Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Metal Siding Painting Advice

Painting metal and aluminum siding can become a nightmare if not done right. Over the years I have worked on and repaired many homes with metal siding. Metal siding is real common in mobile homes. Most older mobile homes use aluminum paneling for their exterior siding.

Most painted metal siding seems to last at least 20 years. The reason for this is the paint is baked on in a factory giving it a high quality and nice looking surface. This baked on method is used for painting aluminum and most metals siding that gives the product a long life.

I lived in a mobile home park for a few years and my next door neighbor's mobile home had never been painted and was over 45 years old. He would go out and washed the mobile home once a year with some TSP soap while using a brush on the end of an extension pole to clean the home.

His mobile home might not have looked brand new but it was definitely in great shape. Over the years he had developed a few scratches and some dirt that was hard to wash off but that was about the extent of the damage to the painted metal siding.

Well we painted our mobile home and used an expensive metal primer along with some expensive paint from Dunn Edwards & Co... This paint worked great. We lived there for around four years and never had any problems once the home was painted. Having been in the construction business I knew we had to use a good metal paint primer in order for the paint to stick to the baked on paint process for the metal siding to look good.

Here's my advice to you when painting metal siding.

1. Make sure the metal siding is clean. Use TSP soap along with a scrub brush and scrub that baby clean. The cleaner the metal surface the better the new paint primer will stick or adhere to the old paint.
2. Follow the instructions carefully on the paint primer can when applying the primer. Do not paint below or above the recommended paint temperatures.
3. Make sure you explain to the paint salesman at whatever store you're in that you are going to be painting metal siding. Get the right paint primer.
4. I would love to recommend a paint primer but cannot because I don't want to get a phone call from anyone a few years from now telling me the paint is peeling off of their home. Let that responsibility become the paint manufacturers.
5. Let the paint primer dry for the recommended time as per the directions on the paint primer can. I prefer letting the paint dry at least one week. The reason for this is some paint primer's stay soft for a while and if you paint over them immediately they doesn't seem to bond as good and sometimes will stay soft for a long period of time.
6. Apply your final coats of paint following the manufacturer's instructions on the paint can.

There you have it painting metal siding is all in the preparation of the surface you are painting.

Have fun painting and always read and follow the manufacturer's recommended instructions for the products you are using. These people test their products constantly and know the best way to apply them to any surface.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on different Types Of House Siding

Broken Stair Step
Valley Center Remodeling

Monday, March 30, 2009

Now is the Time to Invest in House Foreclosures

Right now we are experiencing one of the most prevalent times for house foreclosures, so right now is the time to invest. Over the past year the number of house foreclosures has been steadily increasing and we are certainly experiencing peak levels at the moment. If you have been thinking of starting a business by investing in these properties, the time is definitely right.

Home owners who have defaulted on their mortgage loans for longer than a certain period of time are definitely going to be going through the foreclosure process before very long. This is often due to unemployment or increases in the interest rates making the house unaffordable.

There are number of ways of tackling the owner of a home who knows they are going into foreclosure. Bear in mind that in the pre-foreclosure stage, the home owner does not really want to go into foreclosure, but they don't have the money to do otherwise, so running an ad in a local news paper or real estate magazine could be a way of attracting them to you. It is not easy to approach a home owner who knows they are being foreclosed upon, so rather let them come to you.

It is possible in some instances to offer the home owner 50% of the value of the equity in the home, be sure that they provide you with all relevant information including the mortgage documents and any liens. In this way you can negotiate with lien holders, and make them an offer. These liens can usually be paid at greatly discounted rates in the pre-foreclosure phase as once the house foreclosure has taken place; the liens are generally dissolved by the major lien holder.

Make sure that you have financial pre-approval; waiting for approval could mean that you lose out on a really good bargain. If you haven't got the finances available and the foreclosure date is close then you might lose the property. Pre-approval will accelerate the process considerably.

Before every making an offer to a home owner, do your homework. The equity on the home is used to establish a market value. Other similar homes in that area will also give you a good idea of the potential market value of the house foreclosure you wish to invest in. Presently it is a buyers market so bear this in mind also, you might have to hold onto the property for a while before you can make a profit on it.

Ensure that you take a look at all repairs that have to be made on the house foreclosure; chances are that if the home owner couldn't afford to pay the mortgage, then he couldn't afford to make any necessary repairs. These repair costs have to factor into your offer. Never make the mistake of offering too much money without considering all the factors that play a role in the amount of your offer, this could lead to losses rather than profits.

Search foreclosures by state or get more information on foreclosure houses at ForeclosureRepos.com.

Kevin Simpson, GM Sales & Marketing

Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to Install Door Locks - San Deigo Home Tips

Recent reports show that the majority of home burglaries occur due to an unlocked or faulty door. If your door is not safe and secure, you might as well just leave it open and invite the thieves in. No one wants to do that, so the next option is to fix the locks or replace them. You can do it yourself or call a NYC locksmith. If you are good at handy man tasks, it may be no problem to replace security locks.

The first issue you will find in replacing locks is choosing the best ones. There are a wide variety of security locks and styles on the market today. Most of your decision will be persuaded by the type of door you have. If you have an exterior door, you may want to consider a set of security locks. These locks would include a dead bolt. There are different types of dead locks available on the market. You can choose from one that locks internally with a lever, or you may want to go with the type that locks from the inside with a key.

After you have chosen the right type of lock, you will need to choose between a right- or left- handed style. The style is based on which side your door opens from. You will also need to consider if your door swings in or out when opening. For your locks to work efficiently, you will need to know these details. The next step after purchasing is to ensure you have proper tools. You will need basic hand tools like a hammer, screwdriver, and a chisel. You will want to start your installation by first removing the old lock or door knob. Make sure you clean up the surface of the doors and remove any caulk or grime that may be there.

Then it's time to start installing the new locks or door handles. You should first check to see if the new locks will fit inside the holes for the old. If they do not you may need to enlarge the holes with the chisel. You can mark the area with a pencil to ensure the right size. Once you have the new lock in the proper size opening, you will need to read the individual instructions for your new locks. Each type of lock will have its own exact way to be installed. Most are very simple, but some will require exact steps for proper fit. Don't worry, if it gets too complicated, you can always call your local locksmith for a little help.

Rob Hargreaves - An American Locksmith of leading locksmith company named Mr-locks. Call or contact me for all locksmith services.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Remodeling Books Save Time and Money

The other day, I was surfing the Internet and came upon an online home building bookstore that put together a website with the best-selling home building books on the market today. These books range from basic carpentry to advanced structural engineering and everything else you could possibly think of that could be related to the home building, selling, remodeling and construction process.

I couldn't believe the simple and easy to use. Here's a list of some of their books selections.

Photo Guide to Home Repair - The most up-to-date, complete, and useful guide to home repair a homeowner can have. With more than 350 projects and 2300 photos, virtually every home repair challenge.

Exterior Siding, Trim & Finishes - This first ever compilation by Fine Homebuilding on the popular subject provides builders with ideas for choosing the correct finishes for home exteriors, plus solid how-to information.

Flipping Houses - This book is designed for realty investors who want to profit from buying below market, making cosmetic improvements to add value, and then quickly reselling.

Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling a bathroom is a challenge - it's action-oriented and requires extra energy and stamina. But you, undoubtedly, realize it's a challenge you want to take on.

One $20 house building books or home repairs book, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping

If your looking for some more Home Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas

Window Header Framing Problems

Repairing a Leaking Toilet - Home Repairs

Let me explain how a toilet works. First when you go to flush the toilet a little arm pulls a rubber flapper up and lets the water drain into the toilet bowl. The water draining into the toilet bowl forces the old water out along with the number two or number one waste and extremities.

If the toilet sounds like it is running there is a good chance that the seal between the rubber flapper and the plastic rain at the bottom of the toilet is broken somehow. The sound you are hearing is water running around this ring and in to the toilet bowl.

This leak is actually causing no damage to the toilet itself but is wasting water. Hence the water bill will be a little higher if you don't fix the leaking toilet. The best way to find out if this is actually your problem is to take the toilet tank lid off. Then stick your hand down into the toilet bowl and press gently on the rubber flap.

If the water stops leaking or starts running faster this is your problem. Turn the water off to the toilet. There will be a shut off valve on the wall under your toilet bowl in the bathroom. After you turn the water off removed the plastic flap and examine it.

You will be looking for a warped toilet flap or of some sort or grooves on the flapper itself. Take the toilet flapper down to your local home improvement store and buy a new one. Go home and replace the new toilet flapper and this should solve 90% of your leaking toilet problems.

