Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Small Bathroom Makeovers - 3 Things You Must Do Before You Hire A Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

Small bathroom makeovers are a lot of work and you need a good contractor

Remodelling your bathroom can be one of the most rewarding things that you do to your property. Not only can you make it look beautiful you can often rearrange things to fit more into even the smallest of spaces. But how do you go about getting the work done? You probably don't want to do the work yourself because even the smallest bathroom makeovers are a lot of work. No you want it done and finished so that you can start enjoying it. The most common way to go about it is to hire a contractor to do the job for you.

Hiring a professional bathroom remodelling contractor to do the work for you is the obvious way to go. You should expect him to follow your instructions, do a good job and finish it in a reasonable length of time.

But how do you choose the right contractor?. One that will do a good job and not rip you off in the process. Remember that you will be letting this person, or gang of contractors into your property and leaving them alone for long periods of time trusting that they are getting on with the job and not rifle through your jewellery.

I'm going to give you 3 things that you absolutely must do before you hire your contractors. Remember that you are going to be paying out a fair amount of money for your new beautiful bathroom so it's worth spending a little time and effort making sure you select the right people for the job:

  1. Use your gut feeling or intuition
  2. Get a background check done on your contractor
  3. Take up references

Use your gut feeling or intuition

Meet with your prospective contractors and talk to them about your bathroom renova5B4tion job. When you run out of bathroom things to discuss ask him about himself. Where does he come from? How long has he been doing this type of work? Where did he get his qualifications? Does he have a family?

Talk about anything and everything you can think of to try and build up a picture of this person. When you have that picture in your mind you can then say to yourself "Do I like this person?" Does everything add up? Do you feel as if you're being lied to or perhaps not being told the whole truth?

Believe it or not your gut feeling can often be remarkably accurate. You should listen to what your intuition is telling you and if it tells you that you don't trust this contractor then don't hire him. This isn't a very scientific test and you can't use it as the only way to select your contractors but if it tells you to run then you should. Move on to your next prospective contractor as quickly as you can.

Get a background check done on your contractor

Getting a background check done on someone can be as simple as entering their name and a few details into an online public records database. Discover how to do that in the article How To Do A Public Records Criminal Background Search On Your Bathroom Remodeling Contractor. It's important that you try to find out some information about5B4 your contractors past. Does he have a criminal record? Does he have arrest warrants out for him? Has he been made bankrupt?

Take up references

When I did my small bathroom makeover I asked if I I could see some examples of the contractors work and made a point of actually going to see it first hand. This turned out to be a fantastic way of selecting the good contractors from the bad and it was a lot of fun visiting people who had used the same guy that I was about to let loose in my house.

Bad contractors will avoid giving you any references like this and definitely won't want you visiting them. If this is the case then turn away and don't look back. If this contractor can't show you an example of his work then he isn't likely to do a good job for you is he?

The contractor that I used gave me 3 of his customers in the local area and made arrangements for us to go and visit the properties. This was great because not only were we able to see the results of his work we were also able to talk to his customers and find out exactly how the job went. Make sure that you ask whether it was completed on time and to the original budget. You can also ask how the contractor dealt with any problems that arose during the bathroom remodelling project. You can't stop problems from happening but it's how painless the contractor makes it for you that's important.

The information that you will gain from the t54Fips above can be invaluable to you in making your decision about the person you are about to invite into your home to do your small bathroom makeover. Take your time about your decision, it will pay off for you in the end.

You can do background checks on almost anyone in less than 10 minutes. Learn how to check for arrest warrants, criminal record and bankruptcy at the same time How Do I Check For Arrest Warrants? Don't know what an arrest warrant is? Learn about them here

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