Monday, August 31, 2009

Lessons Learned About Bathroom Vanities

There are many lessons to learn about bathroom vanities, and hopefully homeowners will take the time to learn them before starting a massive and expensive project. What are some tips to remember when decorating your bathroom with a vanity?

1. Make the Bathroom Vanity the Central Piece
This not only applies in decorating the bathroom but also when starting the remodeling process. It's best to figure out what type of bathroom vanity you want to use as the center of the bathroom long before you start tearing into walls. Some bathroom vanities just demand to be the center of attention, while others tend to more easily adapt to the surroundings.

2. Use Color to Your Advantage
Remember that lighter colors make the bathroom seem bigger. Darker colors will make the room seem smaller. This applies not only with wallpaper and paint but also with the color of your bathroom vanity. If you are ordering an antique cherry vanity, then hopefully you have sufficient space in the room, otherwise you may be creating a claustrophobic atmosphere.

3. Use Mirrors to Your Advantage
Have you ever been in a restaurant with a large wall mirror and mistakenly though the room was much bigger than it really was? Mirrors can cast illusions in a large property like that, and do just the same for a small bathroom. Adding a large mirror in a medium sized bathroom may actually cause the room to look much smaller than it is. If your bathroom seems to be missing something and seems a bit "empty" then adding a medium sized bathroom vanity mirror could turn out to be a beautiful addition.

If you are looking for a bathroom vanity, visit for a full preview of their online selection. This online store offers a 110% low price guarantee.

RV Tips for Holding Tanks

Today we're going to talk about RV holding tanks. To start with, I wanted to mention something about RV holding tanks that I don't think a lot of RVers are aware of. Many of the free dump stations available to RVers are closing because of chemicals that are harmful to septic systems and because RVers are abusing these dump stations. If we want to have access to these dump stations it is absolutely essential that we use septic safe chemicals (no formaldehyde), and that we clean up after ourselves and do not abuse dump stations.

Your RV has what is referred to as a gray water holding tank and a black water holding tank. The gray water holding tank collects dirty water from the kitchen sink, bathroom sink and shower. The black water holding tank is for the toilet. These tanks terminate into one main outlet used to empty the holding tanks. This is where we connect our sewer hose.

Make sure you have the required couplings and connectors. It may be necessary to attach two hoses together to reach the sewer connection. I recommend you only use heavy duty sewer hoses. Their not that expensive and they hold up much better. Keep a 10 foot hose and a 20 foot hose available. Do not pull or drag the sewer hose on the ground. This will cause it to tear or get pin holes in it.

To hook up the sewer hose make sure both valves are closed and remove the sewer cap. Make the connection by putting the hose adapter over the outlet and turn it clockwise until it locks securely in place. Take the other end of the hose over to the campground sewer connection. Use the necessary adapters to make the connection and get a good seal. It's a good idea to place some weight over the hose so it doesn't jump back out when you drain the tanks. It may be necessary to use some type of sewer hose support to get a good angle from the RV to the campground sewer connection so the tanks drain properly when you empty them. The small valve is for the gray water tank and the large valve is for the black water tank.

One golden rule for RV holding tanks is to never dump the black water tank until it is at least two thirds full. You want the tank nearly full so the weight and the gravity will force the contents of the tank to drain properly. Another golden rule is to never leave the black tank valve open at the campground and expect the toilet to drain or flush like the toilet in your home. It won't work.

When the tanks are full, or nearly full always dump the black tank first, followed by the gray tank. The gray water tank should also be at least two thirds full. Dumping the gray water tank last will help to flush the sewer hose out.

When you're at the campground for an extended period of time you can leave the gray tank valve partially open so it drains as you use it, but remember to NEVER do this with the black tank. If it's time to leave the campground and your holding tanks are not full you can finish filling them with water and then dump them. Never use your drinking water hose for holding tank maintenance or cleaning purposes. RV drinking hoses are normally white. Take a different color hose for others uses so you can distinguish the difference.

After you dump the tanks you need to thoroughly flush the tanks out. Some RVs have a built in system for flushing the tanks out. If not there are other ways to do it. You can use a tank wand designed for cleaning and flushing the black tank. The only problem is you don't know when or if the black tank is really clean and you can't rinse or clean the gray tank with a wand. I use a product called the Flush King. It's a reverse flush valve that connects directly to your sewer outlet and rinses and cleans both holding tanks in one simple operation. It's easy to use and it has a see through barrel so you know when the tanks are really clean.

Every time you dump the black tank you need to treat it with holding tank chemicals to assist in controlling odors and to break down solids. You should always use environmentally safe chemicals. Enzyme based chemicals use the good bacteria to digest waste and control odors. Formaldehyde based chemicals destroy the bacteria that's needed to break down waste and they can be dangerous to humans and pets.

The first step is to add enough water to completely cover the bottom of the tank. Four or five toilet bowls full should be enough depending on the size of your black tank. Water will assist a great deal with controlling holding tank odors. You always want the contents of the tank to be covered by water. Next, fill the toilet bowl and add the proper amount of holding tank chemicals, usually four ounces for every forty gallons the tank holds. Flush the toilet. Repeat this procedure every time you empty the black water holding tank. Some holding tank chemicals like RV Trine also contains valve lubricants to keep the valves operating properly and extend the valve seals life.

You should always use toilet paper designed for use in RVs. This toilet paper breaks down and dissolves in the holding tank chemicals preventing potential problems with the holding tank, the RV sewer system and the dump station septic system.
False holding tank readings on your monitor panel are caused by the holding tank probes being covered by toilet tissue or other debris. If flushing the tank doesn't solve the problem add some water and a couple bags of ice cubes to the empty holding tank. Drive or pull the trailer so the ice cubes can scrub the sides of the tank. Proper holding tank chemicals will also keep the holding tank probes clean.

Over time grease and residue builds up in the gray tank and it causes a foul odor, not to mention how it is affecting the tank and valve assembly. Periodically treat the gray tank with environmentally safe holding tank chemicals to avoid odors from the tank. When the tank is empty you can also add some dish washing liquid down the drains to help break down grease and residue build up.

Following these simple holding tank tips can prevent problems and provide you with long lasting trouble free holding tanks. This is one problem we can all do without! All of our RV walk-through videos cover information on RV holding tanks, the water system, LP gas system, electrical system and more. Check out our new RV Essential Items DVD to show you what items you will want for your RV to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable.

Happy Camping,

Mark J. Polk

Copyright 2006 by Mark J. Polk owner of RV Education 101

RV Expert Mark Polk, seen on TV, is the producer & host of America's most highly regarded series of DVD's, videos, books, and e-books.

Mark Polk is a retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Three, specializing in wheeled and track vehicle fleet maintenance operations. In addition to owning and operating RV Education 101, (based in North Carolina) since 1999, Polk also has a very extensive RV background working in RV service, sales and management. Polk has a degree in Industrial Management Technology and his 30 plus years of experience in maintenance includes working as an RV technician, a wheeled vehicle and power generation mechanic, an automotive maintenance technician, Battalion and Brigade level Maintenance Officer, an RV sales manager and also in the RV financing department as the Finance & Insurance manager.

Choosing a Contractor and Comparing Bids

Whether you are doing a remodeling project in St. Paul or Minneapolis-or somewhere else in the world-one thing remains the same: choosing a contractor is one of the most important things that you will do. Having a great contractor on your side is extremely important and will make the difference between a mediocre remodel or one that is excellent. Of course while you are on the lookout for a top notch contractor, you are going to want to compare bids that contractors offer you along the way. You'll find that there is a lot of room for negotiation when it comes to the bids on the remodeling. So, when you do get a bit, you should learn to negotiate to make sure you get what you want. If you are ready to start comparing bids, here is a closer look at what to look for in bids, comparing them, the materials to consider, and the best tips for finding the best possible bid out there.

Things to Look for in a Bid
First of all, before you can really make a decision on contractor bids, you are going to have to know what you should be looking for in a bid. This is something that occurs before you sign a construction contract. So, here are the top things you need to look for in contractor bids on construction services for your home.

- Clear Definition of the Work - One thing that you should be looking for in a good bid is a clear definition of the work that you need to have done. The bid should be very specific about this. Having some plans included is a great idea, with the initials of the contractor at the bottom of the each page of the plans that have to do with their proposal.

- Dates of Starting and Completion - Another aspect to look for in a good bid is the dates when the contractor is going to state and when they propose to have the project completed.

- The Insurance Provisions - The insurance provisions should also be included in any bids from contractors. You will want to know what is covered and who is going to be providing that coverage.

- Price of the Bid - Of course the price of the bid should be included in the bid. Of course not just the price should be included. However, how the price will be paid should be included and when the money should be paid should also be a part of the bid. Here you should find how long the bid is going to hold as well.