There is one more thing it could be. With the toilet tank lid off, check to see if water is overflowing into the little round plastic pipe. This plastic pipe should have a small hose running from the float valve assembly into it.

If the water is over flowing from the toilet tank into this little plastic pipe you will need to adjust the float.

First thing you will need to do is while the toilet is running lift up on the float lever arm. If the water stops you can simply bend the metal arm of the float lever. The purpose of bending the arm will force the float deeper into the water there for stopping the water from rising over the small tube in the center of your toilet.

There are few parts to a toilet and most parts can be purchased at your local hardware or home improvement centers. Toilet repairs like this can be made simple and the parts used to replace are inexpensive.

Happy Toilet Repairing.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more House Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Some Great Plumbing Ideas


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dryer Vents - Reduce Fire Danger

The dryer vent pipe is an often overlooked fire hazard and energy eater. Moisture and lint can gather in the folds causing a potential fire hazard and restricting air flow making your dryer run longer consuming more natural gas and electricity. I see over 200 houses every year and one of the most common and potentially dangerous problems are incorrect dryer vents.

You need to replace your dryer vent pipe if it

  • is made of flexible plastic or foil
  • has more than two 90 degree elbows
  • is more than 12 feetlong
  • uses metal screws
  • the laundry area is moist, humid and covered in lint

Flexible foil or plastic vent pipe looks like the arms on the robot from the TV show Lost In Space. People use these because they are so easy to install. Every turn or elbow will slow the exhaust air. Longer lengths will cause moisture in the air to condense giving lint a chance to catch and build up in the pipe. The longer length will also make your dryer work harder. The sharp point of metal screws in the pipe will catch lint. If there are leaks in the pipe the added humidity will provide a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth and Carbon Monoxide will also be pumped into your house if you have a gas dryer. Asthma and allergy sufferers should pay special attention to the dryer vent pipe.

A proper dryer vent will

  • be made of solid metal pipe
  • not have more than two 90 degree elbows
  • not be more than 12 feet long (check local building codes at your city building inspection department)
  • use metal tape to seal and secure all joints

All the supplies and tools can be bought at the local hardware store. Aluminum pipe is much easier to work with. It comes flat for cutting and then is rolled so one edge can be inserted into the other crimped edge. Pre-made elbows are used. The pipe and elbows both have one end crimped so you can fit the smaller crimped end into the larger non-crimped end.

The metal tape has a backing that peels off and sticks to the pipe holding it securely. You will need to buy tin snips or aviation side-cutters (this type looks like it has a 45 degree bend and will keep your hands above the material) and a crimping tool to reduce the diameter of cut edges. Remember to fit the small end of the pipe into the large end so the edges do not block air flow and catch lint inside the pipe!

I once saw a condominium with a vent pipe that was over 30 feet in length. You may have to move the dryer across the basement near an outside wall which would mean the gas and electric supplies will have to be altered by a licensed contractor. Homes with first or second floor laundries may need special attention. And never exhaust the dryer into a garage or attic!

Frank Kalinski is a licensed builder in the State of Michigan and has run a gutter repair service for five years. Now doing home residential rental inspection for property owners he has seen many homes and how people live in them. He sees many products and designs years after construction; some things work well and some not. Simple, basic, tried and true generally last the longest and are most economical. Please visit my new web site at http://frg-s.com/

Dryer Vents - Reduce Fire Danger

The dryer vent pipe is an often overlooked fire hazard and energy eater. Moisture and lint can gather in the folds causing a potential fire hazard and restricting air flow making your dryer run longer consuming more natural gas and electricity. I see over 200 houses every year and one of the most common and potentially dangerous problems are incorrect dryer vents.

You need to replace your dryer vent pipe if it

  • is made of flexible plastic or foil
  • has more than two 90 degree elbows
  • is more than 12 feetlong
  • uses metal screws
  • the laundry area is moist, humid and covered in lint

Flexible foil or plastic vent pipe looks like the arms on the robot from the TV show Lost In Space. People use these because they are so easy to install. Every turn or elbow will slow the exhaust air. Longer lengths will cause moisture in the air to condense giving lint a chance to catch and build up in the pipe. The longer length will also make your dryer work harder. The sharp point of metal screws in the pipe will catch lint. If there are leaks in the pipe the added humidity will provide a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth and Carbon Monoxide will also be pumped into your house if you have a gas dryer. Asthma and allergy sufferers should pay special attention to the dryer vent pipe.

A proper dryer vent will

  • be made of solid metal pipe
  • not have more than two 90 degree elbows
  • not be more than 12 feet long (check local building codes at your city building inspection department)
  • use metal tape to seal and secure all joints

All the supplies and tools can be bought at the local hardware store. Aluminum pipe is much easier to work with. It comes flat for cutting and then is rolled so one edge can be inserted into the other crimped edge. Pre-made elbows are used. The pipe and elbows both have one end crimped so you can fit the smaller crimped end into the larger non-crimped end.

The metal tape has a backing that peels off and sticks to the pipe holding it securely. You will need to buy tin snips or aviation side-cutters (this type looks like it has a 45 degree bend and will keep your hands above the material) and a crimping tool to reduce the diameter of cut edges. Remember to fit the small end of the pipe into the large end so the edges do not block air flow and catch lint inside the pipe!

I once saw a condominium with a vent pipe that was over 30 feet in length. You may have to move the dryer across the basement near an outside wall which would mean the gas and electric supplies will have to be altered by a licensed contractor. Homes with first or second floor laundries may need special attention. And never exhaust the dryer into a garage or attic!

Frank Kalinski is a licensed builder in the State of Michigan and has run a gutter repair service for five years. Now doing home residential rental inspection for property owners he has seen many homes and how people live in them. He sees many products and designs years after construction; some things work well and some not. Simple, basic, tried and true generally last the longest and are most economical. Please visit my new web site at http://frg-s.com/

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Solar Garden Lamps

Everyone seems to be in harmony these days when it comes to making your home environmentally friendly. Outdoor solar garden lamps light up your garden in the most eco-friendly way.

Solar power is the answer to landscape lighting that is free and earth friendly. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, outdoor solar lights use solar cells to convert sunlight to electricity, storing that electricity in batteries during the day for use at night. The department adds that outdoor solar lighting systems and solar-powered products will only perform well if they receive the manufacturer's recommended amount of daily sunlight. So as your garden lamps stand in the garden throughout the day, they receive the power they need to shine for you at night.

Products that power themselves from natural sunlight are becoming more popular and are moving beyond the basic.

Solar strings lights are a fun way to accent your patio lighting and are fun for entertaining as they come in the form of flowers, butterflies, and ladybugs.

The solar powered address stone offers an illuminated way to show off your street address with a natural looking stone finish.

The garden gnome has always been a popular garden accessory, and now you can get garden gnomes in the form of solar garden lamps.

Animal statues are becoming extremely popular. Add an animal statue holding a solar lantern and you have some very sweet lighting solutions. You can get these statues in the replica of your favorite dog. Other animals are also available such as turtles, bears, bunnies, and much more.

Solar lighting is also available in the watertight version. This is especially nice for floating lights on a pond or a swimming pool. This makes a great accent for a poolside dinner party.

The traditional solar garden lamps come in stainless steel, copper and also plastic. You will find that these lights are so easy to install. Basically, you just stick them in the ground and leave everything else up Mother Nature. Solar garden lamps usually come in sets of 2, 4 or 6, however because they are relatively inexpensive, purchasing a fair amount won't break the bank and the more you have the better the ambiance and the illumination.

You will find an endless variety in style and usage of solar outdoor lighting. You will also find it to be versatile. It is easy to pick up your solar garden lamp pieces and move them from place to place because they are light and portable and you will never have to worry about re-wiring them or needing an outlet close by.

The solar lighting that you find in the marketplace today is a much superior product to when they were first introduced to the consumer. In the past, they major complaint was that the illumination was weak. Well that is a thing of the past. So with brighter illumination, sleek and diversified styles, plus the added value of eco-friendly, powered by the sun capabilities, the solar garden lamps are the perfect choice for your landscape lighting need.

Robin Buckley is a nationally known wedding photographer who has photographed hundreds of weddings and whose work has been published in countless wedding magazines.

Robin brings her experience and advice to her own wedding magazine, The Brides Best Friend. A free copy can be obtained at http://www.TheBridesBestFriendMagazine.com

For Garden Lamps see http://www.gardenlampsplus.com

Easy Bathroom Remodeling Solutions

Here's a list of problems that contractors run into when designing, planning, and remodeling bathrooms. These bathroom remodeling solutions listed below, often create problems for homeowners as well as contractors. Some of these problems have created contract disputes and could have been solved if the contractor or a homeowner was informed properly.

