contractor, you should take a look at their bids on the work you need done. Make sure that the bids have a good description of the work to be done and that they will guarantee the work that gets done. You'll also want a contractor that only asks for about a of the money up front and then final payment when the remodeling work is finally complete.

If you live in MN, get your construction and remodeling financing loan from Venture Development John Mazzara is involved with financial services in the Twin Cities, MN. Officing out of Edina, Minnesota-John is centrally located within the 7 county MN metropolitan area. John owns three separate businesses-a licensed real estate broker associate selling Minnesota real estate since 1986-affiliated with RE/MAX Associates Plus, an independent CFP-certified financial planner since 1989 with an independent Minnesota financial planning firm-Financial Planning Associates and the owner of a Minnesota mortgage broker firm-Venture Development Inc-specializing ins residential, commercial and investment mortgages.

If you are looking for someone to help you in the areas of real estate sales/purchase, mortgages, or and/or financial planning and insurance you should call John for a free 1 hour consultation to see if he can meet your needs. 952-929-2577. RE/MAX Associates Plus and Venture Development are located at 7300 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Energy-Star Appliances Can Help You Save Money

Your household appliances are responsible for a large percentage of the energy consumed in your home. As a matter of fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approximates that kitchen appliances account for almost half of the $2,000 that most average families spend on utilities each year. In addition, appliances that are over 10 years old use more energy than their newer counterparts.

The Energy Star classification system was created by the EPA and the US Dept of Energy (DOE). This system identifies home appliances that decrease energy consumption, lower your utility bills and improve the air quality in your home. Energy Star appliances are usually more expensive than traditional models but the savings in daily energy usage will help them pay for themselves in the long term. Some Energy Star appliances can even save you up to half of the energy you use each day.

Understanding Your EnergyGuide Label:

All Energy Star appliances are required to have an EnergyGuide label. This label displays the model number, features, size and capacity of the appliance. In addition, the label estimates the average energy usage and operation costs of the model per year.

Each label also displays a range of energy used per year by similar models so that you can comparison shop and determine if this particular model meets your needs.

Standard Features of Energy Star Appliances:


Use up to 40% less electricity.

Savings of up to $150 each year.


Use 50% less water.

Use over 40% less energy.

Save $90 over the lifetime of your dishwasher.

Clothes Washer:

Use 50% less water.

Reduce drying time by extracting more water in the spin cycle.

Less wear and tear on your clothing.

Use up to 40% less electricity.

Savings of up to $110 each year.


Use between 10 - 20% less electricity.

Savings of approximately $30 each year.

Household Air Conditioner:

Use 10% less energy.

Save approximately $250 over the lifetime of your air conditioner.

Investing in Energy Star appliances will help you save on monthly utility costs and reduce emissions in your home and the environment. It's an easy way to save yourself some money plus do your part for the environment.

Gwen McIntyre is a Marketing Manager for is a provider of appliance repair parts to help repair your home appliances. Partselect has a full selection of appliance parts for all major appliance manufacturers.

Easy Do-It-Yourself Solar Panels - Learn More Here

For most families their electricity bill forms a large part of their monthly household expenses. The price of power will rise in the future due to increase in the demand for fossil fuels as supply dwindles. The main reason is that the delivery of oil required for the production of electricity by power companies is limited. The simplest way to decrease power consumption in your home is to use do-it-yourself solar technology. This article serves as an insight into the working of a homemade, or do-it-yourself, solar panel.

Before you begin construction of your new solar panel, you should know to handle simple tools and have a sufficient working area. To make your home solar unit you must assemble your array on your roof, as this is the prime location for receiving direct sunlight.

Solar cells are connected together in a series to build solar arrays. Solar power is converted to electrical energy through these arrays. A solar array, connected with charge controller which diverts electrical power to deep cycle battery bank, is used to utilize your produced power.

These batteries store electrical power in order to fulfill your daily requirement of electricity around your home.

Since our household electrical equipment requires AC(Alternating Current) power and a battery can store only direct current an inverter, which is in the form of DC power, a converter is required to convert AC into DC.

This is basically all that there is to the very simple process of building your very own do-it-yourself solar panel. All that you need from here is some basic materials and tools as well as a set of good assembly instructions.

The cheapest option for installing solar panels is to go with DIY Solar Panel Instructions which include detailed instructions, step-by-step video walk-throughs and even locations to get all of your materials as cheap as possible.

