Friday, May 30, 2008

Explore the Importance of Disciplining Your Baby

So how do you discipline an infant? Does the question sound ridiculous to you? Do you think it is improper, even impossible, to discipline a baby? Disciplining an infant is not as bad as you think. And you should not always take the word 'discipline' the harsh way, not when it is essential to your child's healthy emotional, physical, and mental development, to his whole being.

When you remove your baby's grasp as he tugs at your hair, you are setting limits. When you stop him from putting an unsafe object to his mouth, you are teaching the value of self-control. When you stop your baby from venturing unsafe areas, you are practicing guidance. All these are manifestations of you disciplining your baby. It's not all that bad, is it?

The Importance of Discipline

When you discipline your baby, you teach him to develop self-control. You foster the development of socially acceptable behavior in your child. Through discipline, your child learns to acknowledge his emotions and to control his reactions. You also teach him the workings of the world. You teach him when it is safe to venture out and when he should keep it safe.

It is important that you have all these inculcated deeply in your child's character so that he practices discipline even when you are not around. And do keep in mind that you will not always be around to watch your child, and that he will not be a baby forever. The best way to have self-discipline deeply fostered in your child is to start early with your disciplinary actions, to start when he is just an infant.

Can You Spoil a Baby?

The answer to this question is still contestable and continues to be the subject of hot debate. Some proponents strongly assert that it is not possible to spoil a baby while others believe otherwise. The former argue that responding to a baby's request is a reinforcement of his ability to communicate, even when it is at its premature form (like crying). And that actually acting upon the baby's ailing makes for responsive care which is encouraged as a healthy form of child rearing.

A baby cries to tell you that he is hungry or that he's not feeling well. Responding to what your baby needs does not only reinforce his ability to communicate, it also establishes and fosters emotional security. And this security later contributes to your child's ability to practice self-control.

Setting Your Own Limits

When disciplining your baby, you should practice your own share of self-control. If anything, you should never go overboard with your disciplining efforts or your 'guidance', lest you get in the way of your child's healthy development. So do give your baby enough leverage to actually explore his surroundings. Allow him to move around, to play and to navigate his surroundings. This is the best way for him to develop his motor skills, cognitive abilities and interpersonal skills.

And do give your child all the things he needs to practice his freedom to explore and learn. Give him a baby gift that is educational and mobile. Give him a baby gift that will inspire him to explore new possibilities. Also, teach him to share his baby gift with other kids. And of course, never fail to teach him the limitations that come with the privilege of having a fun baby gift. A baby gift with the right limitations will surely not spoil your little angel!

Give your little angel the best baby gift you can find. Don't settle for anything less than the best unique baby 220Fgifts around. Why don't you check out what Baby Layette gift set has to offer? Visit today.

Stair Ledger To Wall Nailing

Basic Drywall Techniques You Need To Know

When you have finished installing your drywall there are still a few things you need to do. Firstly you need to consider taping and compound. This is very important as it will adjust the finished product that you are left with.

White Peeling Paint Wood Siding

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Investing Secrets of the Wealthy

My favourite subject. Investment. Investing in your own ecommerce business is the best, most time efficient way to make money. But to grow real wealth you need to diversify into other investments as well. Your ecommerce business (or other business / high paying job) provides the cash for investing. It is the interest earned of those investments however that pays for your luxury lifestyle.

1. Real Estate investment.

The most important and first investment you should make is to buy your own home. Initially live off your income from your ecommerce business by paying yourself a modest wage. Save the rest for a deposit on your own home. Decide where you want to live and go house hunting there. The real estate market moves in cycles.

The top of the cycle is definately not the time to own investment residential property. If you own it, sell it, especially if you have a mortgage over it or you may end up owing more than the property is worth. Remember if your equity in a property drops below a certain level the bank can foreclose on your property even if you have never missed a payment. Many people have come undone that way.

When it does become time to invest in property again, seize the day! Investing in property can be very lucrative as you can be paid four ways -

If you buy below market value (as you always should) you make immediate equity.

If you 5B4buy a positive cashflow property you get paid weekly. A positive cashflow property is one where the money you collect in rent is more than the outgoing expenses for the property.

In many countries you can can tax advantages by owning property using depreciation.You can gain capital growth by buying a fixer upper and renovating. You also get capital growth over time if you buy at the bottom of the cycle.

Factors that affect the property cycle include -

supply and demand

interest rates

migration & population

economic growth


zoning and planning

what returns are being had in other investments

and confidence which is affected by positive or negative media reporting on property.

When buying investment property never, ever buy on emotion. Emotion IS a factor when you are buying your family home, you have to love it. But emotion has no place in investment decisions. Buying investment property is all about the figures. Never be afraid to walk away from an opportunity as there are always plenty more. Don't buy property at auction as the emotions of the participants often push the price too high. And you don't need to live in an investment property so don't impose your own personal standards on it, your tenants will accept a lower standard of living than you will.