- Responsibility of Cleanup - The responsibility of the cleanup is another thing that should be included in the bid that the contractors give to you. The last thing you want is to get left cleaning up everything on your own. So, make sure you see on the bid whether they will clean up after the work or if they are going leave it all up to you. This can definitely make a difference in the bid that you decide to choose, so read very carefully.

- Conditions that Can Lead to Withholding Payment - - Any conditions that can lead to you withholding payment is something else that should definitely be included on the bid.

Tips For Comparing the Bids
Once you have several different bids from various contractors, that include the construction services that will be offered and more, then you will need to start actually comparing these bids so you can go on to have a construction contract drawn up and signed. Carefully compare these contractor bids. You want to make sure that you go with the best possible option for your needs. A great way to compare is to come up with a comparison sheet so you can easily compare these bids. This will allow you to more easily see how the bids compare to each other. Remember, the price is not the only thing that you are going to want to consider. The quality of materials and amount of work is going to matter as well. Go for the best value for your money, not just the lowest price.

Keep the Quality of Materials in Mind
Product material quality is an important consideration when you are taking a look at the contractor bids that are offered to you. You need to realize that the lowest price that is offered to you may not be the best deal for you. Make sure that you look at the materials that are going to be used. Make sure that the materials used are going to be quality. Why pay less only to have lower grade materials used on the remodel? So, ensure that you keep this in mind when you are looking at the bids.

Top Tips for Finding the Best Bid
So, you may be wondering how you can find the best possible contractor bid. Well, there are several ways to do this. First of all, you need to go through the bids line by line. This way you get a good idea of the comparison. Go with the more experienced and quality contractor as well, even if they don't have the lower price. Consider trying to negotiate the price. Let them know you'd love to have them work with you, but you have a limited budget. They may be willing to come down a bit on the price quoted in the bid. If you never ask about a lower price, you'll never know if they will come down a bit. So, make sure that you get out there and do some negotiating so you and the Minnesota contractor can come to a good agreement.

Visit to learn more about a the remodeling process as well as working with a contractor. John Mazzara is involved with financial services in the Twin Cities, MN. Officing out of Edina, Minnesota-John is centrally located within the 7 county MN metropolitan area. John owns three separate businesses-a licensed real estate broker associate selling Minnesota real estate since 1986-affiliated with RE/MAX Associates Plus, an independent CFP-certified financial planner since 1989 with an independent Minnesota financial planning firm-Financial Planning Associates and the owner of a Minnesota mortgage broker firm-Venture Development Inc-specializing ins residential, commercial and investment mortgages If you are looking for someone to help you in the areas of real estate sales/purchase, mortgages, or and/or financial planning and insurance you should call John for a free 1 hour consultation to see if he can meet your needs. 952-929-2577. RE/MAX Associates Plus and Venture Development are located at 7300 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

Going Green in the Bathroom Benefits - Poway Home Tips

The tough housing market, tight lending practices by commercial institutions and across the board depressed economy is forcing more and more homeowners to be more frugal. Going green in the bathroom is one way many have found to save money in their energy and water bills. Many are still under the old idea that environmentally sustainable practices are expensive while in reality it is the opposite. The centerpiece of green bathroom remodeling is to save water and energy resources, while saving you money and us, the environment.

As consumers demand for products that have the twin advantages of saving money and natural resources increase, companies respond by making products that address these needs. Today, more and more companies are jumping into the bandwagon of making green products. The result is that the cost of these materials that are environmentally sustainable have gone down while their benefits have been appreciated more.

With bathrooms, it is much easier to go green than the other rooms in the house. By just following the 1994 water conservation mandates, many homeowners have simply replaced outdated fixtures and reaping the savings in utility bills immediately.

Going green in the bathroom benefits:
According to Mike Nagel of the National Association of Home Builders and Remodelers Council, "Americans spent over $230 billion last year on home remodeling, with energy efficient and sustainable products representing an increasing share of the market."

Low flow shower heads can dramatically reduce the amount of water used while taking shower.
Toilets that use less water than the standard toilets are becoming more popular. Dual flush toilets save water and have become the darling of some in the bathroom renovation business.
Bathtub and sink refinishing are lees expensive than total tear out. Reglazing a bathtub saves money, time and the environment.

Take for instance, a bathtub. It costs about $300 to buy a new one, but when the price of tear out, plumbing, tile setting and disposal of the fixtures, the price adds up pretty quickly. The price for total bathtub replacement can go from $1500 to $2500, depending on the part of the country the work is done. Bathtub refinishing is done in the bathroom, takes about four hours to complete, can be used the next day and costs about $450. Restoring a bathtub while in the bathroom, saves the energy that could have been used in manufacturing, and transporting the tub to the warehouse, store and to your bathroom. It also saves the landfills.

Going from the standard bulb to a low energy bulb saves money on utility bills. Using recycled or re-manufactured flooring materials saves valuable assets. Paints that are low in VOC have health and green benefits. Reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), will reduce health problems, from asthma to cancer. Be careful to use building materials like cabinetry, adhesives, caulks and paints that are VOC free.

Because the bathroom is affected by heat, humidity and chemicals from cleaning, hygiene and cosmetic products, ventilation, therefore becomes very important. Outside air is less polluted than the air inside. If it feasible to have a window that recycles the air in the bathroom, go ahead and enjoy your fresh air. Going green in the bathroom saves money, time, the environment and is a healthy thing to do.

Wilson Uche Ukah, is the President of Refinishing Stars, a bathtub refinishing company serving homeowners in Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. Refinishing Stars, refinishes bathtubs, sinks, and countertops for hotels and motels nationwide. He writes regularly on green remodeling. Wilson can be reached at or

Are Bathroom in Basement Remodels For You?

Are you thinking about expanding your home, but out of space on your main floors? If that's the case, it might be time to do something about your unfinished basement area. A small office, a guest room, a personal gym, or even an entertainment room might do the trick, but if you want to spend time down there, there's something else you'll need. A basement bathroom will keep you from having to run up and down stairs all the time, and it'll also add value to your home. End lines at the bathroom door by performing a bathroom in basement remodel.

There are a few things to keep in mind before you get that renovation started, however. You'll need a project plan with your intended schedule, budget, cost estimates, and work you want done. Keep this updated throughout the process of building your basement bathroom in order to get the best and most predictable results. Start by looking for ideas on your basement bathroom remodel. Home improvement stores, online articles and sites, and magazines are all a good place to start when you decide what you want your finished basement to look like. Think about color, lighting, space set up, and more. The better your plan is, the more likely you are to end up with a bathroom you love.

You'll also need to think about ceiling height, available space, moisture in the basement, basement temperature, and stability of the basement itself. Windows and lighting will be important if you don't want your bathroom in basement remodel to end up like a cave. You'll also have to consider ventilation to keep air moving in the house. An enclosed bathroom with no air movement could end up seeming musty and unpleasant. Remember to decide early on if you want a full or a half bath.

If you're thinking about doing the work yourself, you'll need to know a few things. Most people need basic carpentry and wiring skills to put up walls and get light fixtures working. You'll also have to have a good amount of plumbing experience if you plan on installing the toilet, sink, and tub or shower on your own. However, you don't have to do everything on your own. Calling a professional in for part or all of the work on your bathroom in basement remodel is a smart idea if you're not one yourself.

It may be a good idea to call a professional plumber for the piping, if you don't have the experience and knowledge to do it yourself. In some cases, you may also need to have a pro oversee or sign off on work that you've done yourself. That way, you'll be legal and up to local code. If you know how to frame, wire, and hang drywall (choose moisture resistant board for basements), but aren't sure about plumbing, calling a pro might be the best method you can use. It'll certainly save you some frustration and effort in the long run. Your bathroom in basement remodel can be a real success. All you have to do is have a good plan.

Thomas Johnsen is the Author and Leading Expert on Bathrooms in Basements and the creator of the publication Bathroom in Basement 101. Visit the site now to find the easy-to-understand step-by-step guides on basement bathroom construction available online today.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Consider Basement Renovation to Increase Value to Your Home

You can increase the value of your home with a good basement renovation. When you consider renovating your basement you need to determine why you want to renovate it. Maybe you want to make a basement room into a work out center, convert it to a television room, and make it into a kid's playroom or any of a number of other things.

Your project may be as simple as a new coat of paint on the dull walls or as extensive as a complete makeover into a new room. In any case there are some basic things you will need to consider and think about before you begin.

You will need to decide if the renovation to your basement will be easy enough for you to do yourself or if it will require the services of a professional basement contractor. Either way, you will have to prepare a budget.

One aspect in basement renovation that is extremely important is evaluating the quality of the air flow in the existing basement area you want to renovate. If your basement is moist, it will be prone to mildew. You will need to focus on getting the basement dry so it will be a place that you to go instead of a smelly place you avoid.

If your primary goal is to make your home a more comfortable place with the addition of quality space or improving the existing space, you need to consider basement renovation to accomplish this goal and add value to your home.

Considering basement renovation? Discover practical basement remodeling ideas online and turn cheap basement ideas into dream basements at a budget.