With DIY solar panel instructions you can be living off the grid, on free solar energy, for as little as a $200 start up cost. Start saving money and the environment today, what are you waiting for?

Remodeling a Mobile Home - What Are Basic Cost Increments

The cost of remodeling a simple home can be estimated very simply by a market survey or by using cost estimating software. It is easy because simple home remodeling is very common and everyone has a bit of its knowledge. You can have an exact idea about the expenses of contractors, laborers and even the materials that would be used for remodeling a home. However, it becomes a little different when you are talking about estimating cost of remodeling a mobile home.

Remodeling a mobile home costs a little more as compared to normal homes. You can't get an exact idea about the cost of remodeling a mobile home. Its costs keep changing. However, you can use some of the below mentioned ideas in this article to know about the basic issue which make remodeling mobile homes more expensive as compared to fixed homes.

The Basic Cost Difference between Mobile Homes and Fixed Homes
You can get some ideas about the cost of remodeling a mobile home by making a simple comparison between the older homes and the latest models. You will find a lot of differences in their models as well as in their costs. The basic difference between newer and older models is the implementation of building codes and civil laws. Earlier, there were no such restrictions for building codes but now they are essential. It gives you an idea of possible costs for remodeling a mobile home.

What it says openly is that the costs of remodeling a mobile home these days are much higher as compared to the old ones. Remodeling your mobile home in alignment with the city codes might cost you a lot of money. You can, however, remodel the ceiling area because the mobile homes come with factory made ceiling areas but removing the old ceiling for remodeling your mobile home also costs much. The job gets doubled here as you will have to pay for removing the ceiling of your mobile home as well as for installing a new ceiling in your mobile home.

In a mobile home almost everything is settled inside the factory, even the floors of the mobile home. They are finished facing the walls and when you are remodeling your mobile home, you have to spend double of your time and money to fix the new flooring. It too costs a lot and as double as compared to ordinary homes. Moreover, in a mobile home, neither the doors nor the windows are of standard size. They vary in height and setting up new doors & windows causes a lot of effort. Experts have to work very precisely to make the new doors fit into their places. Here again, costs get doubled.

However, you can find good rates of remodeling a mobile home at times if the price of the materials and costs of labors have decreased. But it would still be more expensive as compared to remodeling a fixed home.

There is a lot more that you can get to know about remodeling, constructing and improving a home. All the related details are available at

Is a Metal Roof a Good Investment For Your Home?

The application of metal roofs in the housing industry is nothing new; however, metal roofs have come a long ways since the 50s and 60s during which metal roofs were thought of as dull metallic coverings used mostly in commercial and industrial buildings. Today metal roofs are quite stylish and come in various flavors. Their functionality just as their style has much improved.

However, many homeowners wonder whether they will see a return on this otherwise costly investment. The main question is whether the energy savings and durability of the metal roof will eventually pay for the upfront cost. To answer this question, the document clarifies some of the miss conceptions surrounding the installation of metal roofs and then explains under which conditions the full benefits of metal roofing are realized.

Metal Roof Installation
There is some misinformation about metal roofs that can easily clout your judgment in regard to choosing the right type of roof for your home. One such myth is that anyone can easily install a metal roof. I recently came across an article stating that if you know how to hammer a nail, you can install your metal roof and save yourself thousands of dollars in labor cost. Although you can learn how to install a metal roof, just as well as you can learn any other skill, you should be aware that proper installation of metal roof requires as much talent and effort as installing another kind of roof.

Analyzing Various Benefits of Metal Roofs
No one should ever dispute the benefits associated with metal roofs, but they should look at these benefits in comparison with other types of roofs and consider the environment where one lives as well as the duration one intends to stay in the same house. To be sure metal roofs offer lots of benefits such as light weight, energy efficiency, various designs, and durability. Another advantage with metal roofs is that it can be laid on top of the existing roof without the need to remove the existing roof which can lower labor cost. Let's look at some of these benefits in more detail.

Cost Savings from Thermal Efficiency Is Not Equal for All Climates
Metal Roof coating's can reflect the sun rays and thus keep the house cool during summer. This Thermal efficiency can assist homeowners with lowering electricity bill. In many warm regions this cost saving alone can pay for the upfront cost of the roof in about 8-15 years. However, it is worth mentioning that thermal efficiency benefits of metal roofs are fully realized in high temperature areas. If your home is in a cooler region, you will not benefit as much as if you lived in Florida.