1. Problems with Old Galvanized Water Pipes: This is one of the biggest problems with older homes. Metal rusts and water running through these metal pipes will speed this process up, considerably. The problem arises when the galvanized water supply pipes cannot be taken apart or unthreaded, to add new plumbing fixtures or pipes, during the bathroom remodel.

Solution to the Problem: Experience contractors should inform their clients, about problems like this and what they propose to do, if they run into a situation where the galvanized water pipes are badly damaged. There will usually be extra work, which leads to extra money and this could create a problem between the contractor and a homeowner.

2. Problems with cast-iron drainpipes: these pipes often rust or become separated at the joints, creating water leaks and even areas for tree roots to enter the drainage system. These tree roots of course will cause the drainpipes to clog and eventually will have to be cleared in order for the drainage system to work properly.

Solution to the problem: informed the home owner of problems with cast-iron plumbing. If the contractor explains to the homeowner, any problems that could arise and a solution, you will find the process of bathroom remodeling a little less stressful. This stress can be eliminated or the contractor and a homeowner with a little preparation.

If you're a remodeling contractor, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make out a list of potential problems for the homeowner. List as many of the problems as you can think of, that you have ran into in the past or have heard other contractors and homeowners talking about. These lists can be given to your clients when you sign the contract.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet

Wood Stringer On Concrete

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bathroom Moisture Problems - Home Remodeling

Right above my bathtub in my master bathroom the paint is peeling off the wall. The area is peeling above the tile in my bathtub and shower combination. I tried to glue the peeling paint back and only made the situation worst.

First things first. The paint is peeling because there is to much moisture in the bathroom while you are using it. Do you have any windows you can open or a ventilating bathroom fan. If you have a window crack it open part way while you are showering.

The water droplets will accumulate on the walls and drip into any cracks. Right above the tile grout is a great place for moisture to accumulate. Oh yeah moisture loves grout and drywall. If you have any unpainted areas or an area that has cracked. Guess what you have now.

Your paint is peeling because the bathroom gets hot and cold. Moist and dry. If you have the door and windows shut. You just created a moisture trap. Most people prefer their privacy and will closes the door when using the shower. Well then open the window and let some cold air in while you are taking a nice warn shower. I don't think so. Most showering fools don't like that idea either.

Ok one more idea keep the windows shut so you don't let the cold air in. Then lock the door so no on barges in on you. If you have a ventilation fan turn it on. This will at least pull fresh air in from under the door and send the moist air out of the house.

But the fan is so noisy and I can't enjoy my nice warm vapor producing shower that will eventually cause me to get sick from mold particles floating around in the air while I am using my bathroom.
Does this about sum it up for you and don't we all do this from time to time. We want to enjoy our shower time, so we close up everything and when we are in our bath sauna environment relaxing our house is getting some damaging moisture that could cause mold and mildew.

Open a window or door a little when you shower. Get some air circulating through the bathroom and prevent damage to your nice house.

Put up with a little inconvenience for you homes sake and your pocket book.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business in California for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building in North San Diego Home Remodeling Carlsbad Home Remodeling

Visit us now for Bathroom Ideas

Gripable Stair Handrailing

Wood Window Blinds - Are They Right For You?

If you want to add elegance and charm to your home, consider installing wood window blinds. These blinds can be stained to match any dcor. They can be made from a variety of different woods to please even the pickiest home owner. Read on to discover some of the greatest advantages of choosing wood window blinds for your home.

Wood window blinds can be custom made to fit any window in your home. If you have a preference, you may choose the type of wood that you would like your blinds to be made from. Having wood window blinds will give you maximum privacy and add a sense of warmth to the room.

Wooden window blinds will also increase the energy efficiency of your home. They are very effective in keeping out the sun and heat on those hot summer days and they can keep the heat in your home and the cold out on those cold winter days.

Wood window blinds are usually more expensive than fabric blinds or aluminum blinds, but they are more durable. The initial investment will be worth it in the long run. Wood blinds have been known to increase the value of your home if you ever decide to sell.

However, if you don't have the money to invest in genuine wood window blinds, there are other options. You may choose faux wood blinds for your window covering. These blinds are less expensive and in most cases, it is hard to tell the difference between real wood and faux wood. They are durable and easy to clean.

Another advantage to the faux wood blinds is that they can be used in areas of high humidity. Real wood may be a problem in these areas due to warping or cracking of the wood. This is not a problem with the faux wood blind because they are made of a durable moisture resistant vinyl.

Keeping these blinds clean is very easy no matter if you choose real wood or faux wood. If you have real wood blinds, all you have to do is dilute some wood cleaner or polish in water and dip a towel or other soft cloth into the solution. Just wipe down the individual slats with this solution to remove dust and give the wood a nice shine.

Cleaning faux wood blinds is even easier. They can be vacuumed using the brush attachment. If they are soiled they can be wiped clean with warm water and a mild soap.

Comparison shop before you make the decision on what type of wood blinds to purchase. Consider your budget and lifestyle. If you plan on installing them yourself, make sure that you know how to do it correctly to prevent damage to the wood blind or your window. Once installed, sit back and enjoy your new wood window blinds.

By the way, you can learn more about Wood Window Blinds as well as more information on everything to do with wood blinds by visiting http://www.WoodBlindsA-z.com

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wind Generator and Produce Electricity

An average American household consumes 920kWh of electricity a month. With the rising trend of energy cost, you are likely to pay much more for your power bills in the next few years. So why not make a home wind generator and start to produce your own electricity supply?

The idea of using wind generators to produce electricity is not a new one. Although initially only huge turbines are manufactured and run to produce electricity for industries and remote areas, there are now small generator units that are designed for the average home. Even more recently, you can make one from home easily and at a much lower cost.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars to purchase a factory produced wind generator, many average income households are learning to make one from home. This involves obtaining a set of building instructions and using simple materials to construct the wind energy system. All in all, the cost of making your own generator rings out less than $200 in most cases.

The Internet is filled with numerous websites showing you the exact steps to make the wind generator. These resources are mostly free but are geared towards individuals who are technically trained and understand technical jargons and drawings.

For the less technically-inclined person, there are professional starter kits available that will help guide you to make a home wind generator easily. Most of these manuals are well-written and include videos and pictures to make things simple for you.

But there are many skeptics who question whether such kits can really help you make a wind generator from home. Thousands of people around the world have already made their wind-electricity units just by using a DIY kit and are already producing their own electricity.

Now if that is not enough proof that you can make a home wind generator with the help of a DIY kit, then you sure are missing out on a pot of gold.

Home wind generators are meant to help you save money, so start saving today! Get the most popular wind power kit and be the first in your neighborhood to learn how to make a home wind generator.

Who knows, you might turn out to be the wind energy expert in your town someday!

Outdoor Circular Stairs

Renovate With EIFS - Home Tips

Ontario's Home Energy Audit provides rebates to home owners who improve their home in some way to reduce energy consumption and waste. The program provides rebates from $60.00 per energy-star qualified window, to $1,000.00 for a high efficiency furnace, to $3,000.00 for insulating the exterior of your home. Why is the largest grant (by category) given to Exterior Wall Insulation? One of the reasons is it can have the largest impact on keeping the heat inside your home as home owners typically see a 20-30% reduction in their heating and cooling bills after renovating the exterior of their walls with EIFS (synthetic stucco).

First Thing is First

In order to qualify for the rebates, you need to first have someone do the Ontario Home Energy Audit. This involves contacting the Government's ecoENERGY program to have an inspector come to your house and evaluate your eligibility. You will fall into various categories ranging from not eligible (because there is nothing that needs to be done), to partial benefits to improve certain aspects, to the full grant for adding something that is not currently there. The majority of homes do not have insulation on the exterior of their homes (from the sheating substrate and outward), which makes most home owners eligible for the full $3,000.00 rebate. From the day of the inspection, you have exactly 18 months to complete all your retrofits and get the auditor back.

