Friday, May 30, 2008

Explore the Importance of Disciplining Your Baby

So how do you discipline an infant? Does the question sound ridiculous to you? Do you think it is improper, even impossible, to discipline a baby? Disciplining an infant is not as bad as you think. And you should not always take the word 'discipline' the harsh way, not when it is essential to your child's healthy emotional, physical, and mental development, to his whole being.

When you remove your baby's grasp as he tugs at your hair, you are setting limits. When you stop him from putting an unsafe object to his mouth, you are teaching the value of self-control. When you stop your baby from venturing unsafe areas, you are practicing guidance. All these are manifestations of you disciplining your baby. It's not all that bad, is it?

The Importance of Discipline

When you discipline your baby, you teach him to develop self-control. You foster the development of socially acceptable behavior in your child. Through discipline, your child learns to acknowledge his emotions and to control his reactions. You also teach him the workings of the world. You teach him when it is safe to venture out and when he should keep it safe.

It is important that you have all these inculcated deeply in your child's character so that he practices discipline even when you are not around. And do keep in mind that you will not always be around to watch your child, and that he will not be a baby forever. The best way to have self-discipline deeply fostered in your child is to start early with your disciplinary actions, to start when he is just an infant.

Can You Spoil a Baby?

The answer to this question is still contestable and continues to be the subject of hot debate. Some proponents strongly assert that it is not possible to spoil a baby while others believe otherwise. The former argue that responding to a baby's request is a reinforcement of his ability to communicate, even when it is at its premature form (like crying). And that actually acting upon the baby's ailing makes for responsive care which is encouraged as a healthy form of child rearing.

A baby cries to tell you that he is hungry or that he's not feeling well. Responding to what your baby needs does not only reinforce his ability to communicate, it also establishes and fosters emotional security. And this security later contributes to your child's ability to practice self-control.

Setting Your Own Limits

When disciplining your baby, you should practice your own share of self-control. If anything, you should never go overboard with your disciplining efforts or your 'guidance', lest you get in the way of your child's healthy development. So do give your baby enough leverage to actually explore his surroundings. Allow him to move around, to play and to navigate his surroundings. This is the best way for him to develop his motor skills, cognitive abilities and interpersonal skills.

And do give your child all the things he needs to practice his freedom to explore and learn. Give him a baby gift that is educational and mobile. Give him a baby gift that will inspire him to explore new possibilities. Also, teach him to share his baby gift with other kids. And of course, never fail to teach him the limitations that come with the privilege of having a fun baby gift. A baby gift with the right limitations will surely not spoil your little angel!

Give your little angel the best baby gift you can find. Don't settle for anything less than the best unique baby 220Fgifts around. Why don't you check out what Baby Layette gift set has to offer? Visit today.

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