Categorizing Walk-in Tubs and Baths

There are so many things that we see everyday in life and get so used to that we do not even stop to think about them. No one thinks of what goes behind mundane, everyday products. No thought is spared to others who might not be as physically capable as us, for whom even simple activities are pretty difficult. The same is the case with bathtubs. Everybody is so used to getting in and out of them that no one thinks why so many types of walk-in baths and tubs are available. Spare a thought to the physically handicapped or the senior citizens. The elderly cannot get into a bathtub as easily as we do. Stiff joints and arthritis hinder them at every turn. With painful joints, every simple routine becomes an enormous task for those people.

The physically challenged or those suffering from other health related problems too have a tough time getting into or out of the bath. Nowadays at least there are walk-in tubs and baths but imagine a time before this. They had to be carried in and out of the bath! Those who needed support of the wheelchair or had other physical difficulty had to suffer a lot. They needed assistance for even taking a bath.

But thankfully, things have changed now. Now, there are tubs coming into market these days that are designed to make bath easier. They can easily get into a bath and get out of a bath as easily. There are tubs in different sizes. Safety Tubs have been a blessing to those who struggled into and out of bath. These Safety Tubs can fit into any space and come in a variety of sizes. There are walk-in baths of 513 x 303 length and breadth. This size is ideal for normal or traditional sized bathroom. If there is more space and there is preference for a spacious bath tub603 long x 323 wide can be tried. If there are space constrains, walk-in bathtub that are 513 long and 263 wide could be installed.

But this is not all. Apart from the 3 sizes of walk-in tubs, extension kits are also available. This ensures that the tubs can be fitted perfectly into custom spaces and are of required standards. Included in this can be 203 width panel that is a very good fit between the wall and the end of the tub near the wall. This panel can also be adjusted according to needs of the customers.

The wide range of walk-in tubs and baths cater a variety of needs of the people using them. Each person has a different "ideal" bath or tub according to his or her particular problem. The simplest of these are the walk-in showers or baths. These showers or baths are taken in an upright position so the one taking a bath is spared the torture of sitting down and getting up. Walk-in tubs are the other option. They have doors on the side, so there is no reason to struggle in or lift up.

Looking for information about walk-in tubs and showers

Theodor Cartman recommends different types of walk-in tubs and showers as the best option when buying.

Tract Houses Framing Problems

The house you live in was probably a mass produced home built as part of a housing track. The track home is a rapidly built house in phases. These phases if possible will over lap the other home building trades. If possible you will have the plumbers working on the same house as the electricians and the framers. This is called fast tracking.

Fast tracking a house is building a home as fast as humanly possible. So you can imagine the pressures put on all of the people involved in building a track home.
The pace is so fast sometimes that I have seen job superintendents and foremen look like they were actually going to blow up. I mean explode from the pressure they where under.

Framing the stairs on the job was the same experience for me most of the time. Sometimes I had three jobs going at once. Think about it. At the most, I could only go to each of the jobs twice each week. That involved working on Saturday of course. This made a lot of framing foremen extremely upset. They had full time crews on their jobs always working five days a week. If I missed one day of work. I was behind for the rest of the job.

Now it rarely happened but if I did miss a day of work I had to make it up some how. The only way to make it up was by working late or on Sunday. Well most of the time I worked six days a week from 7:00 in the mourning until 5:00 at night. So working late meant sunrise to sunset. Oh did I mention that I did have a family. This wasn't easy for them either.

One time I got so far behind on a job that I was putting stairs in while they were roofing the houses. Talk about one unhappy foreman. I think you get the idea about the pressure I was under to install these stairs on time. My experience building stairs on track built homes taught me to build homes extremely fast while being proficient.
I'm not interested in working like that anymore. My life is simple now and I want to keep it that way. The next time you see a construction worker working late on a Saturday show some compassion. Maybe by reading this article you will understand some of the pressure he is under.

Building tract homes is hard on you mentally and physically.

Happy Home building.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Stairway Safety

Build Your Own Wind Turbine - House Ideas

As one of the greatest sources of inexhaustible energies available, wind power is the best available source for generating electricity while reducing pollution. This very reason is why people are opting to install windmills for their individual household electricity needs. For building a wind turbine, you don't need any advanced construction or engineering skills. In fact practically any person can do this task with ease. When the blades spin they generate power and it is converted into electricity by the turbine. This is done by an electrical motor present inside the turbine. The first and foremost thing about installation is finding the appropriate location for placing the unit. The location should be free of obstacles and should have wind speeds above 5 MPH. The roof tops are an excellent place for installing a windmill. There are some basic materials that you will need, which include: a tower to give support to your system, a generator, blades, mounting and batteries. These parts are available in nearly any hardware store across the country.

Benefits of building a wind turbine for yourself:

- Can save about 80% of your monthly electrical bills, or even eliminate them completely.

EX: If monthly power bill is around $200, you can cut it down to $40. By this around $1000 can be saved every year. You can even produce excess electricity to eliminate your bill and sell left over electricity back to your local power company.

- Get tax credits for using green energy, this is part of the government's environmental plan.

- Protect your environment by reducing global warming and your dependence on expensive fossil fuels.

- The value of your house is increased.

On average, a self-made windmill doesn't cost more than 200 dollars. This can be easily paid back by savings on electricity in a fairly short period of time. Rather than buying an expensive commercial one it's better to opt for a homemade model, which only takes a day or so to assemble, even with limited skills. It's wise to choose many smaller systems than a bigger one. Through this method, even when one system is shut down for maintenance, the other systems can generate power and you don't have to supplement your wind power with electricity from your power company.

The cheapest option for installing wind turbines is to go with DIY Wind Turbine Instructions which includes detailed instructions, step-by-step video walk-throughs and even locations to get all of your materials as cheap as possible.

With DIY wind turbine instructions you can be living off the grid, on free wind energy, for as little as a $200 start up cost.

Start saving money and the environment today, what are you waiting for?

How Much Does it Cost to Remodel a Bathroom?

How much does it cost to remodel a bathroom?

I am asked this question at least ten times a day, answer, what do you want? What materials do you want to use? Most people do not know what is available and what the options are;therefore they don't know what they want so I can not give them an answer. Are you looking for a permanent solution? Or a quick fix? All the problems in the bathroom are caused by water, if you cannot control the water you cannot control the problems, you control the water, you control the problems. When it comes to remodeling a bathroom most homeowners think that there are a million ways you can do, there are only a 5 ways you can remodel a bathroom. The first question you must answer is how long do you want it to last? Remember, you get what you pay for

The Most expensive Bathroom is the one you have to do over and over again!!!!!!

5 Ways to Remodel a Bathroom The firstfour solutions are a quick fix.

1. The first option is to re-glaze, painting over, usually done for tubs; I have seen it on tiles as well. The tub cost $400-$600, walls are about the same.Most companies will give a 3- 5year warranty, but if you leave anything that is wet, like a shampoo bottle or wet towel, it will crack, chip and peel sooner, it can last from 3 months to 3 years. New tubs are baked after painting, this cannot be done in the house. 2. Wall system only, vinyl walls from the home center, cost $400-$800, if you do it yourself it will cost you nothing, if you hire a contractor it will be double the cost. It is adhered with liquid nail. Liquid nail dry's after a period of time, it cracks, pull away from the wall. It can last 1-3 years.Hiring a contractor will cost $800-$1,200.00

2. Fiberglass costs to purchase from $1,200- $2,000, 1 piece tub and wall, this is still a porous material, it has a jell-coat on it, it will wear away in about 3-5years. Ounce it wears away it will expose the nooks and crannies in the fiberglass, and when that dirt gets inside, it will become difficult to clean. It cannot be installed in most homes due to existing framing; generally they are installed in new homes before the walls are framed. First remove existing tiles, tub. To install a fiberglass unit you must remove everything including sheet rock, this unit installs into the wall studs. You need a plumber to install drain and valve, after installation the walls need to be repaired. The total time to install is 3-4 days, the warranty on the fiberglass is 1year, from the contractor none. Total cost with a contractor approximately $4,500.00. This will last approximately 5-7 years.

3. Total Remodel in Tile, this is the traditional way of remodeling. Update an existing 9-by-6-foot bathroom. Replace all fixtures to include 30-by-60-inch porcelain-on-steel tub with 4x4-inch ceramic tile surround; new single-lever temperature and pressure-balanced shower control; standard white toilet; solid-surface vanity counter with integral sink; recessed medicine cabinet with light; ceramic tile floor; vinyl wallpaper. Tile is a good material, the problem is not the tile it is the grout. The grout is sand and cement, it is porous, water will penetrate it sooner or later.This will take up to 2 weeks, According to Remodel Magazine Mid-Range in 2007 cost is $16,830.00. Now the most important question after spending all that money, what is the warranty? lifetime? I don't think so.