Always do due diligence on any potential property purchase. This includes a building inspection5B4 by a qualified builder and also get a pest inspection done. When you decide to buy and you hire a conveyancer to handle the legals always make sure the contract you sign is subject to legal due diligence. That way if your conveyancer finds some legal problem you can get out of the deal.

I recommend you set the following rules for yourself when buying investment property. Buy at a minimum of 10% under market value, only buy properties that are positive cashflow and/or high capital growth, buy properties that can be value added with a cosmetic makeover and only buy houses or blocks of apartments because the land it sits on is what gains value. The buildings themselves depreciate over time.

So how do you find below market investment properties? Look for sellers who are selling because of death, divorce, bank forclosure, because they are moving and have a deadline or sellers who don't know what they are doing. I'm not suggesting you rip people off but equally you are not their mother, your responsibility is to you, they can look after themselves. If they accept your low offer price that's their business. Hot deals can often be found in the local newspapers, look for words in the ads like urgent, desperate, heavily reduced, well below valuation, transferring overseas, vendor has already bought etc.

Investment property hunting can be a long frustrating business but it's more than worth it. I follow the 100-10-3-1 r5B2ule. Look at 100 properties, put offers in on 10, have 3 accepted and buy 1. If you don't review enough properties you will not understand enough about the market values and returns in any particular area to pick a winner.

Whatever you do, be careful trusting real estate agents. Many agents will do whatever it takes to earn their commission check. They often recommend auctions as they shut out other agents, unlike general listings. Always remember agents work for themselves not for you. Be prepared to be knocked, mocked, spoken to in a condescending manner and generally treated as though what you want is unachievable. Buy privately if at all possible.

Do use agents to manage your tenants for you though. Tenants are an even bigger pain in the neck than agents. Also if a tenant does something illegal in your property you as the owner don't want to also be the manager or the police will try to implicate you in the conspiracy so they can sieze the property.

The wealthy don't follow the crowd. They buy when shares, property etc are unpopular and cheap after they have identified the future trends based on what is going on in the world around them. The wealthy sell when the crowd wakes up to late and jumps on the bandwagon. The wealthy are contrarian investors. Most investors are afraid to invest in this way because at first they appear wrong. It takes guts to invest this way but you always get the last laugh.5B6

This is why the luxury lifestyle is enjoyed by so few in society. Don't be a sheep, be the wolf. Hunt, don't follow. Seek out the best advice, ask yourself.....does this fit into my personal circumstances? If it does then act.


With shares, always employ risk management strategies. Always use stop losses on any investment you make. Decide in advance how much you can afford to lose on any one investment. If your investment drops in value by that amount (I recommend a 15% stop loss in general for shares) sell it. Don't hang in there hoping it will get better. Cut your losses. Not even the best investment gurus get it right everytime. Also use position sizing in your investments. Invest the same amount of money in every share investment. If you have $10,000 to invest in 10 companies, then invest $1,000 in each. Don't put more in one company because it appears to be doing better than the others. Don't put too many of your eggs in one basket. These two tips are the basics of all risk management strategies of the successful investor. You can't always win but you can control how much you lose. In the above example if you invest $10,000 in 10 companies ($1,000 in each with a 15% stop loss) and two of your stock picks turn out to be duds you limit your losses to $300.

3. Final advice

If I had to choose the 3 most important things I have learned from the wealthy they would be these.

Do59Dn't spend money on depreciating assets until you are spending your interest from your investments. Then you can live a little. Certainly never borrow money to buy depreciating assets.

Limit your losses. Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen. Manage that risk to a level you feel is acceptable then go for it. Stick to your risk management plan when you make a mistake.

Learn from your mistakes and more importantly learn from the mistakes of others.

Happy investing.

Dr Gregory Lipke is the CEO of Cyber Publishing Ltd. He has a Doctorate of Business Administration & a Bachelor of Science as well as years of experience in Private Investigation, Personal Protection & Security. He is the author of Your Luxury Guide .


Saturday, May 24, 2008

What Makes Simon So Mean?

Simon Cowell of American Idol is a Libra. What makes him "the man we love to hate"? Aren't Libran's pleaser's and diplomats?

Ive seen some articles puzzling over this phenomenon -- a mean Libran -- when really it's no puzzle at all. i think what seems confusing is his Sun in Libra, the sign usually considered to be diplomatic. This just goes to show how little importance the Sun can have for overall chart management. It is what we aspire to, not necessarily what we are. It also points out some misunderstandings about Libra.


Libra is best described as the iron fist in the velvet glove. Personally I think of Otto von Bismarck (Jupiter in Libra). Henry Kissinger was another Libran (Moon/Saturn conjunct in Llibra) with a biting and caustic tongue. 'Twas he who said the infighting in academia was most bitter because the stakes were so small. Ouch. Gandhi is another example of an iron-fisted Libran Sun with Scorpio Rising.