Get Quotes For an EIFS Retrofit

It may even be a good idea to do this first so you don't waste time trying to find contractors and prices. It is important to get multiple quotes, from different contractors to get a feel for what the price should be. They can be found via the internet, yellowpages, referrals, or preferably by the EIFS manufacturer who will recommend you to a few contractors they know that do quality work. Speaking with different contractors will open your eyes to aspects others may not mention, such as decorative items or things you need to consider like temporarily removing your soffit. Things that may affect your quotes include:

  • Time of year will affect price, which is higher during the winter and busy season
  • Not requiring a weather barrier (only if going over brick, concrete or CMU) will save money
  • Small portions (such as dormers) often cost extra
  • Decorative elements such as mouldings and cornices cost extra

Let's say you understand what your options and prices are after getting 5 quotes, which do you choose? To start, if one is far below the others, toss it immediately. Any money you will save will come back to bite you down the road, and the repair can be more expensive than your synthetic stucco retrofit in the first place. Most of the time you want to go with quote #3 or #4 in terms of price. Don't forget that you can add decorative elements (like window sills, quoins, trim) at a later date -- one of the great benefits of EIFS.

Thickness of Styrofoam

Though this will affect the price and is up to your discretion, a minimum of 2.5" of "Type 1 Expanded PolyStyrene" (the white styrofoam) is required to qualify for the full $3,000.00 rebate. Typical styrofoam thickness is 2", which would get you the $1,800.00 rebate, however the additional 1/2" will not (or rather, should not) run you an additional $1,200.00, which means you will actually save money.

For the technically inclined, a total of R-3.8 to R-9 will qualify you for $1,800.00, while an R-value of 9 or above qualifies for the full $3,000.00 rebate. Type 1 Expanded PolyStyrene (the type of white styrofoam EIFS manufacturers carry and specify) is rated at R-3.71(per inch). This means adding 1" of styrofoam qualifies you for no rebate (yes, they are serious about that 0.09 of R value missing), while 2.5" will qualify you for the whole $3,000.00 (2.5 x 3.71 = 9.275). The other layers of EIFS do provide some R-value (arguable enough that 1" would qualify you for the rebate), however the government stipulates that the R-value is calculated solely on what is added to the wall via styrofoam.

Plan All Your Retrofits, Then Proceed

You want to consider other renovations at the same time as your Synthetic Stucco retrofit. If you intend to add Energy Star qualified windows, they must be installed prior to adding Synthetic Stucco so that they can be properly "tied in" to the wall, that is, to prevent moisture intrusion. You will want to cover these windows while the EIFS is being installed to lessen the chances of them getting dirty. Again, soffits need to be removed during installation to avoid unsightly gaps at the top of your wall which double as a point for water to penetrate. A little bit of planning goes a long way in saving you money and head aches.

Get The Auditor Back

Once everything is finished it's time to have the inspector come back to re-evaluate your home. You will need to show him copies of the bills with the specifications (for example, the EIFS contractor would specify "2.5" insulation added" on his invoice), and pictures of the product being installed may help -- make sure to find out exactly what the auditor is looking for during the first visit. Remember also, that you only have 18 months from the first inspection to get him back, otherwise you forfeit any claim you have to rebates. You may only do this once (ever!) so make sure you do all your retrofits at one time for the rebates, or be prepared to pay for future retrofits out of your pocket.

Upon verification that a minimum of 2.5" of insulation has been applied to all wall surfaces on the exterior of your home, the auditor will check to see if you qualify for any additional rebates for retrofits which may have been undertaken, then electronically submit the result to "Natural Resource Canada" and the "Ontario Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure". From the time your auditor performs the final evaluation, you can expect to wait anywhere from 5-9 weeks for the audit to be processed another 1-2 weeks for the cheque to arrive.

Don't forget that on top of the rebate, renovating your home with Synthetic Stucco increases the value of your home (you recoup up to 88% of the renovation cost via increased home value) and can reduce your heating bill anywhere from 20%-30%, saving you over $500 per year.

Jim Schwarznoff is a Construction Project Management student with an emphasis on the building envelope and exterior design. For more information on EIFS (Synthetic Stucco) and to get quotes from Stucco Contractors visit http://www.TorontoStuccoContractor.com/. For more details on the Ontario Home Energy program, visit: http://torontostuccocontractor.com/blog/2009/01/the-ontario-home-energy-audit-provides-3000-towards-an-eifs-retrofit/

Wood Stair Cleats Problems - Stairway Remodeling

I would imagine most people don't even know what it wood stair cleat is, in construction we have so many words that describe the same thing. A stair cleat is another word for a thread bracket. In other words it's the part of the stairway that connects the stair stringer to the stair step. These have been used for years and over time, most of them will develop the same problem.

Most wood stair cleats loosened up and create a safety hazard. If the stairs are located outside in extreme weather conditions, for example, if it rains or snows a lot, extremely humid humid weather, or extremely hot and dry temperatures, your staircase might not last that long, if it is or isn't maintained properly. It's not a bad idea to use steel or concrete for stairways in these climates.

If you're ever walking up a set of stairs with wood cleats and the stair steps feel a little loose or wiggly, make sure you examined the stair cleats for safety. It's not uncommon for someone to be walking up or down a set of wood stairs and having the stair step or tread giveaway because the wood cleats has loosened.

If the wood stair cleats are nailed to the stair stringer, the nails can loosen up, causing it to become loose, as you walk up and down the stairs applying pressure to the stair cleat, this will create movement in between the stair step and the stair stringer. This could cause the cleat to crack, break and separate the connection between the stair step in the stair stringer.

I would suggest using metal brackets instead of wood cleats. The metal brackets will not crack or disintegrate like some wood cleats. Stair building brackets of course can loosen up and should be maintained regularly.

If you decide to use wood stair cleats, I would suggest using screws instead of nails and drilling holes in the wood stair cleats, most of the time this will prevent cracking the cleat. Try to use a thicker material for the stair cleat, for example using a 2 x 4 with lag screws and washers would be better than using a 1 x 4 with nails.

If you're walking up a set of stairs and a stair step feels loose, contact the owner of the property and let them know, they have a problem with their staircase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more stair building books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Building Handrails Books

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Technology Behind Modern Shower Heads

Many of us undoubtedly marvel at the exquisite shower heads that we find in elegant hotels and homes. These are essentially the new generation shower heads that actually control the volume of water and the temperature emanates from them. Other than the water, they actually go a step further and massage and tone the skin. Shower head technology that has recently emerged has totally revolutionized the way people take a shower or pamper themselves while in the bath or tub.

Technological innovations in shower head technology now lets you conserve water and energy without necessarily sacrificing your much-needed comfort! Take for instance the oxygen-infusing shower head which almost miraculously converts a trickle of water into a powerful jetstream that cleans and soothes the body including the relaxation of tight joints. This works by injecting air bubbles into the water stream and then jetissoning it up to a flow of water for maximum comfort. This water-saving shower head is so ideal that it uses only 1.5 gallons per minute something that many convectional showers struggle to achieve. You can imagine the savings in water and energy when you use an oxygen infusion shower head.

We are in an environmental war and there is a move by major world governments to stir their local populace into conserving energy and water. All across the US and the rest of the world, the water table is subsiding and there is a frantic need to conserve. The new shower heads to hit , the water shortages in the world are bound to get more acute. That is why it is imperative that we reevaluate the choices we make regarding water today to ensure that water supplies remain stable. The water-saving oxygen shower head is definitely a step in the right direction.

Here is how it works:

#When you turn on the tap or faucet, the water enters the shower head and is then infused with oxygen for your best shower. The shower head then increased the water pressure partly to optimize the force of the stream and also to avoid dirt from clogging the head. There is therefore a guarantee never to clog. This shower head gives you a terrific shower all while utilizing a much lesser amount of overall water than a traditional shower head. This makes it the perfect water-conservation tool.

Another added boon is that the shower head releases a much wider spray that covers a wider body surface. This is ideal for full-body shower spray which translates to a better shower experience.

This stylish shower head comes with an adjustable chrome look that adds to the interior design and look of your bathroom plus it is so easily adjustable one can adjust it with one hand even with eyes closed. The installation is pretty hassle free and devoid of any screws or plumbing experience.

Looking for shower heads? Check out complete guide to shower heads: everything about shower handsets, electric shower heads, shower heads cleaning as well as shower head reviews.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Remodeling Books Save Time and Money - Home Improvement

The other day, I was surfing the Internet and came upon an online home building bookstore that put together a website with the best-selling home building books on the market today. These books range from basic carpentry to advanced structural engineering and everything else you could possibly think of that could be related to the home building, selling, remodeling and construction process.

I couldn't believe the simple and easy to use. Here's a list of some of their books selections.

Photo Guide to Home Repair - The most up-to-date, complete, and useful guide to home repair a homeowner can have. With more than 350 projects and 2300 photos, virtually every home repair challenge.