Ask your tile contractor how long is the warranty? If he is a good contractor he will give you about 1- year, for labor, no warranty on tile, that's it!

Luxury Bath solution is aPermanent Solution- do it right the first time and Never do it Again. Acrylic tub,walls and shower systemswill control the water, because it is non-porousmaterial, water will not penetrate it, mold and mildew will not grow on it., easy to clean and maintain.

5. Luxury Bath acrylic tub, this is the only material that is non-porous, the wall and tubsystem comes with a lifetime warranty, you will never do it again. The Acrylic system will cost less than the total remodeling, from 1/3 to 1/2 of thetraditional remodeling.Price will depends how much work needs to be done before we can put up the system, colors and styles you choose from. The estimate is free of charge, we will measure, and you pick and choose, then we will give you a quote. visit our website

Illia Kornea

Great Tips on How to Select Wooden Doors

Your wooden doors are not added for the sake of aesthetic value. They can add protection to your home, especially from intruders and stray animals. They can also prevent harmful elements such as strong wind, snow, and rain from getting into your house.

But how do you exactly choose the most ideal wooden doors for your house? We can sum up everything in 4 tips:

1. Get to know the weather. One of the biggest issues of wood is that it tends to expand and contract every time the weather changes. This then makes wooden doors highly susceptible to premature wear and tear. What you can do is to select those that have fiberboard panels. They are not only very durable, but they are resistant to changeable weather conditions.

2. Go for solid wooden doors. There are actually two known types of wooden doors. You have the hollow core, where the panels are made up of fiberboards with gaps or holes. They are very lightweight and somewhat inexpensive. However, they are not as durable as solid wooden doors. They also produce a lot of noise. Though you will surely be spending more for them, you are also assured of their quality. You can stick with mahogany, oak, and hickory, to name a few. They are also considered to be more fire resistant. If you're in doubt of how strong they are, you can still find these kinds of doors among old houses-those that have been around for more than 50 years.

3. Ensure that the door hardly touches the floor. Some doors are just so huge that their bottom edges will cause scratches into your floor every time you close and open them. It would be ideal to have your floors attached first before you buy the wooden doors, or you can have an allowance of at least a half inch at the bottom of the door.

4. Buy the door from a legitimate manufacturer. There are hundreds of manufacturers that you can find in the market today, but not all of them are actually real. Some of them would only give you substandard wood door or market them as solid wood when, in fact, they're not. To see if it's a legitimate seller or manufacturer, you can look for reviews in the World Wide Web. You can also check the Better Business Bureau if the company is registered. Most of all, don't buy any wood door without warranty.

5. Determine your style. There are several choices that you can have for your wood doors, and usually, your selection will depend on your style. If you can't find the right color for your door, you can opt to buy the unfinished one and just have a professional painter to add the color. Victorian-style homes can go for six-panel doors, while others can select 4-panel ones.

You can look for wood doors in your local home depot or at the Internet. It's important, however, that before you bring them home, you must be able to check for any potential issue.

Searching for the best wooden doors will no longer be a problem anymore. Lenfex has partnered with the best American and European wooden manufacturers to ensure that you don't only obtain an affordable product but one that is of excellent quality.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bathroom Mirror Cabinets - Things to Keep in Mind

Changing the bathroom mirror cabinets is the simplest way to give a new look of your bathroom. But before you begin the remodeling project it is very important to develop a plan. Your plan should include a detailed layout of the exact cabinet measurements. It should also determine your budget.

Kinds Of Bathroom Vanities

There are a number of mirror cabinets available. You can easily choose from among contemporary styles with flat panel doors, stylish chrome paneled styles with trendy drawers and traditional furniture style cabinets.

Determining The Size Of The Cabinet

Before you select the bathroom mirror cabinets for your home it is very important to list your storage needs. See how many and which kind of cosmetics, grooming, dental care, appliances and cleaning products you need to keep in the cabinet. This would help you determine the size of the wall cabinet.

Take the precise measurements of the wall space where you plan to install the cabinet. Pick up a vanity that provides maximum space and is a few inches smaller that the measured space, at the same time.

Quality Bathroom Mirror Cabinets

While the size of the wall mirrors and the cabinets are very important, it is also essential to pick a quality piece. Most low-end mirror cabinets are just stapled together and hence are not durable. Try and pick a mirror cabinet that looks good and is durable. See if you can get yourself a mirror cabinet that has some dovetailed drawers and concealed hinged doors.

Your ultimate purchase should be to your liking. It should also suit your taste, the dcor of your bathroom and your budget. It would be better to get a bathroom mirror light along with the cabinet.

Use the above information to select the best bathroom mirror cabinets for your home.

Visit CORE online to get free access to more information on buying bathroom mirror cabinets.

Basement Bar Help

Building a basement bar in your own home could be a nice way to utilize that extra cash you have hanging around. It will certainly gain you popularity points from your friends when you have them over and entertain them with a real fully functional bar.

This is not easy work though. Once you decide to build a bar in your basement, you have to commit your time, energy and money. Don't be scared, you don't have to be a millionaire to own a bar in your basement. It will soon be worth it when you finish and admire the newest addition to your home.

First things first, you have to make sure that you actually have a basement or a similar room that you use as a basement. Since you are going to be having parties or get-togethers in your new basement bar, it would be better if the basement is in a different level from all other rooms to limit the noise. It is important to note that you have enough space for the kind of bar that you want. You have a choice of building something cozy and personal or go all out for and build something for big events.

Once you have established your space for your bar, you have to deal with the dirty work. For a bar to function properly, you must have a good plumbing system, wiring framework and lighting.

There are two main areas that require plumbing work to be done:

- Hot and cold water to the bar sink
- Drainage for the bar sink
- Toilet

If you already have your washer and dryer in the basement then all you have to do is tap the water source and to bring it over to your sink. The drainage might be a little more complicated but it is just as important, you don't want your basement to be flooded. The toilet is actually an option. You can opt to go up the stairs each time you need to use the toilet to save you hassle from building one in the basement.

There are five major wiring jobs to be done in the basement:

- Electrical (outlets, lighting switches, wall switches)
- Audio
- Telephone
- Video
- Computer Network

Lighting is important to create the right ambiance. Lighting in your bar could be broken down into groups:

- Bar
- Stairs
- Seating area
- Play area

After this, you can move on with the formation of your dream basement bar.

Turn your basement into the ultimate hangout with friends. Basement remodeling is easy with the latest basement bar ideas online.

Home Improvement Consumer Laws Can Help You in Many Ways

There are several home improvement consumer laws that have been created to help the consumer who are working with contractors for their home projects. These consumer laws are different in different regions but one must be aware of all of them to take maximum advantage as well as to avoid any kind of troubles. Here are some of the most important home improvement consumer laws that can help you in your daily life.

You Have a Right to Cancel Your Contract

The federal government gives you the rights to cancel any kind of contract you signed within three days. This law has been created to support a consumer who happens to change his mind after signing a contract. So, in case you change your mind after signing a contract, you have three days to cancel the deal without any troubles. You have the right to do so.

Don't Forget the Cancellation Form

When you cancel a contract, make sure you get two cancellation form of the contract from your contractor. One of these forms is for your record while the other one is for the contractor. You have to clearly mention all the details of the contractor, and the reason for canceling the contract. Make sure you ask for it from your contractor after canceling a deal. Majority of people are not aware of such home improvement consumer laws and they do not ask for any kind of documentation when they cancel a deal.

It is Your Right to Ask for a Contractor's License

Many states do not allow any contractors to work without a contractor's license. If you do not know about home improvement consumer laws of your region, you should make sure that your contractor is registered and has a valid license to work in a particular region. Otherwise, you might have to face several problems if your contractor does not have a contractor's license.

Avoid a Bad Contractor

Make sure that the contractor you hired for your project has a good working reputation. Otherwise, if there is any kind of complaints signed against your contractor, you will not be able to proceed with your home improvement project according to home improvement consumer laws.

These laws are different in different regions but you can always research on the internet and get yourself updated to use these home improvement consumer laws for your best.

For detailed articles on home improvements projects and contractors, visit

Bathroom Care and Cleaning

Your bathroom is one of the most personal spaces in your home as this is the place where you get all the privacy that you need and the quiet time that you need for yourself. This is also one place where you can actually do everything that you need to do in private, whether that be taking a bath, reading a newspaper, thinking and the like.

It is therefore very much important for you to always maintain a clean bathroom and you can only do this by regularly cleaning your bathroom and by making sure that there couldn't be any mess anytime inside your bathroom.

What you can do is in order to clean and maintain your bathroom to be clean and orderly is to see to it that you will regularly clean it. Set a concrete bathroom cleaning day where you will simply clean your bathroom thoroughly which could also be a good form of exercise for you.

Another thing that you can do in order to make sure that your bathroom is clean at all times is, as the owner of the bathroom make sure that you practice the proper bathroom ethics. Make use of your trashcan and avoid going inside the bathroom in your dirty shoes and of course avoid throwing your dirty clothes anywhere.