Also please see my Ode to Librans.

Here are some of the areas of interest in Simon's chart which highlight his personality ... the man we love to hate!

SATURN IN CAPRICORN - Darth and Unredeeming Vader

Simon has Saturn in Capricorn so he is very judgmental. He is every bit as judgmental of himself as he is of others. He thinks everyone holds themselves to the same ridiculously high Capricorn standards that he does. Hes missing the wonderful world of fun, spontaneity and creativity. You often see this very stern look on his face when he is not flashing that gorgeous Libra smile.

MOON CONJUNCT SATURN - Ubercritical Internalized Parent

Simon has Moon conjunuct Saturn. His parents were probably stern and unforgiving, judging him as officiiously as he now judges others. This can give a fake illusion of power and control. I think this side of Simon annoys all of us who are conscious and responsible but the degree of annoyance will be relative to how big you buy into the whole Authority Figure thang. For some who are programmed to respect their parents simply because they are parents, Simons tone will be familiar and reassuring. Yikes.

VENUS CONJUNCT PLUTO IN VIRGO - Venomous and Compulsive Muse

A very important factor is that Simon has Venus conjunct Pluto in the nitpicky critical sign of Virgo. With this combination he is compulsively critical, LOVES being critical and ironically his critical observations are usually precise, correct and transformational. Many lives have been changed by Simons comments, we would all agree.

JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS - self appointed know-it-all

Simons Jupiter is in the truth tellling sign of Sagittarius. Simon can be so arrogant. Well, he feels entitled to tell the truth as if it were his very own prerogative.

SOUTH NODE IN ARIES - think William Shatner cum Denny Crane

Last but certainly not least, Simons South Moon Node is in Aries reflecting lifetimes of self assertion so powerful, thorough and successful that it putting himself out there is second nature to him. This includes being exceedingly plain spoken as it is the polar opposite sign to his Libra Sun. Did you ever wonder how Simon had the nerve to set himself up as judge and jury over the creative lives of people on two continents? He never did. Self doubt is not a character trait of someone with South Moon Node in Aries nor is self reflection.

One thing we can be sure of even without the birth time Simon himself never questions his assertions or his mandate to deliver them. He is supremely confident that his remarks are the truth.

Simon's interesting life also gives a great example for thos experiencing difficulty in the Saturn Return, the transit everyone experiences between 28 and 30.

Youre almost thirty and your carefully planned life is in shambles! How could this happen to someone like you? Its your Saturn Return. Actually that's just what happened to Simon Cowell. His life crashed.

Life crashing at 28-30 years old is an indication that the life youve been leading, however well manicured, however cozy, pleasing to your parents or outwardly "perfect, is not your authentic life. It might now seem that you have actually been living a lie.

Your life is falling apart to allow you to rebuild on more authentic lines. Read on ..

Heres what happened to Simon Cowell during his Saturn Return.

The man you love to hate recently made these comments to Stacy Perlman of

Perlman: What role has failure played in you[r] career? For instance, your label Fanfare Records went under in 1989, and your reality show Cupid was canceled in 2003.

Cowell: When I was 30 the company that owned Fanfare went bust, and I effectively lost everything [emphasis mine]. I had to move in with my parents.

[Heres the most interesting part as he goes on to say] In hindsight, it was the best thing that happened in my life because I learned the value of money: not to borrow money and not to live beyond my means. And I learned that getting there is more fun than being there. But one thing that I have always been able to do is to own up to mistakes and not blame others.

Nancy R. Fenn is the nation's Saturn Return expert.

Structural Crack In Concrete Stair

Custom Golf Drivers Used to Enhance Your Golf Game

To watch your golf ball soar to great heights gives you a sense of gratification beyond compare. The driver is the most attractive club in your golf kit - it hits the ball farthest when compared to what other clubs can do. No wonder then, that you need to find the driver that suits your ability, swing and hitting approach. There are many diverse club permutations which is why custom golf drivers are fast becoming a rage.

Decide on what is your perfect grip. Size, weight, feel and tactile strengths for grips are very critical. In fact the experienced golfers say that the bigger a player's hands, the thicker the grip. The weight of the driver depends on how swift your swing is. So, the feel of the grip should be comfortable to your hands. Today, grips come in different forms and are weather specific.

The right shaft, either in steel or graphite is equally crucial. The former is heavier than the latter and thus affects the swing speed. Steel enables the golfer to feel the shot and indicates whether any improvement is in order. The graphite shafts are mainly used by amateurs, children, ladies and older players. A longer shaft additionally enables a longer arc for swinging and greater speed.

Club heads are equally important determinants. Steel club heads are small but heavy, very traditional but inexpensive. Titanium comes with the heavier and bigger golf drivers. As opposed to steel, these are lighter and larger in weight and size.