Exterior Siding, Trim & Finishes - This first ever compilation by Fine Homebuilding on the popular subject provides builders with ideas for choosing the correct finishes for home exteriors, plus solid how-to information.

Flipping Houses - This book is designed for realty investors who want to profit from buying below market, making cosmetic improvements to add value, and then quickly reselling.

Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling a bathroom is a challenge - it's action-oriented and requires extra energy and stamina. But you, undoubtedly, realize it's a challenge you want to take on.

One $20 home building books or home repairs book, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping

If your looking for some more House Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas

Cheap Roller Shades

Cheap roller shades are most preferred for the exterior decoration of your house or business premises. Use of modern fabrics and minimalism in cheap roller shades makes them popular. Classic simplicity and low cost also add to their effective consumer reach.

These shades are mostly available in standard yet with an overturn roll causing the fabric hides the spin of the shade. If placed with a cassette head rail system the cheap roller shades look more poignant. Ornamental hems, ring pulls and tassels can add to the decoration of your window at home.

These shades with light filtering fabrics and space darkening materials look more attractive. Most of the houses and business apartments in developing countries prefer these types of shades not only for their cost effectiveness, but also for the inherent simplicity. Selected roller shades with trendy fabrics, streamlined roller system, novel hems and ritual accents look more poignant. Limited life time warranty adds to the consumer satisfaction.

The typical elastic cord, now replaced with a chain within the rail workings makes it doable to raise and lower the blinds to a definite position. With the increasing use of newer roller shades materials, energy efficiency and sound absorbing capability have increased considerably. Those nostalgic about the exterior dcor of the bygone era, you can use decorative tassels to add charm and convenience to your roller shades.

These shades are available in three varieties depending on size - inside mount, outside mount and cloth measurement. Incase of inside mount the over all width is 49 7/8" with fabric of 48 ". In outside mount the width of fabric is 48 7/8 and the clutch width is around 50". Fabric wide of 50" against overall width of 51 1/8" the category falls in to cloth measurement.

These products are well appreciated for their least expensive nature. They are quite durable when used with superior rollers like the one with cellular waves. They come in numerous sizes like 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 2" variations. Generally, the larger the plate, the more expensive is the shade. Blackout featuring pleats are even more costly. Beware of cheaper varieties as they lose their pleat shape effortlessly. Shades with "D cell" design. And with arches, angle-tops and bottom originated are quite decorative. Those with exquisite bamboo shades from Asia are very distinctive, though expensive.

Cheap roller shades include beautiful varieties like Vignettes and Cascades. These are less costly compared to Roman shades. Silhouettes roller shades are the most versatile and unique and command greater demand. Build your home of your own style with these shades is sure to give it a distinctive look.

Dave Clark has many years experience writing articles, he has also written many books, and is well known in the industry. Dave currently has many projects he is working on, he is also on the board of directors for Cushy Sofa a manufacturer and online retailer of Divans, Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Pillows, Memory Foam Mattresses, Buy your Memory Foam Toppers, direct from the manufacturer

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easy Eco-Friendly Ways To Light Your Home

With so many options now available, going green in your home is not only easy these days, but also easier on your pocketbook. With green lighting options galore, there's no reason anymore to not take advantage of the latest green advancements.

Go Fluorescent

One of the easiest, cheapest, most efficient and cost saving ways to green up your home is to switch your lighting to a green friendly lighting option. #1 of these options is to replace your current incandescent light bulbs with new compact fluorescent light bulbs. By doing this in all lamps and lighting in every room of your home, you'll save a substantial amount of money every year on electricity cost alone. You'll also have to replace your lightbulbs much less often since compact fluorescent light bulbs last much longer than incandescent bulbs, thereby saving you some work and maybe even some pain along the way.

Consider LED's

The main strength in choosing LED lights instead of traditional incandescent light bulbs is that LED lights use much less power, therefore they last much longer. Due to their length of reliability, LED's don't need to be changed as often. In some cases, this factor in itself can be result in substantial cost savings. For example, on a highway barricade, you need some lights on top of barricades to let drivers see the barricade at night. In this case, using LED's for those lights would save alot of money, since workers would not need to go out and replace the bulb very often, if at all. In fact, in many cases the LED barricade light would last for as long as it is needed or even longer at the site and never need to be replaced. The cost savings in man hours and labor driving to the site and replacing the bulb is significant, especially if the application is in a remote or rural area.

Go Solar

For many lighting uses, solar is a great option. Nowadays, solar outdoor lights are commonplace, where driveway, pathway. patio, fountain or garden lights have solar panels on their tops which store solar energy during the day and then when it gets dark, the lights automatically turn on, using only the stored energy from the sun. Using these types of outdoor lights can save money and virtually eliminate the need for maintenance. There are even solar powered outdoor Christmas lights, great for use especially in southern climates where you still get plenty of winter sun.

Take Better Advantage Of Natural Light

In some rooms of your home, it's sometimes more efficient to simply open your drapes wider or choose drapes, curtains or blinds that let more light in. In addition, you can choose to install skylights in areas of your home that get alot of daytime traffic but get little light. Just installing one skylight in a staircase or a dark hall can save you money by causing you to turn on the lights in the day less often but also make your home safer.

Lydia Quinn writes for Brandon Safety Lights, a leading provider of solar barricade lights, barricade light accessories and traffic safety supplies. Visit us at: http://www.brandonsafetylights.com

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Modular Homes - Total Cost of Construction

So you are looking at property and have decided to build a modular home. You may have even decided to act as your own general contractor. You are now putting together a budget. It is fairly easy to get the prices for the land and the modular home, but it is not as cut and dry to piece together everything else that will be needed at your job site.

I built a modular home about two years ago and went through the same process. I had a difficult time finding ballpark figures for many things when trying to budget my project. Below is a list of things to keep in mind when putting together your budget:

1. Utility hooks ups and your distance from existing utilities (electric, natural gas, propane, water)
2. Excavation for foundation/basement
3. Foundation and basement
4. Driveway costs
5. Electrician to wire up basement
6. Plumber to do rough plumbing under basement floor prior to setting house
7. Concrete flatwork (basement floor)
8. Plumber to do finish plumbing (hook home to rough plumbing)
9. Electrician to hook house to utilities
10. Plumber and electrician for a septic tank (if needed)
11. Carpenters for a deck
12. Contractor for a patio

It is important to get multiple bids when costing your project. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not necessarily choose your contractors because they are the cheapest. You must check with references, view previous work they have done, verify that they are insured and licensed to work in your city. I met with my foundation contractor at a job site he was working on and was so impressed that I chose him even though he was the highest of my three bidders. I could have saved a couple of thousand dollars with someone else but I doubt it would have been worth it.

If you do not feel that you have the time or expertise to manage the contractors involved, many modular home builders will act as your general contractor for a fee. This may be the route to choose if you do not have time to meet with all of your contractors at the job site.

Tim Montey is a modular home enthusiast who built his first modular home two years ago and detailed that experience, lessons learned and costs at http://www.modularhomechoice.com

Find more detailed information on the total cost of a modular home at the above link on the Financing page.

One Foot Square Colum Base

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bathroom Remodeling - Let Your Imagination Bring About Transformation

Throughout the decades the functions of a bathroom have greatly revolved turning it from simply essential to so much more. The changes have been somewhat the answer to the hectic lifestyle of modern people, and are especially needed in the bustling big cities. In the City that Never Sleeps-New York, it definitely pays to be creative in creating a haven of comfort out of your baths. Some imagination integrated into your bathroom remodeling project could give you more than a good boost to your home's value. It could also afford added luxury to your and your loved ones' quality of living.

Depending on your lifestyle and taste, you could recreate your personal space through bathroom remodeling, achieving the most functional and stylish transformation. Typically, it is in the design phase that homeowners get stuck. With the thousands of possible ideas that they could use as inspiration, the task can seem overwhelming. To help you out on this, here are several creative ideas that you can choose from to integrate into your bathroom remodeling:

A Dash of Modernity

Your contemporary home could use a modern bath. If you are a homeowner who wants everything downright functional in a stark, sleek look then this bathroom remodeling style is perfect for you. Organization and surfaces are keys to achieve modernity in the design. Clean lines will give an effect of needed spaciousness. High sheen black counters, stainless steel sinks and features, glass and mirrors would also do great in the design.

Tropical Extravaganza

Wouldn't it be great to be seemingly transported to some tropical resort each opportunity you get to take your time in the bath? Of course.

This bathroom remodeling idea could be realized through using earthly elements. Plants, mini-waterfalls and even some white pebbles could do just the trick. You could even have an open shower if your property could afford you the needed privacy even if your shower area opens up to the heavens.