It is also important to clean the bathroom's sink, drawers, floors, seat and the like and is also important to deodorize your bathroom regularly. You might also want to consider buying fresheners to make sure that your bathroom always has a good scent.

Start making improvements and design changes around your home.

Now is the Time to Invest in House Foreclosures

Right now we are experiencing one of the most prevalent times for house foreclosures, so right now is the time to invest. Over the past year the number of house foreclosures has been steadily increasing and we are certainly experiencing peak levels at the moment. If you have been thinking of starting a business by investing in these properties, the time is definitely right.

Home owners who have defaulted on their mortgage loans for longer than a certain period of time are definitely going to be going through the foreclosure process before very long. This is often due to unemployment or increases in the interest rates making the house unaffordable.

There are number of ways of tackling the owner of a home who knows they are going into foreclosure. Bear in mind that in the pre-foreclosure stage, the home owner does not really want to go into foreclosure, but they don't have the money to do otherwise, so running an ad in a local news paper or real estate magazine could be a way of attracting them to you. It is not easy to approach a home owner who knows they are being foreclosed upon, so rather let them come to you.

It is possible in some instances to offer the home owner 50% of the value of the equity in the home, be sure that they provide you with all relevant information including the mortgage documents and any liens. In this way you can negotiate with lien holders, and make them an offer. These liens can usually be paid at greatly discounted rates in the pre-foreclosure phase as once the house foreclosure has taken place; the liens are generally dissolved by the major lien holder.

Make sure that you have financial pre-approval; waiting for approval could mean that you lose out on a really good bargain. If you haven't got the finances available and the foreclosure date is close then you might lose the property. Pre-approval will accelerate the process considerably.

Before every making an offer to a home owner, do your homework. The equity on the home is used to establish a market value. Other similar homes in that area will also give you a good idea of the potential market value of the house foreclosure you wish to invest in. Presently it is a buyers market so bear this in mind also, you might have to hold onto the property for a while before you can make a profit on it.

Ensure that you take a look at all repairs that have to be made on the house foreclosure; chances are that if the home owner couldn't afford to pay the mortgage, then he couldn't afford to make any necessary repairs. These repair costs have to factor into your offer. Never make the mistake of offering too much money without considering all the factors that play a role in the amount of your offer, this could lead to losses rather than profits.

Search foreclosures by state or get more information on foreclosure houses at

Kevin Simpson, GM Sales & Marketing

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bathroom Vanity Material Types

One of the most common questions we receive from our clients is:
What material are your vanities made from?

Though the answer is a simple one, the response we get from clients can be at times frustrating. There are many myths about bathroom cabinetry material type. The goal of this article is to help educate you on this subject and provide clarification.

Bathroom vanity cabinets can be manufactured from many materials including solid hardwood, MDF (medium density fiberboard), laminate, and glass, just to name a few.

Here are a few advantages and disadvantages to each:

Solid Hardwood

You will pay a much higher price for a vanity made from solid hardwood. Solid hardwood needs to be laminated together matching grain and color. It must also be adequately dried to prevent warping. There is a higher waste factor in the manufacturing process. You can easily determine if a vanity is made from solid hardwood by looking at the interior finish; if the inside of the vanity has a stain finish, it is made from solid wood; if it is painted, it is made from MDF.

MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard)

MDF is a composite wood product made out of wood waste fibers glued together with resin, heat, and pressure. MDF is used in many applications because it is smooth, uniform, and won't warp with a quality paint or finish. MDF is appropriate for bathroom cabinetry because it is more stable with changing humidity levels (no swelling or shrinking). MDF has gained popularity because it has a lower impact on the environment as compared to lumber because it is made from leftover scraps that would otherwise be dumped into a landfill.


Laminate comes in a wide variety of colors and textures: wood patterns, stone, marble and solid colors. Laminate is often used in commercial jobs because of its durability and ease of care. It is also used in post modern remodels and children's rooms.


This very simple to care for; usually considered a contemporary look with limited cabinet space. Most glass vanities have open shelves for storage which require a focus on organization as it is visible to all. Glass vanities can be expensive, depending one the size of the vanity. Glass vanities are usually mixed with chrome for a clean line sophisticated look.

All of the materials mentioned above are considered acceptable materials to manufacture bathroom vanities. The more important factor is the quality of the manufacturer. I have personally seen solid hardwood vanity lines that are manufactured poorly, and have seen very high quality MDF bathroom vanities. Do your research when choosing a vanity retailer, and ideally ask others for recommendations when possible.

Julia Ritzenthaler is Owner of boutique online furniture stores,

For more information about unique bathroom vanities, visit us online or email us with your questions at

Install Roof Shingles - Home Tips

If you're serious about learning how to install roof shingles, you've come to the right place. But first let me tell you about a job I was on many years ago in Cape Coral, Florida...

It was a brand new house with a shingle roof. It also had a complicated roof design and six valleys. The builder went a little too far cost-cutting and hired a couple of day-laborers to shingle the house. He had paid them just $10 per square for 30 squares, a total of $300. All was fine and dandy until the first rain... when all six valleys leaked!

Of course the day laborers were long gone by then, which is just as well according to Einstein. He said that some problems can't be solved with the same mentality which created them in the first place! This was one of those problems.

That's when the builder called the small, but reputable roofing company I worked for.

The valley errors were all pretty obvious... and typical of the ones that rookies and poorly-trained roofers make. I will say this for them... they were consistent. All six valleys had exactly the same problems. And all six had to be completely re-laid, costing the builder more much more than he paid for the entire roof.

One of your biggest challenges when roofing your own home is the valleys. After repairing hundreds of them over the years, I see the same mistakes over and over. Here are the three most common problems... and how to avoid them!

How to Install Roof Shingles - Valley Tip #1

Valleys fill up with water during a big shower and some water ends up under the shingles. If the shingle nails are too close to the center of the valley, you can get a leak. That nail pattern you see on the shingle wrappers doesn't apply to the valleys. Keep your nails at least 12" away from the center of the valley.

How to Install Roof Shingles - Valley Tip #2

Shingle seams can also leak when they fall right in the valley. Keep the seams at least 12" away from the center of the valley by adjusting the length of the adjacent shingles on both sides.

How to Install Roof Shingles - Valley Tip #3

When cutting the top layer of shingles in a "half-weave" valley, many roofers cut into the bottom layer. Over the years, those cuts can open up, causing leaks. Make the cut carefully with some old tin snips, or use a hook blade and a scrap shingle to protect the bottom layer.

Of course there's a lot more involved in learning how to install roof shingles. To make the job easier and help you avoid big mistakes, go to:

John C Bishop is the author of "Roofing Secrets: How to Avoid Leaks and Save Thousands of Dollars!"

Adding Basement Bathroom Functionality - A Guide For Beginners

Remodeling professionals say that if you want to add a bathroom to your home on a limited budget, the first place to head is the basement. Adding basement bathroom functionality to your home is a smart choice that will raise its value and increase your home's convenience. It'll be a much more pleasant place to be. The basement is the best choice because it's the least expensive place to do this kind of renovation.

Adding a bath with a new footer, foundation or slab, as well as new roofing or siding, is likely to cost at least a third more than adding basement bathroom space to your home. You can put a bath in the basement without adding to the exterior footprint of your house. Most people aren't willing to sacrifice other existing living space, such as part of a bedroom, to add a bathroom elsewhere in the house, and even if you are, you'll have to deal with re-routing plumbing. A basement bathroom, on the other hand, uses existing walls and usually existing plumbing and electrical wiring, to produce an exceedingly inexpensive option.

You'll want to work closely with your remodeling contractor (if you use one) to choose the products and fixtures you'll be installing in the bathroom. Make sure that anyone you're working with is aware of your budget, and can help direct you to products that will be the most effective for your situation without falling outside your price range. You may wish to supply your own fixtures to be installed by someone else (it's an inexpensive alternative), but do take care. You're assuming the risk that the fixtures and products you buy are appropriate for the use you'd like to put them to.

Adding basement bathroom space to your bathroom is relatively simple if you have experience with plumbing, building, and wiring, or if you're working with an experienced contractor. Remember that if you're doing part of the work, the contractor may need to look over to make sure it's being done well. Even if you're doing all of it, many building codes will require you to have a pro come in and perform the last few major hookups or an inspection on the work you've done. This may seem inconvenient and expensive, but it prevents big problems later on.

Plumbing makes up the biggest chunk of your expenses when adding basement bathroom functionality to your home. Out of a fifteen thousand dollar renovation job, installing plumbing would make up about ten thousand. If you locate the new bathroom close to the old one, and make sure that you use the most efficient methods to get things working, you can save quite a bit. However, many basement bathrooms have complicated requirements, due to the difficulties with disposing of waste water below ground level. If you're in a situation like this and don't have much experience, make sure that you talk to a professional about your basement bathroom design.