A Second Thought about Style and Design
Today there are many types of roofs that are stylish. Even though you hear about style in roofing, it is important that you don't make your selection purely based on style as your roof is not the most eye catching part of your home. It is said that majority of people are impressed more with the design of the kitchen, bathroom, interior, floor plans and exterior of the house than the style of the roof.

Labor Cost Are Not Much Lower
Even though metal roofs are quite light and can be installed on top of existing roof which saves the home owner replacement cost, it should be mentioned that this cost saving is countered by the additional cost of finishing which includes coating and painting the metal.

Among all the benefits stated earlier, the most important is durability. Metal roofs can last 50 or even 100 years if proper maintenance is carried out. According to National Association of Home Builders other types of roofs such as asphalt can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years, if required maintenance is carried out.

Inc conclusion whether metal roofs are good investments depends on various factors such as the climate where your house is located as well as the duration you intent to live in your current home. Local regulations and incentives could also impact the answer to this question. In some states or provinces, insurance companies may lower your premium due to the fact that metal roofs are fire retardant. Some states may offer tax rebates for installing metal roofs, etc.

To learn more about metal roofs, click Metal Roofs

Visit Home Remodeling to find other helpful remodeling ideas, advices and resources.

Cement Rendering And Building Plastering

The purpose of rendering is two-fold, namely to weatherproof the building wall and to provide pleasing finishes of various textures. Plastering is a skilled trade and an expert plasterer should be employed wherever possible, as there are many points that can only be learnt by experience. However, if skilled help is not available, it is necessary to know the elementary principles involved, that is, how to prepare the surface, choose the mix, proportion the materials and apply the plaster.

The proportions of cement, lime and sand to use depend upon the purpose of the plaster and the nature of the building surface to which it is to be applied. A pure lime plaster is comparatively soft and weak and is slow setting, so it is usually gauged with cement to increase its strength and hardness and to shorten the period of hardening. The strength increases and the period of hardening decreases as the amount of cement increases in proportion to the amount of lime, until with a pure cement plaster with no lime, the strength is a maximum and the hardening period the least. However, as the proportion of cement is increased the plaster becomes less workable and more difficult to apply. The proportion of sand should not exceed three times the combined proportions of lime and cement. A stronger plaster should not be applied to weak porous backing or a strong finish coat to a weak first coat.

For external building plastering or 'rendering' on a dense material such as concrete, dense concrete blocks and hard clay bricks of low porosity, the best proportions to use are 1 part cement, 1 part hydrated lime and 6 parts sand by volume. On exposed building walls subject to driving rains the proportion of lime may be decreased and the cement increased to say 1 :: 6 mix or a 1:4 cement plaster to which up to 10% of lime by weight of the cement is added to make it workable.

On external building walls of low strength and high porosity such as low quality breeze concrete blocks the external rendering should not be stronger than a 1:1:6 mix as above and a strong cement mix with little or no lime should not be used.

For internal plastering the best proportions are 1 cement, 1 lime and 6 sand; or 1 cement, 2 lime and 9 sand; or a lime mix only of 1:3 or 4 may be used, remembering that the cement increases the strength and hardness and reduces the period of hardening. For water containers such as fishponds only cement plasters should be used.

The weather during plastering and rendering may have considerable influence on the finished work. External rendering should be started on the shady side of the building to keep it unexposed to the sun as long as possible. No plastering should be done in frosty weather. In cold weather plaster hardens slowly and a longer period of time between coats should be allowed. In very hot weather the successive coats must be kept damp and protected from drying out for at least two days after application. Draughts and local sources of heat may cause too rapid drying out. Gentle heat and moderate ventilation are the best conditions for plastering.

Michael Russell Your Independent Building guide.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Vinyl Glove Information And Sizing Recomendations

Using vinyl gloves is a common practice in any industry where bacteria and viruses can be transmitted. The food service industry is a large user of vinyl gloves because they are very affordable and extremely effective at preventing the spread of germs, bacteria and viruses. Vinyl gloves are economical and stronger than latex gloves. The vinyl used in vinyl gloves is a synthetic polymer than is more resistant to tearing and puncture than latex. Used widely in the food preparation and food handling industries vinyl gloves can give you an almost bare hand feel when grasping items. Unlike latex, vinyl is a synthetic substance that very rarely causes an allergic reaction. Vinyl gloves are also used widely in the cleaning industry as barrier against bacteria and infection in restroom and hazardous biological material cleanup.