Asian Invasion

Give in to utter peacefulness and feel the Zen. With a modern Asian bathroom remodeling design, oriental crafts can spruce things up inside your bath. Some of the things that you could implement in your design include jars and other forms of pottery, bamboo walls, and even French doors overlooking a rock garden.

Your Everyday Spa

Wellness and rejuvenation has become more than a therapy thing as it has revolutionized the way people live through its integration in home improvement designs. This bathroom remodeling idea is made possible by innovative spa products that you can find in the market today. From steam showers, to home saunas, whirlpool tubs, to chromatherapy; the options are many. And the best thing about having such is that these products are equipped with state of the art features like radio, telephone, CD player, remote control full-dimensional massages and others.

So which serves as the most tempting way to spend time in the bathroom? But if you can still squeeze out a little more of those creative juices, then by all means do so. Exhaust every possible option to make your bathroom remodeling idea fit your way of living perfectly.

Eugene Makeev has been in the home improvement industry for a while. His skills and expertise, which have been polished through time, are now used to help New York home owners avoid the common bathrooms Staten Island pitfalls by matching their needs with prescreened Bathroom Contractors NYC. Feel free to use our Bathroom Calculator.

Home Remodeling Facts

Mosaic Pool Tiles - Important Tips Before Installation!

Mosaic Pool Tiles - Why do they get so popular in recent years? One of the best advantages of using these nature-made tiles is the fact that anyone can use them: from home-makers to professional interior designers. Learn about the latest tiling techniques and how they are about to change the way you decorate and remodel your home's interior and exterior.

Basic introduction

Mosaic Pool Tiles are actually a collection of similar looking small flat stones that are selected by hand and then fixed onto a sq/ft mesh backing seamless tile. It is probably about the unique natural conditions that made the Indonesian beach pebbles the leading source of these nature-made tiles. This is an excellent solution if you plan or redecorating in the following areas: 1) Kitchens 2) Bathrooms 3) Floors and Walls 4) Patio flooring 5) Countertops etc.

What is in it for us?

Finally, when looking at the bottom line, there are several important advantages:

+ Easily installed over existing surfaces such as old ceramics or plain concrete.

+ Installation process is quick and takes only a few hours.

+ Easy to be cleaned and maintained.


+ Epoxy based grouts are considered stronger than conventional grout, however take in mind that they are less forgiving to the ignorant installer.

+ Using grout should be handled carefully so it is recommended to grout a small area at a time.

+ Use a tile saw in order to cut stones to fit edges or corners.


Mosaic Pool Tiles remodeling offers countless options as these nature-made panels come in many shapes and colors to easily match the decor of any home or office setting. We could list many other important benefits provided by this quick redecoration option, simply because it provides numerous opportunities whether for the average or professional home-makers. It is recommended to bear in mind the above tips just as you decide on using these natural panels.

Get creative! - Learn more about how you can easily decorate with Mosaic Pool Tiles

Bead Board Ceiling

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Home Buyer Incentives - It Doesn't Hurt to Ask

In a seller's market, a prospective home buyer needs to be a little more cautious when negotiating a purchase; however, in today's buyer's market, incentives are an accepted part of the deal. It certainly never hurts to ask. It's not uncommon for a seller to wait for three months or longer to sell their home, especially during this time when the market is saturated with homes for sale. They need to make their home stand out amongst the rest, and often times, offering sales incentives is the easiest way to accomplish this.

Here are a few of the more common closing requests that never would have been considered a few years ago in our previous seller's market.

House Price & Closing Costs

It's quite acceptable to negotiate 5 percent off the price of the house and then request another 3 percent for the closing costs associated with the purchase of the home.


Home Inspection: Everyone asks for a house inspection these days. It's the most sensible way to avoid costly surprise that may result from rotten beams, water damage, faulty wiring or cracked foundations to name a few. Once the inspection is completed, the buyer can take his list of deficiencies, associate costs with them, and either request that they be fixed or deducted from the purchase price. It is also common practice to request the seller to arrange and pay for the inspection.

Radon Inspection: This used to be a common inspection in the 1980's and 1990's. There are approximately 20,000 deaths in the U.S. each year as a result of this cancer causing, odorless gas. A test to determine radon levels in a house costs less than $50, and if the levels are high, repairing the problems cost about $1,000.

Well Inspection: When purchasing a home with a well, the seller should be responsible for a thorough inspection of the system including:

  • Functionality of the pump and overall well system.
  • The well quantity, or the amount of water drawn per minute, to ensure an adequate flow and water pressure.
  • The water quality has to be tested to ensure that it doesn't pose a health risk.

Septic Inspection: In rural areas with no connection to sewer lines, the seller also has to provide proof of a certified inspection of the septic system.

Home Warranty

Including a home warranty can go a long way to providing peace of mind in a home negotiation. At an average cost of $250 - $400, it is a reasonable request to make of a seller.

Decorative Improvements

Sometimes a carpet or paint job may be in dire need of upgrading and a buyer can either request replacement of these items or deduct the cost from the offer.

Non-Fixed Items

Generally, any fixed items stay with the house, but often times it is to a buyer's advantage to request certain things to be included, such as:

  • Drapery
  • Appliances
  • Lighting fixtures
  • Decorative items
  • Lawn tractors or snow blowers
  • Vehicles

New Home Buyer Incentives

When purchasing a new home from a builder, the incentives are almost endless, and range from new appliances, landscaping, big screen TV's and even swimming pools.

This buyer's market won't be here forever. Right now you've got an edge; be sure to take advantage of it.

Go to http://www.coloradoshomes.com for your complete guide to Colorado real estate. Acquaint yourself with the many communities including the listings for Boulder CO real estate.

How to Treat Toxic Mold in Walls

If mold spores find their way there, either due to a flooding, after a storm, or simply due to a leak from one of the pipes in your home, the mold will thrive over the months and multiply so fast that you'll be surprised at the growth once you uncover it.

The problem is that toxic mold in walls is hidden. If you suspect a contamination but don't really know where the toxic mold may be, you may even be forced to tear off whole sections of your wall.

Before you do this, you might want to perform a systematic search for toxic mold in walls. First, conduct an ocular inspection. Even if the mold growth is on the inside, the wood may be affected up to the exterior part especially if the ply is thin.

You can search for signs of wood warping or paint peeling. This means that there's some trouble underneath - if it's not mold, then it might be moisture. Even if mold growth is still not apparent, eliminating moist wood is good enough reason to perform repairs, because it will soon develop mold, anyway.

Start your search by tracing the areas where water pipes run. These are the places that are most likely wet. Perform a sniff test, too - toxic mold in walls gives off an earthy, musty odor similar to what you would smell entering an abandoned waterlogged house or going through items on a fire sale.

Remember, though, that once the toxic mold is disturbed, its spores can fly around in the air and contaminate other areas in your home. You should be ready with plastic sheeting to cover the mold-infested panels to prevent its spores from flying all over the place. Keep the sheet one until you dispose of the rotting panels.

Once you find toxic mold in walls, it's highly likely that you also have a pipe leak, so you have to be ready for any eventuality. It would be difficult to remove your wall panels, discover a leak, and not have the budget to hire a plumber as well. Toxic mold grows in moist areas, and the only way the inside of walls can get wet is if there is a breach from the exterior of your home or if there are leaking pipes.

The advantage of hiring professionals to do large jobs such as this is that they are prepared for these things due to their extensive experience in dealing with toxic mold in walls. They can advise you about the possibilities before starting work, and may even recommend a good plumber.

If you still want it to be a DIY job and think that you've had enough experience yourself fixing things up at home, then by all means, take it on. Just make sure to wear protective gloves, a mask, and even protective eyewear while working on the contaminated wall panels. Toxic mold can give rise to a number of symptoms that have long-term effects on the body and should not be taken lightly.

You can also find more info on health problems. Blackmoldbliss.com is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Blackmold.

Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Hiring a Contractor For Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling Contractors

Well here's the age old question, how do we go about finding a decent bathroom remodeling contractor.

Here's some things you will be looking for in a contractor.

1. Is Your Contractor Fair and Honest?

2. Does Your Contractor Have Experience Remodeling and Designing Bathrooms?

3. Can You Actually Find a Contractor Who Will Complete the Job in a Timely Manner?

4. Do You Think the Workers Will Be Able to Clean the Job up Daily?

5. Will the Contractor Show up on Time?

6. Is the Contractor Going to Work At Least Eight Hours a Day?

7. Does the Contractor's Crew Have Experience?

8. Is Your Contractor and His Crew Courteous?

If you find a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project that has answered yes to all questions above, hire that person immediately. Most contractors can sincerely answer yes to half of the questions above. If you're looking for the ultimate bathroom remodeling contractor, you could be searching for quite a while, you're looking for some one that is competent and you feel comfortable with.

