Thursday, March 5, 2009

Iron Gates - As Good As It Gates

Gates are pretty simple they must allow anything that is worthy of passing through and must block anything that is not. And it can't get any simpler. That is why, today, we design gates that do just that or probably a bit more. Just the thing that must be kept in mind is - that they must be sturdy. So sturdy that a gate is a guard, all by itself, all the time.

When the matter comes to sturdiness, there is, probably, no element to match the goodwill of iron. Iron gates have been in use since ages. And they will be, until a better element is discovered. Iron gates are made, pretty obviously, of iron. The choice of iron is made because of its sturdiness, ability to resist weathers of any season, and its visual beauty. Iron gates stand all extreme conditions and come out as winners all the time.

Cast iron is obtained by melting pig iron, along with considerable amounts of scrap steel and scrap iron. Various steps are then taken to remove any unwanted contaminants like phosphorus and sulfur. Later on, other elements are mixed into the melt before finally obtaining a form that is a produce of casting. This process, as is obvious, provides iron of a very superior quality. Such superior quality reinforces the trust needed to build iron gates. Due to its low melting point, excellent match inability ,cast ability and good fluidity, cast irons are famous with a wide range of applications, that include gates pipes, car and machine parts. Nowadays, cast iron gates are a common sight everywhere.

Wrought iron is commercially pure iron, with a tiny amount of carbon , but it generally contains some amount of slag. Wrought iron gates can be easily welded together and are very tough, malleable, and ductile. This however comes with a price. Wrought iron is quite soft, and hence, wrought iron gates are not a common sight today. Wrought iron is so called as it is wrought from a mixture of porous iron contaminated with slag. Wrought iron is not as strong as compared to its counterpart and is, hence, less used than cast iron. Although there may not be a visible difference between the two different types of irons, their differences in sustaining various conditions are obvious. Hence care must be taken in deciding upon the type of iron to be used for the iron gates. Generally, wrought iron scores a couple of brownie points over cast iron in terms of endurance.

Gate fences too are similar in nature they compliment the iron gates. Gate fences provide added security and more power to the iron gates. Generally gate fences are made out of iron, although whether to use cast iron or wrought iron solely depends upon the owner. Both cast iron and wrought iron gate fences are a common sight. These Iron Gate fences are generally barb-wire fences that are put around the iron gates to provide extra level of security.

Rob Hargreaves - An American Locksmith, living and working in New York City, for NYC Locksmith company - Mr-Locks Inc. To learn more about iron gates and other types of security gates - please visit: and browse through our catalogue of iron work, call or email for additional inquiries about Iron Gates.

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