Vinyl gloves come in a variety of sizes and come in both powdered and powder free forms. Powder is added to some types of vinyl gloves so that they are easier to put on and the powder can also help in preventing perspiration of the hands. It is an industry wide standard that there are usually 100 gloves per box and the one glove will fit both hands. Glove sizes range from small to medium. Small gloves will fit a hand size of 8 and below. Medium vinyl gloves will fit a hand size of 9. Large vinyl gloves are suited for a hand size of 10 and extra large gloves are to be used for hand sizes of 12 and above.

Vinyl gloves and latex gloves are now being used by the US Postal Service as a precaution against terrorism. Vinyl gloves act as a barrier against viruses, bacteria and germs that could potentially be sent in letters and packages. Overall vinyl gloves are an effective way to stay safe in an unsafe world.

Great cleaning tips and cleaning information by Lee Harris can be found at Lee Harris is an expert in the cleaning supplies and janitorial products industry and can answer all your questions about vinyl gloves. Our information is concise and will give anyone basic information about the right cleaning tool for any job. On our cleaning site we also have a cleaning forum where our users can assist each other with their own questions. A cleaning services directory is readly available for cleaning companies to advertise their site by the state in which they are located.

How to Start Saving Money on Energy With a Simple DIY Green Energy Project

The best way of saving money on energy is to start your own DIY green energy project. This will allow you to start using the earth for energy and ultimately save 80% or more on your energy bill every single month. This means hundreds of dollars in savings every single month. What would you do with all of that extra cash? And starting your own DIY green energy project is now easier than ever. Keep on reading because I am going to show you exactly how you can start using the earth for energy and start saving hundreds of dollars every month.

The very first thing that you will need to do is find a reliable DIY green energy guide. The funny thing is that this is actually a lot harder than building a natural power system itself. There are tons of crap products out there so you need to be careful when making a decision. After you have found a reliable guide you will need to pick which type of natural power system you would like to use. The two most popular types of systems are wind turbines and solar panel generators.

The process from this point on should be a breeze because a guide will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to building your own renewable energy source. This means detailed diagrams, schematics, legal information, and even how to get parts for free. You will be saving cash in no time. In fact, you could realistically have your system built in just two days.

Would you be interested if I told you that for less than $50 you could build your own wind turbine or solar panel system in just two days? If so, then just click the link below. You do want to save hundreds of dollars every month by using the earth for energy, right?

Click Here

Sunroom Decorating Ideas - House Remodeling Ideas

Once you have your sunroom completed, then the hard part of the job starts the decorating. You may have some sunroom decorating ideas in mind but once you start looking in magazines for sample colors and types of furniture, you will realize that the decisions are not as easy as you first thought. If you don't put a lot of thought into your decorating you may not be able to achieve the exact effect you want the sunroom to have.

If the sunroom is straight across the back or the front of the house, then you can make it look like a patio in the way you choose the decorations. A sunroom with an interior done in wood is well suited to rattan furniture or even wicker so that it gives the room an outdoorsy look. You can choose vintage cushions and pillows to give your sunroom a rustic or country feel. Showpieces placed on shelves, plants in standing and hanging planters and colourful mats on the floor will all add to the ambiance of the sunroom being a place where you can relax.

There is a range of designs in wall coverings that will really enhance the sunroom as well. You can have the interior done totally in wood with pine walls and ceilings or you can have drywall that you paint in bright colors. Wallpaper in floral or other designs will give a nice cozy feel to the room. You may like the paintable wallpaper which shows out a design through the color you choose or one that has mosaics or tiles on the wall.

The way in which you decorate the sunroom also depends on the way in which you intend to use the room. You may want to have small tables and chairs where you can sit and enjoy your coffee in the morning with the newspaper or it may be a place where you want to have comfortable soft chairs for entertaining guests. It may even be a place where you want to work out and so you will need a place for your exercise equipment.

Soft light colors in the sunroom will give it a relaxed atmosphere. Large windows to let the sun in should also have appropriate window coverings so that the UV rays won't cause your furniture or pillow coverings to fade. These lighter colors will give the room the appearance of being larger than it actually is. Coordinate the colors of the blinds and the cushions with that of the walls and the floor mats. If the sunroom is attached to the house, you should also think about coordinating the decor with that of the rest of your house so that all the rooms seem to have the same background.

Whether you have a small or large sunroom, you need to place the furniture so that there is plenty of room to move about. If the door to your home is in the middle of the room arrange the furniture at both ends so that you won't block the access to this door. Make sure that when you are seated you won't have to stand to let someone else in or out.