When hiring a contractor, look for someone who has your interest in mind first and not theirs. Find someone who is willing to help with the designed process of your bathroom and the remodeling. If you find a contractor to be arrogant or controlling, there is a good chance, your bathroom might not turn out the way you envision it.

When hiring a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project or any home improvement project, the most important thing to keep in mind is, whether or not you feel comfortable with this person or not. Never hire a contractor you're not comfortable with.

If a contractor is referred to you by someone you trust, this does not guarantee you will be happy with the bathroom remodel. Most referrals that I have gotten over the years are like rolling the dice, I believe I would have done just as good picking a name out of a hat.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Stair Building Books

Where do we go to buy stair building books? Do we go to the major retailers like Amazon or Barnes & Noble? I have found over the years the information in most of these books I have purchased from these stores has a lot of fluff with very little common sense stair building application.

I bought one stair building book that had information on handrails. The front cover looked great and I thought this was going to be a great book reading the reviews from Amazon. When I finally got the book in the mail, I would say about one third of it was math tables for building elaborate wooden hand railing's. These tables were not easy to understand along with the rest of the book.

Back when I bought the book on building stair handrails it dawned on me that most of the construction workers I have met during my 30 years of working in the field were not very good outside of basic math. Now I knew a lot of carpenters that could read a measuring tape and use a framing square pretty good. But when it came to advanced geometrical construction projects like a stair hand railing system this was out of our league.

Reading this book or should I say parts of it gave me an idea to write a book of my own, starting with basic stair building I took all the fluff or the hard to understand advanced stair building applications out of my book, How to Build a Straight Set of Stairs.

I put a lot of time into creating an illustration for every possible part of building a simple set of stairs. I have probably built over 2000 sets of stairs during my lifetime and have explained and taught basic and advanced stair building to other carpenters. Understanding what parts of the stair construction process they understood, I was able to improve my skills as a stair building teacher.

Most people do not need advanced stair building skills to construct a simple straight set of stairs. If you are building a straight set of stairs and would like a stair building book with lots of easy to understand illustrations along with simplified directions you have found it.

We're building more stair building books to help contractors, carpenters, handymen and homeowners understand the stair building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Bottom Plate Gap For Shear Wall

Moisture Against Gravity - Destroying Walls

Well I'm going to start this article with a little information on a job I did once.

I had been repairing a rental house for one particular homeowner for about three years when all of a sudden I got a phone call from him telling me the rental house was destroyed and he had never seen nothing like this. He sounded so upset over the phone I told him I would meet with him immediately.

On my way to the house I was trying to get an idea in my head what the house was going to actually look like. Since I have been repairing rental properties for over 20 years at this point of my career, nothing really shocked me. I had pretty much seen everything that could possibly be done to rental property by the tenants that lived there. There is a lot to be said about taking care of it as if it were your own.

He was waiting for me at the front door and he looked thoroughly disgusted. As I approached him he was shaking his head and yelling at the same time can you believe these people, can you believe what they did to my house. I was expecting to see the front door ripped off and all the windows broken out of the house but this wasn't the case.

As he led me through the home and I could see the usual clothing on the floor, broken cabinets, a few holes in the walls and of course that awful smell of mold and mildew. All of this stuff was nothing new to me because I'm the guy they call to fix it when a renter moves out of the property.

As I entered one of the bedrooms I got my first glimpse of something I had never seen before but heard stories about and could not believe my eyes. Looking at the walls in the bedroom about 3 feet from the floor all the way around the room, the plaster was soft. It actually looks like someone shoved popcorn into the wall somehow.

The homeowner wasn't even looking at this because of the rest of the damage in the home. I started to explain to him I'd never seen nothing like this but I could guess it was water damage somehow since the plaster was soft. I could actually stick my finger into the wall, that's how soft the plaster was.

My first thought was to examine the carpeting a little closer to see if it was wet. Well it was damp but it wasn't as wet as I would've expected it to be with the amount of water in the walls. With a little more home inspecting I had found the culprit, it was a broken water bed. The water bed was now in the backyard looking innocent.

I couldn't believe a broken water bed could do this much damage so I looked around for broken or leaking water pipes and could not find any. The other bad news I had to inform the homeowner was that the water had damage the bathroom and closet walls also. These walls of course were on the other side of the bathroom walls that were damaged.

Well the point of this story is that water will actually wick its way up or worked its way up into a wall. I had to remove 4 feet of drywall all the way around the room. The plaster or drywall actually acts like a sponge pulling the water into the walls. Hard to imagine that gravity in this case seems to reverse. I would've never thought that water would've traveled so far up the walls creating that much damage.

To repair the rental property I had to remove the damaged drywall, remove the carpeting, dry the wood framing out and put the whole thing back together.

I'm still amazed and will remember that project for as long as I live.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Water Damage

Gable Roof Framing With Flat 2 X

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Building a Porch Swing

You can easily build a porch swing as a weekend project. There are many different kinds of porch swing plans and many different places where you can find them. When you browse home improvement magazines there are often plans to help you build this kind of swing with the list of materials and detailed instructions. Home improvement retail stores also sell kits that contain everything you need for the project. However, the greatest source for plans for a porch swing can be found on the many online sites and many of these plans are free for you to download and print.

You will need to have specific tools when you want to start building a swing for the porch. These include a planer, a bandsaw, hammer, a measuring tape and screwdriver or drill. Oak and pine are usually the recommended materials to use because they stand up well to the elements of the weather. There are designs available with a straight back and room to seat two or three people. You can also choose a design for two with separately curved backs that you can adjust to receive varying degrees of comfort when sitting.

In addition to the free plans you find online, some of the plans have comments written by those that have used them. By reading these comments you can get a better insight into how difficult a project it is if you do not have any carpentry experience. There may be comments about some users have modified the plans to suit themselves and this may be something that you want to do. Either way you will be able to use the plans to give you a porch swing that you will use for many years to come.

If you use a kit for such a building project, all the pieces will be cut to the specific measurements needed for the design. Otherwise, you will have to buy the lumber and cut the wood to the desired measurements. When using the plans, it is a good idea to enlarge all the drawings so that you have a template to use for measuring. Measure twice and cut once is a good rule to use to make sure that you have all the pieces in perfect proportion.

For more information on porch furniture, porch plans and related topics, visit AboutPorches.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Advantages of Framing With Steel Studs

I have heard all sorts of stories over the years of the advantages in framing with steel versus wood studs. One time I even heard you could build an entire house with the amount of recycled steel from a large automobile such as a Cadillac. I find this hard to believe unless you're building a very small home.

My personal favorite for framing with steel studs is that they are extremely straight. I have built nonbearing partition walls using 12 foot 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs and after the drywall you can lay an 8 foot level to check it for straightness on the wall with amazing results.

If you use 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs with 5/8 of an inch drywall you will get an extremely durable and sturdy wall. Framing was steel studs is common in office renovations or remodeling. Most of the steel stud framing is done via the drywall contractors.

Steel studs and termites do not mix. You'll never have to worry about these little buggers or other uninvited house pests damaging your walls.

Over the years I have heard stories that steel framed buildings are earthquake and fire proof. They might be more resistant to fire than wood but keep in mind when metal is hot enough it will bend and warp making it unusable.

When I hear people talking about a fireproof building built with metal framing components my first thought is all of the other materials used in building the house that are not fire resistant. Don't get a false illusion when buying a house framed with steel studs and think it is 100% fire proof.

As far as steel framed buildings being earthquake proof this is another story. I really can't comment too much on earthquake damage to a steel building. The problem with earthquakes is they seem to create fires. So even if you're building does survive an earthquake it could get damaged by a fire in the area.

I have framed more wood homes than steel homes over the years and my steel stud construction is limited to nonbearing partition walls usually located in office buildings. I love framing with metal because of its light weight and ease of construction.

I still love framing with wood. There is something about what framing that I have always loved and always will.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Framing Ideas

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finishing Your Basement Can Be Very Rewarding

Transforming your home's basement into a finished space can prove to be very rewarding. Frequently the additional living space is used for a variety of entertainment functions including: Recreation Rooms, Bars, Gyms, Billiard Rooms, Home Theatres and Family Rooms. In addition, Bedrooms and Bathrooms are also incorporated into the floor space. Typically the square foot cost of finishing a basement is significantly lower than other floors within the home.