Thomas Johnsen is the Author and Leading Expert on Adding Basement Bathrooms and the creator of the publication Adding a Basement Bathroom. Visit the site now to find the easy-to-understand step-by-step guides on basement bathroom construction available online today.

Basement Bar Help

Building a basement bar in your own home could be a nice way to utilize that extra cash you have hanging around. It will certainly gain you popularity points from your friends when you have them over and entertain them with a real fully functional bar.

This is not easy work though. Once you decide to build a bar in your basement, you have to commit your time, energy and money. Don't be scared, you don't have to be a millionaire to own a bar in your basement. It will soon be worth it when you finish and admire the newest addition to your home.

First things first, you have to make sure that you actually have a basement or a similar room that you use as a basement. Since you are going to be having parties or get-togethers in your new basement bar, it would be better if the basement is in a different level from all other rooms to limit the noise. It is important to note that you have enough space for the kind of bar that you want. You have a choice of building something cozy and personal or go all out for and build something for big events.

Once you have established your space for your bar, you have to deal with the dirty work. For a bar to function properly, you must have a good plumbing system, wiring framework and lighting.

There are two main areas that require plumbing work to be done:

- Hot and cold water to the bar sink
- Drainage for the bar sink
- Toilet

If you already have your washer and dryer in the basement then all you have to do is tap the water source and to bring it over to your sink. The drainage might be a little more complicated but it is just as important, you don't want your basement to be flooded. The toilet is actually an option. You can opt to go up the stairs each time you need to use the toilet to save you hassle from building one in the basement.

There are five major wiring jobs to be done in the basement:

- Electrical (outlets, lighting switches, wall switches)
- Audio
- Telephone
- Video
- Computer Network

Lighting is important to create the right ambiance. Lighting in your bar could be broken down into groups:

- Bar
- Stairs
- Seating area
- Play area

After this, you can move on with the formation of your dream basement bar.

Turn your basement into the ultimate hangout with friends. Basement remodeling is easy with the latest basement bar ideas online.

Crawl Space Dehumidifier Can Protect Your Home From Wood Rot

Humidity and moisture in your crawl space can often lead to a serious problem for homeowners not using a crawl space dehumidifier; wood rot. Wood rot, also called wood decay, is caused by microscopic organisms that belong to the fungi group. These organisms are what cause the wood to actually decay.

Wood is comprised of 3 major components: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Wood rots because the fungi "eat" these 3 major components of wood cells by releasing enzymes that digest wood cells.

Wood that has a moisture content of 20% or above is very susceptible to rotting. The attacking fungi require 4 conditions for colonization:

1) Adequate oxygen supply

2) Temperature range between 40-100 degrees Fahrenheit

3) Constant moisture source

4) Adequate supply of food (wood)

Untreated moisture damage can cause a decrease in your property value by 10% to 15% according to the National Association of Waterproofing and Structural Repair Contractors (NAWSRC).

Catching moisture problems like wood rot in the early stages will save you both money and headaches. There are several warning signs to alert you that moisture may be damaging your home: excessive condensation on windows, blistering or peeling paint, discolored wood surfaces, splits across the wood grain, mold spots, musty odors and standing water in your crawl space.

If you notice any of these warning signs, you need to determine where the moisture is coming from. Check for plumbing leaks, roof leaks, debris filled gutter and downspouts, foundation cracks and poorly graded soil that drains towards your home. In your crawlspace, look for mold stains on the foundation walls and/or puddled water.

Moist, humid air from your crawlspace increases the moisture content of the wood in your home, making it vulnerable to wood rot. By installing a vapor barrier and a high grade crawl space dehumidifier, you can protect the value of your home.

About the Author Chuck Jaymes is an indoor air quality professional and offers reviews and comparisons about Crawl Space Dehumidifiers for OscarAir, Inc.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Miami Hotels

As they say, there is a hotel for everyone in Miami. Miami has a range of hotels, including discount hotels, airport hotels, beach hotels and condos. If you are a budget-conscious traveler, you would like to visit one of those hotels that offer you a discount of 30% or more. These discount hotels are located in Miami Beach, near the airport or even within the city. If you are on a business trip, you would like to stay in one of the good hotels near the Miami airport. Airport hotels have a business environment even while providing you amenities like spas and gyms.

The widest range of hotels in Miami is available for honeymooners and families. These hotels provide facilities that include nightclubs, serene oceanside rooms, discos, prompt service and several other recreational facilities specially customized for children as well as adults.

Getting the hotel of your choice requires a little effort on your part. You will need to browse several offers of hotels on the web and then get in touch with the hotels customer service staff or make your bookings online. You will also need to learn about the weather for the time of the year you plan to visit Miami, and the facilities that you seek during your vacations. Some hotel websites will provide you a virtual tour of their rooms and other facilities so that you can make a wise decision.

Miami hotels are known for their service, so getting a special facility is not a problem. The moment you land up in a hotel, you are surrounded by an ever-ready group of hotel staff who are there to ensure that you get the best. So even if you are planning to go for a cruise or water-skiing, the hotel staff will be more than willing to assist you.

Miami Hotels provides detailed information on Miami Hotels, Miami Beach Hotels, Discount Miami Hotels, Miami Airport Hotels and more. Miami Hotels is affiliated with Miami Beach Real Estate.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Frameless Shower Enclosures Will Make Your Bathroom Look Like a Million Bucks

Do you watch much TV, specifically any house flipping shows or home improvement programs? How about the ones on MTV that show you homes of the ultra rich and famous? If you were to sit and watch 5 shows a week of any of those types you'd see at least 4 frameless shower enclosures. And for good reason, they're beautiful. They just look "new" and "modern" and "cool". The flowery descriptive words just don't end. I think they're awesome.

From what I can see, there are 4 main types.

In-Line - this one has just one side made out of glass, connecting to the surround solid walls which are usually made of a nice stone. It's the most basic and standard option.

Right Angle - This one has two sides made of glass while the other two sides are stone or some other surface. It's more open, invites more light than the in line version and the effect of the two glass sides coming together without a metal strip in the middle is really upscale.

Custom Made - If that's that good enough for you then there's the custom design. This option pretty much allows for anything. Curved, straight, a combination of both. If you have a really odd space to fit a shower into then a custom frameless shower would be your best bet. Granted they cost more, but the effect will be stunning and you won't have to sacrifice anything.

Neo Angle - Usually at least 3 sides made of glass, and often in unusual geometric shapes like half a hexagon. These are also quite stunning and again, the effect of those glass sides coming together without a metal frame is just incredible.

For more information on glass shower enclosures and corner shower enclosures please visit our website.

Ideas To Make Your Bathroom Remodeling Feasible

You may wonder why, for such a small room, the bathroom is one of the significant rooms in the house. The bathroom is a room wherein you can entirely be yourself and express yourself as much as you like.

Since people are spending a lot of their time inside them, then it can be improved to make the time spent inside more pleasurable and not just tolerable. Here are some practical tips and remodeling ideas for your bathroom.

1. Identify the length and breadth of your bathroom. How much space does it have? By knowing exactly the space you have to work on, you can make out a plan on expansions and additions.

For example, do you want your shower area to be more spacey? Do you want to add a bathtub under you shower as a combo?

Meanwhile, if you think your bathroom area is already limited and cramped, then your remodeling may lean more on clearing out several spaces. You can make an otherwise small bathroom roomy if you just have the right ideas.

Installing overhead cabinets and accessory racks may serve to store stuff otherwise put in stand-in cabinets and racks or cluttered on the floor.

Once your bathroom is spacious enough, you can be more comfortable. It will also become big enough for uninhibited movement.

2. Transform the ambiance of your bathroom by remodeling it according to what is trendy but not gaudy.

You can focus on your bathroom's flooring to take away the drabness. If the tiles in your bathroom are plain and lifeless then you could be challenged to consider having more attractive floor tiles. Consider a tile pattern that would lend a cozier feel throughout the room.

Another ambiance-changing activity you can dwell on is the repainting of the bathroom. Choose a color that is soothing and at the same time would complement the lighting to brighten up your bathroom.

If there is still some space that would not interfere with your movement, putting up some ornaments like plants, bathroom accessories, aromatic candles and other decors is a good bathroom remodeling idea.

Home depot stores always have the latest implements for the bathrooms.

3. Remodel your bathroom according to your available financial resources.

If you have enough money for a remodel, then your only problem will be the design. Nevertheless, if you have limited budget then, your plans and ideas for remodeling the bathroom may be limited according to what your resources would allow.

To learn more bathroom remodeling ideas, visit

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Replace Old Bathroom Mirrors

Are you planning to install new bathroom Mirrors. If yes then keep on reading this article. New decorative bathroom wall mirrors can completely change your bathroom. You can find a big variety of bathroom mirrors in the market. They are available in various sizes, shapes and finishes. You can choose among contemporary and traditional bathroom mirrors.