From the perfect grip to the right club head, custom golf drivers allow you to create the driver best suited for you, thus greatly enhancing your game.

Eric Stone

Home Mold Test Kits

How to Find a New Home Builder in Florida

Are you interested in relocating to the Florida area or even just buying a new home in the state of Florida? If you are, do you know if you would like to buy a home that is already listed on the Florida real estate market or would you like to have your own home built? If you are interested in having your own home built, you will need to use the services of a new home builder in Florida.

The first step in using the services of a new home builder in Florida is to find a builder to do business with. When it comes to finding a new home builder in Florida to do business with, you will soon see that you have a number of different options. Before you familiarize yourself with those options, you may want to think about what type of new home builder in Florida you want to do business with. For instance, there are some individuals or companies who are referred to as home manufacturers and there are others who are referred to as custom home builders. Custom home builders allow you to take part in the design of your home and home manufacturers tend to only build pre-designed homes.

Once you have decided which type of new home builder in Florida you would like to do business with, you can begin to start searching for a professional. One of the easiest ways to go about finding a new home builder in Florida is by using the internet. Online, there are a number of different approaches that you can take. You can try to find a new home builder in Florida by performing a standard internet search. When performing a standard internet search, it may be a good idea to search with a phrase like Florida home builders, or something else along the same lines. Your search results will likely lead you to the online websites of local Florida home builders.

In addition to performing a standard internet search, you can also use online phone books or online business directories to help you find a new home builder in Florida. The only downside to using these online resources is that the information given to you is minimal. Often times, you will only get the name of a new home builder in Florida, their business address, as well as their business telephone number. This information is similar to what you would find in your local phone book. In fact, you may also want to think about using your local phone book to find a new home builder in Florida.

Although the above mentioned approaches are ways that you can go about finding a new home builder in Florida to do business with, there is an even better way to do so. That way involves using the assistance of a professional real estate expert. A professional real estate expert is often referred to as a buyers broker or a real estate agent. These types of professionals can not only assist you with finding land to build your new home on, but they can also help you obtain the needed financing, as well as a quality new home builder in Florida to do business with.

Laurence Hammond is a writer for New Home Firm . org where you can find accurate information about a New Home Builder in Florida and other related information.

Home Mold Test Kits

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Demystifying the Best Weight Loss Product

The appetite suppressant is considered as the best weight loss product that comes in forms of a pill or a patch. There are others like those that prevent fat and carbohydrate absorption and calorie burners that can be considered as the best weight loss product. It will all depend on your lifestyle, overall health, age, and gender on which best weight loss product is right for you.

Types of weight loss products

1.Appetite suppressants These can prevent you from overeating, giving in to cravings, and unnecessary binging.
2.Burners They burn carbs, calories, and fat by increasing your metabolic rate and at the same time, giving you more energy boost.
3.Blockers These prevent your body from absorbing fats and carbohydrates and expelling them from your system through your bowel movement.

Consider these

There are a lot of factors to consider before picking out the best weight loss product that can effectively help you in shedding off those unwanted pounds.

1.There are products that cannot show immediate results but they promise not to have any side effects.
2.Results can differ from person to person. This is in the case of many products, so even if you are using the same best weight loss product as your friend, you may not find yourself losing the same kind of weight as they are.
3.Don't believe everything written on the label especially if the weight loss product is not prescribed by your doctor. All-natural and herbal does not necessarily mean that the product is entirely safe.
4.Consult with your physician before taking any weight loss product so prevent side effects that can cause serious damage to your body.

Fast results require additional effort

You can take diet pills while wearing a weight loss patch for faster results. You can also try exercising in subtle ways like walking or climbing stairs instead of taking the bus or using the elevator. Experts also believe that proper diet and exercise is still the best way to lose weight so even if you are using weight loss products, try to put some effort into doing the tried and tested ways for losing weight.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Home Owners Policy Cover
Home Buying Problems

I Fell Off My Walking Program (Literally) and Got Back On Again

I have been on a walking program for about five years. My goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day and I track them with a pedometer. If I do not reach this goal I make up the distance the next day. I record my steps on a calendar and average them at the end of the week. My daily average is 10,000 steps, but an accident changed that.

A month ago, when I was reading a brochure as I walked downstairs, I tripped and fell. The rubber sole of my left shoe caught on the carpet, my body flipped over, and I landed on my back with a thud. Surprisingly, I have no memory of the fall, just the shock of finding myself on the floor. I kept myself still while I took stock of things.

My husband, who is a physician, heard me fall and came to my aid immediately. He checked me over. No fractured hip, thank goodness, and no broken limbs. But my ankle was badly sprained and the bruises -- a greenish-black toe, a streak across the top of my foot, and an ugly ankle bruise - showed the path of my fall. Apparently my foot had turned backwards when I tripped.