Planning is critical before starting a Finished Basement project. From a financial standpoint, first determine how big your budget is and how you will finance the project. Will a mortgage be required or can you refinance or obtain a home equity loan?

From the project standpoint, carefully consider what you want to use the space for. As part of this consideration, consider ceiling heights, existing pipes, Oil Tanks, and Heating and Water systems. Also consider lighting. To make a Finished Basement cozy, warm and comfortable, the number and kinds of lights to install is key. In addition, consider natural lighting. Can additional windows be installed and will they be appropriate for the finished space?

Installing a Bathroom in a basement can be a challenge, particularly if a pump-up system is required. It is important you meet with a plumber before you start any work, as they will have many questions and requirements for your bathroom. Potentially the most onerous aspect of installing a Bathroom may be the removal of some of the cement flooring. This is a very dusty and messy job!

Also consider heating. Does your existing furnace have the capacity to support the additional space? If not, you will need to consider putting in a bigger system or creating a secondary heating system.

Finally, and probably the most important aspect to consider, is dealing with moisture. A finished basement will quickly loose its charm if water problems create mold and mildew. Basement floors and walls should be sealed and insulated to reduce moisture content in the basement. Even with these precautions, a dehumidifier may be required.

For more information on Basement Remodeling see HomeAdditionPlus.com's Basement Remodeling Bid Sheet.

About the Author:
Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more information about Home Improvement and Home Additions, and Home Remodeling and Repair visit homeadditionplus.com and homeaddition.blogspot.com

Hiring Contractors Books

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Stair Building Books

Where do we go to buy stair building books? Do we go to the major retailers like Amazon or Barnes & Noble? I have found over the years the information in most of these books I have purchased from these stores has a lot of fluff with very little common sense stair building application.

I bought one stair building book that had information on handrails. The front cover looked great and I thought this was going to be a great book reading the reviews from Amazon. When I finally got the book in the mail, I would say about one third of it was math tables for building elaborate wooden hand railing's. These tables were not easy to understand along with the rest of the book.

Back when I bought the book on building stair handrails it dawned on me that most of the construction workers I have met during my 30 years of working in the field were not very good outside of basic math. Now I knew a lot of carpenters that could read a measuring tape and use a framing square pretty good. But when it came to advanced geometrical construction projects like a stair hand railing system this was out of our league.

Reading this book or should I say parts of it gave me an idea to write a book of my own, starting with basic stair building I took all the fluff or the hard to understand advanced stair building applications out of my book, How to Build a Straight Set of Stairs.

I put a lot of time into creating an illustration for every possible part of building a simple set of stairs. I have probably built over 2000 sets of stairs during my lifetime and have explained and taught basic and advanced stair building to other carpenters. Understanding what parts of the stair construction process they understood, I was able to improve my skills as a stair building teacher.

Most people do not need advanced stair building skills to construct a simple straight set of stairs. If you are building a straight set of stairs and would like a stair building book with lots of easy to understand illustrations along with simplified directions you have found it.

We're building more stair building books to help contractors, carpenters, handymen and homeowners understand the stair building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Country Farm Style House Plans For Simple, Enjoyable Living

Simple living means minimizing stress by minimizing the pursuit of conspicuous consumption and wealth for its own sake. The decision for voluntary simplicity is often made for health reasons; as a philosophical or spiritual path; or to increase the amount of quality time which a person has to spend with friends and family. Often the decision is motivated by a desire to save the earth; or by considerations of social justice. As Duane Elgin put it, the decision for voluntary simplicity means being outwardly more frugal but inwardly richer - the exact opposite of how our society trains us to be. The choice of simple living, for example, means choice of country farm style house plans rather than luxury building. It means growing at least some of your own food, even if all this means is a few pots of herbs or jars of sprouts growing on a windowsill. It means relying on public transportation whenever possible rather than driving one's own car. It means generating as little non-recyclable waste as possible.

The beginnings of the philosophy of simple living go back to the Athenian philosopher Epicurus, who taught that the problems and worries inherent in living a sumptious lifestyle outweigh the pleasures. Epicurus believed that anything beyond what is really necessary for life and simple comfort should be avoided. In more recent times, movements such as the Shakers, Amish, and Mennonites have deliberately sought a style of life excluding wealth and technology. Henry David Thoreau's classic Walden was a statement against the non-sustainable lifestyle of mid-nineteenth century America. Thoreau's log home house plan life was an inspiration to Henry Stephens Salt in England, who popularized the Simplification idea in Victorian Britain; and to George Lorenzo Noyes in New England, who wrote about sustainable lifestyle and spiritual communion with nature. In the early twentieth century the Vanderbilt Agrarian movement advocated sustainability and traditional agrarian values.

The simplicity movement grew in the twentieth century, inspired by such authors as Richard Gregg, Gary Snyder, Ralph Borsodi, and Helen and Scott Nearing, who wrote about leaving the city with their bungalow craftsman house plans and their vision of a better life. The hippie movement of the 1960's was the first mass movement which advocated leaving the cities to return to the land. The main spokesperson for simple living today is Duane Elgin, whose Voluntary Simplicity was published in 1981 and remains the bible of the voluntary simplicity movement. Nowadays voluntary simplicity means reducing one's need for bought items and services, and reducing correspondingly the amount of time sold for money. Simple living means seeing that freedom results from giving up worrying about money, rather than accumulating more and more of it. It means understanding that our society is headed for a fall. Jared Diamond's Collapse, which explains the historic reasons why previous civilizations perished and makes it plain that our own society is making the same errors, was a nationwide bestseller. Clearly, simple living is an idea whose time has come.

When considering your own move out of the city, you can choose from a variety of simplicity options, from a log home house plan to more grandiose country farm style house plans. Part of simple living is taking responsibility for doing one's own work oneself, such as bungalow craftsman house plans. The important thing is the decision to become master of your own life.

Hiring Contractors Books

Friday, March 6, 2009

Home Safety - Is Your Home Safe? Take This Simple Quiz

Home Safety is easy to overlook. Is your home safe? I'll bet you've never looked at home safety through the eyes of an insurance adjuster. But it will benefit you to think about all of the ways you could have an insured loss at your home.

Here's a simple quiz. If you have done all of the tips after the question, you can answer "Yes!" If not, you've got some work to do.

1. Is your home secure?

-Install deadbolt locks on all exterior doors.

-Install outdoor lights next to all exterior doors, and make sure the bulbs are working. Connect the outdoor lights at doors to motion detectors that go off when someone approaches.

-Install a monitored security system that has sensors at every opening, including second story windows.

-Install curtains or blinds on windows so people outside cannot easily see what's inside.

2. Is your home safe?

-Install one smoke detector on each level of the home.

-Install a radon gas detector in the basement.

-Keep the areas in front of doors, and sidewalks cleared of leaves and snow.

-Make sure there is a fence around any outdoor pool.

-Place a home fire extinguisher in the kitchen, one in the garage, and one in another room.

-Clean out the lint filter on your dryer every time you use it.

-Get your fireplace chimney cleaned once a year.

-Get your furnace checked once a year.

3. Are you living safely?

-When you have guests in your home, monitor their alcohol consumption, and don't allow them to drive if they've had too much to drink.

-Be extremely careful when working outside on ladders. A fall can seriously injure or kill you.

-Insist that any workers on your property provide you with their certificate of insurance. No exceptions.

-Be extremely careful when working inside. Use a safe small ladder or solid stool, don't jump up on a chair to reach overhead.

-Keep your staircases clear. Don't stack stuff on stairs and then try walking around it.

-Don't start to cook on the stove and then walk away. Cooking fires are number one for home damage.

-Don't plug a bunch of electrical devices into a cheap extension cord.

-Don't cover extension cords with rugs or run them under carpet.

If you were able to answer "Yes" on all three questions....CONGRATULATIONS! You will likely never have to have an insurance adjuster visiting your home!

If you have experienced a property loss, whether fire, wind, flood or other, you need to know winning insurance claim strategies. The insurance company will not tell you the claims process, but I will. I will show you how to take control of your insurance claim, and add hundreds or even thousands more dollars to your claim settlement. For more information, go to the website listed below.

Now, I'd like to offer you two special reports at no cost. One is "5 Things To Do When Shopping For Car Insurance," and the other is "5 Things To Avoid When Shopping For Car Insurance." Each one is a $9.95 value, but free to you when you sign up for my newsletter at the website address below.

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