Have you heard about online bathroom stores which sell high quality bathroom items? Before buying anything you should look for some latest designing ideas. Mirrors can be bought with or without frames. Some of them come with golden frames. You can spend a lot of money while buying bathroom accessories. But everything depends on your budget and desire. It is a good idea to plan budget before you start a renovation project.

You should keep few things in mind while you are selecting new accessories for your bathroom. You should choose right accessories which suits your bathroom interior. Right accessories and decorative furniture can give a new look to your bathroom. Always consult your family members before you buy something new for your washroom. A bathroom is very important place in a home and reflects the lifestyle of a person and his family members.

There are many benefits of bathroom accessories. They not only enhance the beauty of your bathroom but also increase the functionality. For designing a dream bathroom you have to spend some time and money. Designing or renovating a bathroom is a task which needs lot of home work and commitment.

If you want to know more about Bathroom Mirrors then feel free to visit Bella Bathrooms.

Small Crack In Roof Rafter
Behind Wood Lath Plater

Bathroom Layouts - Tips You Should See

So you believe that a bathroom remodel project is only about changing the vanity or repositioning the bathtub? Your much-feted remodeling project will hit a roadblock if your treat the supremely important issue of bathroom layouts flippantly. After all, isn't it the layout that has a tremendous import on the final outcome of the project and the overall costs?

Ignore the layout of the bathroom, and the results are sure to be calamitous.

Address Those Niggling Problems

If after even several feckless attempts your bathroom fails to ignite your imagination, then it's time to give the layout a fresh lease of life. Before you plunge headlong into action, make sure you consider a few rudimentary aspects earnestly.

First, you must ascertain the inherent limitations in the existing layout. Lack of storage space, no place to fit in that ornate bathtub or may improper lighting and ventilation, just to name a few. A spanking new layout is perfect to address these concerns.

It's also important that you don't mothball ideas that are closest to your heart. List out what you feel form an indispensable part of your dream space. A luxurious shower or an aesthetically crafted vanity, the choice is entirely yours.

No layout can be a winner without efficient planning. Make sure all the fittings and fixtures that you have envisioned for the space find a place in the blueprints.

Four Tips That You Cannot Gloss Over

If you are in the midst of designing the perfect layout for the bathroom, here are tips that will hold you in good stead:

  • You just need a single door to access a world of opportunities.
  • A rectangular or square bathroom is the best shape you can have. Make sure the length is twice as much as the breadth.
  • Let there be some breathing space in the center. Fixtures like the toilet and bathtub can be safely sequestered to a corner, from away from prying eyes, I mean, the main door.
  • Don't continue to remain in the dark about the illuminating radiance of natural lighting. Let windows and skylights rule the roost.

Don't be surprised if your design is already garnering rave reviews.

Learn exactly how to generate 100's or even 1000's of positively *BRILLIANT* Bathroom Remodeling Ideas ... FAST ! And here are 25 Dirt Cheap Home Improvement Ideas that could increase the value of your home by several $1000's ...

Hole Drilled Through Footing
Wood Post Repairs

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stair Handrailing Or Guard Rail

Before the 1980s most stairways had a handrail and to this day, most stair handrails are not considered guard rails. Well things have changed and now most stairways require a guard rail and it gripable handrail.

What's the difference between a stair handrailing and a stair guard rail, quite frankly about 6 inches. Your stair guard rails have a minimum requirement of 42 inches where stair handrails built before the 1980s had a handrailing for protection with a minimum requirement of 36 inches.

This does not mean that older stair handrails that are 36 inches tall will need to be removed and replaced, because the new building codes have changed. If you were to rebuild the stair handrail or do any work on the stairway that required a building permit, they could have you change your stair handrailing to meet current building codes.

I was helping another guy frame a new house in 2005 and while I was on the job I would mention to the owner, certain concerns of mine with other parts of the job. After a while he realized, that I knew what I'll was talking about and started to pay attention when ever I mentioned anything related to home building.

He asked me if I would be interested in building the stair handrailing system and at the time I was too busy. I reminded him of the minimum requirements for the stair guard rail, it was no longer referred to as a stair handrail and would need to be at least 42 inches in height and include a gripable handrail.

Well as you guessed it, the next time I walked into the home, I noticed a 36 inch high stair handrail. I reminded him and he wasn't too concerned, because he hired someone that knew all about building stair handrails.

The building inspector made him remove and replace the stair handrail, before he would approve the home for final inspection. Don't make the same mistakes, learn a little more about stair handrail safety and don't become another statistic in the home building industry.

Always check with your local building department, whether you're reading articles like this or asking questions to experienced contractors. Everybody makes mistakes and sometimes their information is out of date, according to new home building practices or building codes.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors

If you're interested in building stairs, whether you're a professional or a do it yourself homeowner, you should make your stair building and other construction projects as simple as possible. Check out the latest stair building tools, some of these tools can make even the average homeowner look like a building professional

Wood Scaffolding

Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 Water Treatment System Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Let's face it. Buying a water treatment system for your home is no small purchase. If you are currently in the market for one of these in-home water purification systems, I'd like to make you aware of 3 mistakes you should avoid at all costs when making your purchasing decision.

Mistake #1 - Assuming that clean drinking water is your only concern.

While making sure that your family has safe, clean water to drink, you also have to remember that the best water treatment should cover your cooking and bathing/showering needs, as well as, protection from plumbing pipe corrosion.

It doesn't do you any good to drink clean water, but eat food that's been cooked in water containing dangerous chemical toxins like herbicides and pesticides.

Furthermore, if you purify your drinking water, but use regular tap water to bathe and shower, you're being exposed to high levels of chlorine. Chlorine not only strips your skin of essential oils, but it also creates a harmful gas in the shower steam. This chlorinated steam can aggravate asthma and other respiratory sensitivities.

All the chemicals contained in unfiltered tap water have the potential of leaching lead, copper and other heavy metals from the pipes in your home's plumbing. These metals are poisonous and can have a serious effect on the health of your family...especially small children.

Mistake #2 - Relying on bottled water as an effective water treatment system.

The bottled water industry has enjoyed an explosive success due to consumer awareness of dangerous water pollution. The problem with thinking that bottled water uses the best water treatment is that it's a complete fallacy. There are absolutely NO government standards or regulations requiring bottled water to be any cleaner or safer than tap water. A water company could be filling these bottles with a garden hose, slapping on a label that reads, "pure mountain spring water" and you would never know the difference.

Even if bottled water companies make an effort to purify their water, you are still left with the plastic waste that these bottles create. Over 60,000,000 plastic water bottles a day are being dumped in land fills. In my way of thinking, this is NOT the best water treatment system.

Mistake #3 - Purchasing a water purification system that requires expensive add-ons and heavy maintenance.

Reverse osmosis and distillation are popular water purification systems that have some technical problems when it comes to filtering certain contaminants. There is a whole host of chemical toxins and dangerous bacteria that these systems, by themselves, cannot get rid of. I won't bore you with details, but it involves the molecular size of these toxins.

If you want to get rid of these water polluters, a reverse osmosis or distillation water treatment system will require a carbon filter add-on. This is an on-going expense and inconvenience as these filters must be purchased and changed on a regular basis.

Additionally, a reverse osmosis water treatment system requires a diaphragmed storage tank due to the slow speed of clean water production.

These are unnecessary expenses when you consider that there is a less expensive, more comprehensive and convenient water treatment system available.

So now what?

It is probably apparent that I've done some research when it comes to the best water treatment system. I believe that a system based on multi-stage filtration is the most effective when it comes to removing most chemical pollutants and bacteria. I say "most" because I've learned that there isn't any water treatment system that can be 100% certain.

That being said, however, multi-stage filtration comes as close as possible. The cutting-edge technology behind multi-stage filtration means that you can rest easy knowing that you're providing safe, clean water for every household use. Multi-stage filtration products come in a wide variety of convenient appliances...including whole-house filter systems.

If you want to see what these innovative appliances look like, just visit my web site. There you will find pictures and more information about my recommendation for the best water treatment system, based upon my extensive research.

Article written by Olivia Romero - "There are many reasons why we need clean, healthy water but there's one that has to rank as the most important of all." Visit to find out what it is.

Stair Stringer To Landing Framing

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Installing a Shower Pan Membrane Liner for a Custom Ceramic Tile Shower

Installing a custom ceramic tile shower in your home is something a do it yourself homeowner can do with a little upfront knowledge. The most important aspect of a successful custom ceramic tile shower installation is properly installing a shower pan membrane liner. The shower pan membrane liner is used to ensure a leak-proof shower.

Shower pan membrane liners are used to funnel any water that seeps through the floor or wall grout to the shower drain below. The shower pan membrane liner is made up of a flexible type of plastic material that sits below a bed of mortar, and the tile, in the shower floor area.