Standing was painful, let alone walking, and I limped around the house. The fall brought my walking program to an abrupt stop. In fact, the only way I could walk was to take pain relief medicine and wear a foam ankle bandage. You can wrap an ankle too tightly and that is just what I did. After I developed a rash on my ankle, I was careful about wrapping the bandage firmly, not tightly.

"I'll be back on my walking program soon," I told myself. But I was not back on it soon. Four weeks later I was still taking pain medicine, wearing the bandage, and hobbling about. Though I could tell my ankle was better, I worried about resuming my walking program. Would I be able to walk long distances again?

The day came when I thought could get back on my walking program. However, I want to emphasize that I did it gradually. First, I continued to wear the ankle bandage to prevent my ankle from twisting. Second, I started with 3,000 steps, then 5,000 steps, then 8,000 steps, and finally 10,000. Third, I did not follow the "no pain, no gain" approach. The instant my ankle started to hurt I turned around and went home.

I gained a few pounds because I wasn't walking, but refused to wallow in guilt. Recovering from an injury takes time and I gave this time. The brace is gone now and, though I have occasional twinges of pain, my ankle seems to have healed. On my honor as a former Girl Scout leader, I promise you that I will never read while walking on stairs again. I also promise to keep walking for my health.

Copyright 2006 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been a freelance nonfiction writer for 28 years. She is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD is available from A five-star review of the book is posted on Amazon. Another review is posted on the American Hospice Foundation Website under the "School Corner" heading.

Carpentry If You Build It
Building Or Buying A Good Garage

Ban Dog Fighting

Today, dog fighting is recognized as a sinister underground organized crime that is sought to be eradicated by the law. This blood sport, though once favored by aristocracy and supported by the many, is now never free from the prying eyes of the laws that now protect not only pit bulls but other animals used is bull baiting as well.

Dog fighting may be a popular event for many, but it is illegal in the United States of America and most of the rest of the world. Dog fighting may be a form of entertainment but it violates the rights of animals to live freely away from harm. Sad to say that, no matter what punishment awaits those who act against the laws that protect these dogs from being utilized in such violent events, even more are being lured into the underworld of this blood sport. Furthermore, this only reflects the brutality and inhumane nature of men that is slowly prevailing in our society today.

Dog fighting is a secretive sport known only to those in the circle of knowledge. A recent tragic event, culminating in the death of a small child from the injuries sustained from a fighting dog, has highlighted, in the UK, the very nature of a fighting dog and how their aggression can be turned onto humans as well as other dogs.

The sport (if it can be called that) is not only inhumane and illegal but also barbaric - in my opinion it engenders a sense of lawlessness in the owners as well as in the fighting population as a whole.

Ban dog fighting to save the dogs, the innocent victims of dog aggression and society.

You can find out more about dog care here or you can share your opinions at the world's best homepage.

Expansion Joint Between Sidewalk
Exterior Garage Lights

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wireless vs Traditional

Why are some people reluctant to try new technologies? Technology exists to better peoples lives by making tasks easier, more convenient, increase their knowledge, and save both monies and time. Change takes time for some people but it is important to know that the longer one takes to learn and use technology, the faster it changes and chances are, technology and culture will pass you by. Technology is developing rapidly with some innovations becoming obsolete almost as quick as they are discovered. This age of work and entertainment has seen many changes in technology with some drastically changing the world as we know it. Satellite and communications technology have brought us the ability to communicate in real time with people from different countries around the globe. Never has it been any cheaper or easier to conduct business or exchange personal communications with anyone anywhere. Technology exists to improve peoples lives and should be accepted as a part of life.

Traditional technologies included many restrictions because of geographical limitations but wireless technology applications have expanded beyond the boundaries of time and space. Many people use wireless technology without knowing as wireless technology is also an integral part of dialup, cable, and DSL technologies. Companies continue to upgrade traditional technology using wireless technology making it impossible to realize that the combination of the old and the new makes tasks easier and cheaper for all. Wireless devices do not require cables or wires to transport data/voice/imagery options. This eliminates geographical, time, access, and expense restrictions making communications with others immediate.

Company expenses to install wireless devices equipment, logistics, and agreements are minimal when compared to the overall costs of trenching cables. Time to revenue ratios are greatly reduced with wireless devices because most wireless systems can be functional within hours instead of weeks or months. Immediate sales of services are permitted because there are no longer any waiting periods for services to be installed or completed and connected. Wireless technology enhances broadband access and extends the capabilities of other markets including cable and DSL. Wireless is an alternative to broadband wire lines and provides accessibility in locations without loop access. Security concerns seem to be the only drawback of wireless systems because signals transmitted through air can be intercepted by anyone who might be scanning airwaves for unprotected signals. Encryption signals have been standardized to make wireless as safe as wired in home settings. There are no computer networks completely safe but both wireless and wired have assurances and protections against security risks.