For more information on decorating sunrooms, including lots of sunroom decorating ideas, as well as information on porch flooring, visit

The Costs of Renewable Energy - Are There Any?

So tell me, if you hadn't come across this article how would of gone about using renewable energy? Unfortunately, without doing a lot of research you most likely would have picked a method that might of cost you thousands of dollars. You want to know something pretty funny though? You can personally make your own renewable source of energy for less than $200. Compare that with the $20,000 you would have spent on a professionally installed system and you will soon see where I am coming from. And the best part about making your own natural energy system is that it will pay for itself within a month.

The only significant cost that you will come across while making your own renewable energy system is purchasing a DIY homemade energy guide. I you know where to look you can find a reliable guide for just $50. And to be honest with you, this is probably the hardest step in building your own green energy system. Once you have found the right guide you will be able to complete your project in just a few days. A guide will offer you everything you need to know in one place. This will make it very easy to find the information you need and to complete any task at hand.

Once you have completed your natural power system you will start to enjoy all of the benefits that come along with renewable sources of energy. And this means saying goodbye to your energy bill for good! Are you ready to start saving?

Don't spend dozens of hours trying to find a trustworthy DIY renewable energy guide. I've done all of the hard work for you! All you need to do is click the link below. Can you manage that?

Why a Successful Bathroom Remodeling Plan is Necessary?

If anyone of you is interested in bathroom remodeling, he must also be interested in saving his money, which gets spent without letting you know if you are unaware of depths and heights of bathroom remodeling strategies. The most essential thing you would need for remodeling is a proper plan. If your plan has been perfectly made, taking in notice all the problems that might occur, there is rarely a chance that you would come across any kind of troubles. Besides, your project would be adored.

If you follow the step-to-step guide for bathroom remodeling, the very first thing to reckon is the purpose of doing such a project? The whole remodeling plan would be made upon your choice that whether the purpose of remodeling is to enhance the resale value of your property or your own convenience and taste. If you have a clear-cut idea about this, your bathroom remodeling plan is going to be very successful. This is what majority of people don't pay attention to. They just start planning a bathroom remodeling plan without going through several minor but important points.

However, just knowing and realizing the purpose of your bathroom remodeling plan is not going to help you in all the cases. Sometimes, your desired plan exceeds your budget; and making a budget is a whole different story. It includes costs of materials, contractors, plumbers, electricians and several other things that become the basic constituents of a bathroom remodel. You need to align your plan with your budget. Asking a local home improvement store's owner would be helpful for you if you are not market savvy. However, compromising on bad quality with a low cost is the most rejected idea. It will keep your pockets heavy for a while but later, you would always be in trouble until you plan a new remodel.

Besides, you need to keep extra money available for your budget. There are cases when something unexpected happens. Costs may increase and your project may get delayed. In such cases, you need money the most. You can also come up with new ideas in between the project. Making them possible won't just be a theory; it would only work with money.

You need to keep these basic things in your mind when making a bathroom remodeling plan. You can do some of the remodeling projects yourself but not all of them. In case you don't know anything about carrying out any such operation, don't make false assumptions that you would be able to do it because it won't be a time of experiments. Saving money and brilliantly completing a bathroom remodeling project must be your basic motto.

For knowing more about bathroom remodeling, you can visit

Home Improvement - Saving on Your Energy Bills

As we all know with the changes in supply and our increased focus on environmental issues heating costs continue to rise every year. The Natural disasters which seem to occur more often and other world events inflate the prices of home heating expenses, for electric, gas and oil furnaces. However all is not doom and gloom as there are steps that you can take to lower your bills and save some money for other things or just to brace for the next rise in energy costs for your home.

Think about the tips below and see what you can do to lower your bills by conserving energy in your home.

Insulate Windows. Go though your house and check your windows. Make sure theyre well sealed. A good test is to do a smoke test. Turn off all fans and stand close to a window and produce some smoke perhaps with a match taking care not to burn yourself or anything! If theres a minute leak of interior home air to the outside the smoke will move in the direction toward the window. Kits can be bought at your local hardware or home improvement store for insulation.

Buy a Ceiling Fan. Because warm air rises youll want to get the warmer air down low by buying a ceiling fan. Reversible switches come on most all models and can be used in summer time too. The relative cost of the ceiling fan and its usage costs are quickly made up in savings.