Prior to installing the shower pan membrane liner, the floor of the shower needs to be pre-sloped to ensure that the water will flow towards the shower drain assembly. The pre-slope is accomplished by applying a layer of mortar to the floor of the shower unit area. The layer of mortar is troweled in such as way as to create a gentle slope from the shower wall edges to the center of the shower where the drain resides.

Once the pre-slope mortar has cured, the flexible shower pan membrane liner can then be installed. There are a couple of types of shower pan membrane liners on the market, with each having their own benefits. With either type of membrane, the homeowner needs to form and fold the material into the base of the shower area and secure it to the sides of the shower wall frame with staples and/or nails. In addition, an opening in the membrane should be cut out to allow the adjustable shower drain assembly to slip through.

With the shower pan membrane installed, the cementitious ceramic tile backerboard can then be secured to the framed shower walls. The backerboard is a rigid material that is ideal for attaching tile in wet areas such as a shower stall.

After installing the ceramic tile backerboard, a final coat of mortar needs to be applied on top of the membrane to protect it and to provide a solid base for laying the ceramic floor tile.

With the final coat of mortar cured, the ceramic tile can then be installed in the shower.

Once the tile and grout have been installed, the shower drain assembly should be adjusted so that the drain height sits flush with the finished ceramic tile floor.

For more information on installing a shower pan membrane liner, see the Shower Pan Membrane Liner Installation EBook from The Shower Pan Membrane Liner EBook will quickly teach you the step-by-step process for installing the shower pan membrane liner correctly. It includes instructions on framing the shower stall, pouring the pre-slope and shower base mortar, and installing the shower pan membrane liner.

Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit and

The Essentials of Sewer and Drain Cleaning

Sewers and drains have been around for hundreds of years in one form or another, and have allowed civilization to advance by providing clean, potable water as well as sanitary waste transportation in communities. One thing that most buildings in the country have in common today is that they all have some form or pipes, drains and sewer lines. And although our drains are absolutely vital to keeping our families and employees comfortable and healthy, many people don't think about the role that drains play or how important regular drain cleaning really is.

Although there are probably examples of drains that have gone several decades without being cleaned and still functioned adequately, the vast majority of drains and sewers need to be cleaned, jetted, serviced and repaired on a semi-regular basis in order to remain operational. Many years ago, drain cleaning was much more difficult and time consuming than it is today. If a severe clog or break occurred in a drain a century ago, the only thing a plumber could do was dig to expose the pipe. Today, thanks to modern drain cleaning technology, we can locate, identify and fix pipe problems faster and, in many cases, without digging at all.

Modern drain and sewer cleaning equipment includes television video and locating devices, drain snake augers and high-pressure water jetting. Video locating devices allow plumbers to identify exactly what the problem inside a drain is, from tree root clogs to breakages, and locate where the repair needs to be made. Drain snake rooters use powerful rotating augers to cut through tree roots and other clogging agents, and high-pressure drain jetting can literally blast grease and other obstructions out of a drain to get things flowing again.

While many homeowners and business owners would rather not think about their main sewer lines, the importance of cleaning and maintaining your drains on a regular basis cannot be overstated. Slow-running, leaking or clogged sewer lines and drains can lead to severe and expensive problems if not addressed early on, especially in places like subterranean basements where flooding and water damage can occur.

If you are ignoring an obvious drain problem, you may actually end up saving money in the long run if you pay to have things fixed by a professional plumber or drain cleaning expert. Our sewer and drain systems allow us to enjoy clean water and sanitary waste removal in our homes, but being diligent in maintaining our pipes is part of being a responsible home owner.

Lorain County Sewer and Drain makes Lorain County Drain Cleaning easy and affordable. Visit our site today to learn more about basement waterproofing

Toilet Wood Floor Water Damage

Monday, August 10, 2009

Patio Door Selection

Patio doors typically provide the transition from a kitchen or family room area to an outdoor patio. Besides being a functional component of a room, patio doors can also become an elegant central focus point of a room.

Patio door selection can be a complicated task due to the many options homeowners can choose from. However there are a couple of key aspects you should first consider before selecting one.

Key Selection Criteria

Most importantly you need to consider the climate and weather in which you live in. If you live in an area that has hard winters, then it is important to select doors that are well thermally insulated, including the glass. And whether or not you live in a cold or hot climate, it is always wise to select doors with at least 2 panes of Low-E glass to help prevent the transfer of heat into and out of the home.

Sealing and weather stripping is another important aspect to carefully consider. Again, particularly if you live in an extreme cold or hot climate, it is important that the door selected is properly sealed, and uses sealing and weather stripping materials that will stand the test of time over harsh temperatures.

Patio doors get a lot of use. Consequently, the selection should also include careful consideration of the screens associated with the door. The selection should include looking for doors that have well constructed screen components that will withstand thousands of opening and closings.

Finally, patio doors can provide a tremendous amount of light into a room, depending upon the type selected. Consider the room where the door will be installed to determine if more or less natural light is preferred.

Listed below are a number of selection options to consider for your home:


Wooden patio doors are relatively affordable, look great and have a relatively good insulation factor. However they typically require regular maintenance. Also, they are more susceptible to moisture problems and damage, which can lead to door swelling and eventual rot. Proper door installation using a watershield can mitigate this concern.


Aluminum doors are quite affordable; however they have poor insulation factors, and paint has the tendency to flake off of them over time. Also, aluminum doors can damage easily and there is no easy way to repair them.


Vinyl doors are notorious for cracking and there are limited color choices to choose from, however they are inexpensive, have a decent insulation factor, are easy to install and for a time look good. They also will not rot or warp over time.

French Style

French style doors are very popular because of the amount of natural sunlight they can let in and the elegance they can provide to a room. French style door selection options include doors that open inwards into a room, bifold doors, and simple slider doors.

French style doors are typically quite expensive due to their elegance, the higher quality of construction compared to other patio door options, and the higher number of moving parts associated with them. Also, typically French doors include two doors. As a home settles over time, it is not uncommon for the two doors to become askew from one another causing difficulty in closing them and air infiltration. As a result, periodic maintenance is usually required.


Sliding doors are extremely popular with home homeowners. They let in a lot of natural light, are easy to maintain, and do not impinge upon the room as do inward opening French style doors. They are also easy to adjust and are constructed out of wood, vinyl, or aluminum material.


The installation of patio doors involves a fairly high skill level in framing and construction, and thus it should probably be left to the professionals. If the door is being installed into an existing wall, significant demolition, and framing are required. Framing will require the installation of studs and headers into the wall, and temporary bracing may be required during the framing. Consequently, it is best to leave this work to the skilled carpenter.

About the Author: Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more information about Home Improvement, and Home Repair visit and

Advantages and Disadvantages of Washing Machine and Dryer Combination

The combination of a washing machine and a dryer is the latest development in the laundry machine field for the past years. The combination of a washer and a dryer is basically designed to save space than having a washing machine and a dryer separately.


It can only handle small laundry loads.
Value of time. It will take about 4 hours to finish a laundry load that weighs about five pounds. The dryer could only dry of a full load of wash at a time when the laundry is done. This means that you have to remove the other half from the washer-dryer and replace it with the other half.


One of the advantages of having a washer-dryer is it's price. It's like purchasing two machines with the price of one.
Another is the machines expenses. It will actually save you more money with your utilities and it is energy-saving.
And, it is advantageous because the combination of the washer and dryer utilizes the space in your home.

Do a little research or canvassing when you are planning to purchase a washing machine and dryer combo. You can visit online or stores to know the price and the different kinds of the machines. You will be grateful if you take your time before you go ahead to buy a washing machine.

If you don't have enough space in your house or living apartment or small home for the machines, you should find a stackable washing machine and dryer combination because it can save up a lot of space, money, and time.

Do you need a new washing machine? Visit for more tips, washing machine reviews and advice on various washing machines brands.

Crawl Space Repairs

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hiring a House Painting Contractor - Home Tips

With a professional, homeowners know they are getting the very best the field has to offer. Trained in the ins and outs of the craft, these professional contractors will be able to provide a level of service unmatched by even the more savvy amateur painters. When it comes to paining, homeowners should stop at nothing to ensure their paint job is the best on the block.

A house painting contractor will help to ensure that homeowners get the most out of their painting projects. A well-painted house will turn any remodeling endeavor into a beautiful creation. The exterior painting of a house will do wonders to improve the quality of the rest of the projects in a remodel. This ensures that things come together nicely and the work that went into creating the remodel is put to good use. With a house painting contractor, homeowners know they are in good hands and are able to sit back and relax a bit.

They may also choose to focus on other projects that may not need the expertise and training of a professional. Handling these smaller tasks may help to get things moving faster and get the remodel done as quickly as possible. When things are moving forward like this, the homeowner is able to enjoy the finished product sooner. A house painting contractor will help to ensure the exterior painting, one of the most important aspects of any home improvement endeavor, is done right and in a timely fashion. After all, nobody enjoys delays to their project.

More information on a house painting contractor is just a click away.

Tile Roof Stucco Damage