Wireless technology seems to be the present and future of our civilization as it provides mobility, maximum performance of devices, and economic and financial feasibility. Dont resist changes - expand your horizons and knowledge as wireless technology networking continues its reform of traditional forms of communications.

A pioneer in technology reporting, Julia Hall has published articles about the latest digital devices and gadgets for over ten years. After graduating from MIT with a degree in electrical engineering, Julia turned down huge salaries from some of the most recognized fortune 500 companies in the world to pursue her dream of becoming a leading consumer advocate. Julia uses his expertise to cut through the too good to be true deals offered by high tech companies to reveal the real steals and the real duds that we're bombarded with daily. If you enjoy staying on the cutting edge of technology, whether for business or pleasure, but find yourself occasionally confused by the overwhelming and convoluted information out there let Julia show you the way.

Structural Crack In Concrete Stair

Electric vs Hydronic Radiant Heat

If you've decide warm floors would be nice and you are thinking of installing a radiant heat system, you already know it's not quite that simple. If you've typed radiant heat into Google you may become quickly confused at all of the options. Which is best? Electric radiant heat or hydronic radiant heat. The answer depends on what type of project you are doing.

Each system has a type of installation that it's best suited for. So let's have look at both electric radiant heat and hydronic radiant heat.

Hydronic radiant heat is actually the oldest of the radiant floor heating systems and it still remains the most popular. The system is made up of a boiler or hot water heater, manifolds, pumps, thermostat, pex tubing, and either gypcrete or wood panels.

Although hydronic radiant heat is the most popular it is also the most complex system requiring professionals to both design and install the system. Hydronics can be installed under any flooring type. But the biggest challenge has always been getting the hot water tubing installed in the light concrete bed and sometimes the floor height must be adjusted. Recently there have been some new products that are both lightweight and allow the tubes to be fitted into pre-cut wood panels that make the entire installation much easier.

If you want to heat a small area like a kitchen or bath, then hydronic radiant heat is not always the best choice. This is a cost and complex system that has long-term maintenance and thus is much more suited to installation into a larger area. Smaller areas are more suited to electric radiant heat.

Electric radiant heat is quite often called a line voltage system and they are really gaining in popularity recently and it is perfect for areas up to 300 square feet like kitchens, sunrooms, and bathrooms. The system is made up of heating cable and a thermostat. These systems are considerably less expensive and the way they are installed allows you to lay the install out just how you like it. You can even cover every inch of the floor if you like.

All cable systems have the same effectiveness, which leaves you with examining other elements before you make your choice. Consider warranty as well as how easy the installation process is, and of course price.

One last system, which we'll briefly mention, is the low voltage radiant heat, which is perfect for areas ranging from 300 to 3000 square feet. This is a very low profile system. It's beginning to catch on and one reason it's appealing is the size range it can be used on. It uses a 12" wide wire mesh that looks like the material used in a screen door. The appeal is because it's so thin that it means there is no big problem with having enough clearance or having to install into concrete. Rather the mesh installs directly to the tile, carpet, or hardwood.

Now that you have a lot more information on electric radiant heat and hydronic radiant heat, you are in a much better position to decide what's right for you.

Terry Fitzroy is a professional author and heating specialist with expertise in radiant heating, in-floor heating and radiant floor heating.

Home Mold Test Kits

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hawthorne Experiments and Team Building

The hawthorne experiments

The Hawthorne Experiments were conducted by Professor Elton Mayo, from 1927 to 1932, at the Western Electric Hawthorne Works in Chicago. The experiments were primarily started with the intention of studying the relationship between productivity and work conditions. Professor Mayo started these experiments by examining the physical and environmental influences of the workplace (e.g. brightness of lights, humidity) and then moved on to the psychological aspects (e.g. breaks, group pressure, working hours, managerial leadership).

The Hawthorne Effect

The findings in Hawthorne Experiments have been generally described as the Hawthorne Effect, which can be summarised as "Individual behaviors may be altered because they know they are being studied." This is, however, only one of the many useful conclusions that Professor Mayo made. For example, Mayo also found that worker productivity increased with the psychological stimulus of being shown individual attention, feeling involved, and being made to feel important.

About the Experiment

Mayo selected two ladies from the factory, and they in turn chose another four ladies to participate in the experiment. The team worked in isolation, under the supervision of a friendly supervisor who established a working relationship with them. He took time to explain the changes that were to be introduced, asked for their feedback and listened to their complaints.

Mayo then varied the working conditions like working hours and number and duration of rest breaks in stages. The level of production is mechanically recorded, while the supervisor recorded the teams behaviour.