Shut Doors. If a room is not being used then shut the door and leave it closed. This is really useful if youre not using the room for any length of time. Rooms that are used some of the time will have the door fanned and cold air will escape into the others rooms. Of course this will cause your boiler to work harder, and drive your heating costs up.

Close Curtains and Mini Blinds. If a wintry day is sunny or even if there is minimal sun, make sure you open them during the daylight hours but shut them as soon as it starts to go dark. The warmth from the suns rays will help warm the house and by closing the curtains you can keep it trapped for the night time. Re-open them when the sun comes up the following morning.

Weather Proof Doors and Seal Windows. Drafts arent necessary around doors if they have been weather stripped. Look around the bottoms of doors, and if air is streaming in then weather proof it. Check windows too because wear and the age of windows can let in cold air too. Caulk and seal windows, and if interior of seal is damaged replace it with the correct seal type.

Realign Doors. Doors just like windows can over time begin to sag from their original tight fitting position. Before winter sets in go around and really look at how your door closes. Adjust them for a good fitting.

Replace the Air Filter. You can eliminate unnecessary high cost bills by conserving energy by simply changing out a clogged air filter. Not only does the clogging cause your system to run slowly, but the danger is it can get into the motor and cause a fire, or just burn up the motor itself.

Close House Vents. In autumn and winter shut up the vents that allow circulation of air during the summer time. In the winter the goal is to keep all cold air out. Cold air under the floor boards infiltrates the house and drives up heating cost.

Check Roof Top Insulation. If its been a few years since you last checked out the insulation in your attic then go up and look around. Insulation should have enough air pockets to trap the cold air and push it back from the interior of the house. Old rotten insulation is usually brittle and flat. Replace the insulation with new and youll see evidence of your energy conservation in your heating costs.

By implementing just a few of these tips you will see start to see results. There is so much more that you can do too. Go online and read other different ways to conserve energy. Talk with your local energy provider to see if there are tips for your area that will help lower your bills, and drive down costs for everyone. In the end you wont regret that youve used the tips!

Paul Duxbury offers more advice at his Home Improvement site at

Friday, September 4, 2009

Alternative Energy For the Home That Works

If you want to lower the cost of your electricity bills, you have only a few options, but one of the very best is to find alternative energy for the home. This sounds like a job for the professionals and for a lot of people it might even sound like having to share bath water, but that's no longer the case.

With the advances in technology, we can live the same life we live right now, but have far less negative effect on the environment. The great thing is, it's all starting to cost less and less and some of the ideas are so easy and simple, you'll want to know why more people don't do it.

The two best options available are:-

1. Solar Panels

Solar panels have come a long way in the last few years. You no longer have to live in an area that has extensive sunlight in order for them to work effectively. Most people looking at this option have encountered merchants who charge excessive amounts of money for the hardware and installation, making it difficult to afford and once you have it installed, you are at the mercy of the technicians to keep it working. Fortunately, that has all begun to change. The technology behind these energy gatherers is so simple that just about anyone would be able to build them with a few items from the local DIY store. The result is that you are able to build them at your own pace, develop them and maintain them. They not only lower your monthly electricity bills, but they also get you more involved in your environment.

If you have the energy and the desire to take on a home project, then you can make a professional looking 80Watt panel in your garage at a cost of no more than a few hundred dollars. You can use this system to run your refrigerator, your washing machine or your tv. With the ability to build, you can make multiple panels to cater for all your household electrical needs.

2. Wind Generators

If you are looking for alternative energy for your home and you have a lot of wind, then you may want to invest in wind generators. There are some very good marine generators that are utilized on yachts that would suit a small household and again, there is the possibility of producing your own for a reasonable cost of around a hundred dollars.

Not much technical skill is required in order to build a wind generator. The principles behind the generation and conversion of power are easy to follow and comprehend and they can easily be attached to the top of your home.

Converting to alternative energy in the home not only decreases your monthly electricity bills, but can in fact lead to the power companies paying you for excess energy you may be plying back into the grid. The advantages go beyond just decreasing bill, but to a sense of achievement, a feeling of contributing to the planets wellbeing and to a cleaner, better planet for the next generation.

Stove Smith has lived off grid for a few years on a remote island in Central America and discovered that with the aid of new technology, going green doesn't have to mean going hippy. A tech savvy guy with a passion for saving money and saving the planet. Take a look at how you can cut your bills without spending a fortune and do your bit for the planet while you're at it -