Sunday, August 30, 2009

Build Your Own Wind Turbine - House Ideas

As one of the greatest sources of inexhaustible energies available, wind power is the best available source for generating electricity while reducing pollution. This very reason is why people are opting to install windmills for their individual household electricity needs. For building a wind turbine, you don't need any advanced construction or engineering skills. In fact practically any person can do this task with ease. When the blades spin they generate power and it is converted into electricity by the turbine. This is done by an electrical motor present inside the turbine. The first and foremost thing about installation is finding the appropriate location for placing the unit. The location should be free of obstacles and should have wind speeds above 5 MPH. The roof tops are an excellent place for installing a windmill. There are some basic materials that you will need, which include: a tower to give support to your system, a generator, blades, mounting and batteries. These parts are available in nearly any hardware store across the country.

Benefits of building a wind turbine for yourself:

- Can save about 80% of your monthly electrical bills, or even eliminate them completely.

EX: If monthly power bill is around $200, you can cut it down to $40. By this around $1000 can be saved every year. You can even produce excess electricity to eliminate your bill and sell left over electricity back to your local power company.

- Get tax credits for using green energy, this is part of the government's environmental plan.

- Protect your environment by reducing global warming and your dependence on expensive fossil fuels.

- The value of your house is increased.

On average, a self-made windmill doesn't cost more than 200 dollars. This can be easily paid back by savings on electricity in a fairly short period of time. Rather than buying an expensive commercial one it's better to opt for a homemade model, which only takes a day or so to assemble, even with limited skills. It's wise to choose many smaller systems than a bigger one. Through this method, even when one system is shut down for maintenance, the other systems can generate power and you don't have to supplement your wind power with electricity from your power company.

The cheapest option for installing wind turbines is to go with DIY Wind Turbine Instructions which includes detailed instructions, step-by-step video walk-throughs and even locations to get all of your materials as cheap as possible.

With DIY wind turbine instructions you can be living off the grid, on free wind energy, for as little as a $200 start up cost.

Start saving money and the environment today, what are you waiting for?

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