Elton Mayo's Conclusions on Team Performance

Among other findings, these conclusions made by Mayo have significantly impacted the way management ran their production plant from then on and, we believe, resulted in the eventual birth of the concept of team building:

Relationships between supervisor and workers affected productivity. Mayo discovered that the relationships between workers and their supervisors affected production. The working relationship that the supervisor established with the workers was not a usual on at that time. Women did not have a high social status at the workplace and when the supervisor asked for the feedback from the ladies and listened to their complaints, it gave them a sense of self-worth. Mayo believed that this spurred them on to produce more even when all the privileges were taken away.

Workgroup norms significantly affected productivity. If most people produced at a particular level after a change was made, everyone tended to produce at that level, as it was a fair days work (this confirmed similar conclusions made previously by other researches)

The workplace has a culture. A workers performance is affected by internal and external social demands. Informal groups within the work plant influence the habits and attitudes of the workers.

Being taken care of. Being recognised for their work, feeling secured and a sense of belonging is more important that physical conditions at work.

Emergence of team building

One of the most crucial conclusions from the experiments is that toward the end of the tests, when all of the privileges were taken away, productivity continued to rise to an all time high. It was reasonably concluded that the production team were more motivated to work hard by the factors listed above than the physical working conditions. The researchers also noted that there was a possibility that the production team was grateful that the experiments were extended from the initial arrangement of one year to five.

In the decades that followed, employers became aware of the importance of maintaining a positive work culture and relationship with workers and probably led to the emergence of team building exercises and retreats.

The article was contributed by Alvin Quah, a certified behavioral analyst (in business consulting perspectives), who is registered with the Institute for The Motivational Living, Inc, USA. He can be contacted through the website: Team Building Singapore

Home Mold Test Kits

How To Choose A House Plan - Part 8 of 10

If you're not yet giving much thought to how much energy your new house is going to use, and how much it's going to waste, then it's time you started. It should be one of your top priorities - if for no other reason than your own pocketbook.

Energy used for heating and cooling homes is going to continue to get more expensive and as we've seen recently, world politics can quickly and dramatically affect your access to cheap energy.

I'll get to the part about house plans in a minute, but first...

A Little History

This isn't the first energy crunch we've had. In the 1970's - when I was a college student studying Environmental Design - world events conspired to create an American energy crisis. It was an interesting time to study Architecture, because the buildings we designed were required to respond to the environment - to use natural energy sources as much as possible.

The homes we created used technology and inventive design to give them form - we designed solar homes, earth-sheltered homes, thermal-mass homes, and other types in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They collected heat from the sun and the ground and held it inside as long as possible. They blocked excessive solar radiation with deep overhangs and shading devices, and they were very carefully oriented to the angle of the sun and prevailing winds.

Sure they looked a little weird (some were downright ugly) but we designed homes that stayed warm in the winter and cool in the summer and used almost no energy at all.

A Little More History

But then in the 1980s energy got cheap again, and everybody forgot about low-energy homes (see I told you - just a little more history).

Where We Are Now

Fast-forward to the twenty-first century and suddenly energy is on the front page again. And again homes are responding to pressure to reduce energy usage, but in a curiously different way - through envelope and mechanical technologies.

Envelope Technology

The "envelope" of your home is its wrapper - the roof, walls, windows, and foundation. It's what keeps the outside out. There was a time when heat flowed rather freely through the envelope; windows were single-pane thickness and walls and roofs had little or no insulation.

Today, wall and roof assemblies can be very high-tech. New types of insulation, sheathing, and siding slow heat flow to a crawl. Infiltration barriers (Tyvek, Typar for example) stop excessive water vapor migration and seal the outside more tightly than ever. Houses can be sealed so tightly in fact, the trapped moisture can accelerate mold growth (that's a subject for another time).

Windows and doors have also gone light-years beyond the old wood-framed putty-glazed sashes of the early twentieth century. Windows today are offered with multiple panes of glass sealed together to create an insulating layer within; often that "airspace" is filled with inert Argon gas - which has a higher resistance to heat transmission than air.

The framing of the windows is far better sealed, and the installation methods are much improved. Even plain old glass isn't what it used to be - now it's coated with a microscopic layer that allows sunlight in, but block Ultraviolet rays and keeps heat from escaping.

Other high-tech wall technologies include ICFs (Insulated Concrete Forms), and SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels).

Mechanical Technology

The other area of big change is mechanical technology, including groundwater-source heating and cooling systems, active solar collection panels, and on-demand water heaters.

Furnaces, heat pumps, heat exchanges, boilers, and air conditioners are more efficient that ever and work hard to squeeze every BTU of energy out of the fuels they use. And sophisticated computer control systems manage the distribution of heat throughout the house.

Back To House Plans!

Envelope technology and mechanical technology are two good ways to make any house plan more energy efficient. High-technology energy management systems can be added to any house plan, and most plans can be easily modified to include the latest in envelope technology. Some house plan sites even sell versions of their plans with ICF wall detailing already included.

Take advantage of high-tech energy-saving technologies wherever you can. With increasing energy costs, more sophisticated systems will be paid for with savings in fuel usage.

But envelope and mechanical technologies aren't the only way to create a more energy-efficient home. "Back in the day" we did it with old-fashioned good design - by paying attention to solar orientation, window quantity and location, and house shape and size. An Architect or a qualified Residential Designer can help you choose and/or modify a house plan to better fit your concerns with energy usage.

So choose carefully - a good looking house isn't necessarily an energy-efficient one.

Richard L. Taylor, AIA is a published author and recognized expert in Residential Architecture. He is President of Richard Taylor Architects, a 5-person firm in Historic Dublin, Ohio. Residential Architect | Luxury Home Plans


The common denominator in all roofing is that several layers work together as a system. Understanding how this system works can help you talk knowledgeably with a contractor, or help you make buying decisions to do your own work.

Theres a powerful embezzlement prevention tool that many big businesses use and that you should probably consider: Require regular vacations of a week or two. (Banks almost always do this.)

This sounds terribly counter-intuitive. But heres the rationale: Some embezzlement schemes are so clever that theyre almost impossible to catch. The one typical weakness of these super-clever schemes, however, is that they usually require ongoing maintenance on the part of the embezzling employee. By making the employee take a vacation, you can see what happens when the employees not around. Here are a couple of examples.

One embezzler (actually my junior high math teacher) who managed a concession stand had a simple but clever technique: He always pocketed a few hundred dollars of cash sales each week. This scheme worked for years. The owner assumed that cash sales were typically about $4,000 a week, even though they were really quite a bit more than that, and that he was losing about $200 a week of ice cream cones, soda pop, and popcorn because of spoilage and, perhaps, a little shoplifting.

The concession stand manager never did take a vacation, but he did eventually have a heart attack. And a funny thing happened. Cash sales increased overnight (literally). Even more dramatic, profits jumped because sales increased while expenses stayed level. When the owner looked into the situation in the employees absence, he figured out that sales and profits had increased because the employee was no longer pilfering cash from the till.

Another embezzler who got tripped up by a vacation requirement was a salesman selling profitable remodeling jobs for a company Ill call ABC Construction. His scheme was to have every fourth or fifth job done by a company he had set up, which Ill call ABC Remodeling. He regularly used the resources and reputation of ABC Construction to sell a remodeling job for ABC Remodeling and thereby collect the 40 percent profit his employer (ABC Construction) would have made rather than his usual 10 percent sales commission.

As long as he stayed in town, his little ploy worked reasonably well. He could answer all his telephone callsboth those from ABC Construction customers and those from ABC Remodeling customersand handle any problems that surfaced for either set of customers. When he went on vacation, however, the whole thing blew up as soon as an ABC Remodeling customer called ABC Construction to ask about a remodeling project in progress.

About the author: CPA Stephen L. Nelson wrote bestselling books on Quicken and QuickBooks. More recently, hes been writing downloadable do-it-yourself guides, including Information about the Corporation, and Costs & Benefits of Incorporation, Incorporating a Business in California, and Incorporating a Business in Illinois.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Prostate Cancer and the Amazing daVinci System

Unlike normal blog postings dealing with Choices, Ethics, and Consequences - my topics as a professional motivational speaker - it seemed appropriate today to speak of my complete recovery from prostate cancer hoping that it might help others who are faced with decisions on prostate cancer treatment.

Discovering I had prostate cancer at the age of 47 was almost an accident and certainly not something that in any way I expected. I had no symptoms - none whatsoever. In layman's terms, everything seemed to work fine. So the discovery of prostate cancer was quite accidental. It seems I had gone to my doctor simply requesting a pill (propecia - a drug to reduce hair loss). She required I have a blood test, as this drug would have an effect on my PSA. Frankly, all that was greek to I didn't know what PSA was and had never had it checked. I hated needles - had always said I was allergic to them - hence I avoided being stuck as much as I could. But on this day in November 2004 I decided to take the plunge - have my blood checked - and get the prescription.

Two days later I got a call while out of town saying that all the lab work was fine except that my PSA was a bit elevated - it was 4.58 and for someone my age that was high. My doctor referred me to a Urologist. The appointment was set.

Of course I had some concern, but after all, all the plumbing seem to work fine and I had no symptoms, so surely there was no problem. The Urologist's exam was routine - in fact he said he thought I had nothing to worry about as he felt nothing abnormal. But, to be on the safe side he schedule a biopsy. Being fearful of needles (and a biopsy is the ultimate needle) I asked if it would hurt. His response, "Most men don't really feel a thing." That was a lie! Looking back, I would have asked for good drugs as that was the most painful experience I can recall.

Several days following the biopsy I received the results. Prostate Cancer! I had a Gleason score of 6 and 30% of one side of my prostate was cancerous. My heart sank as I received the news. How could I, a 47 year old healthy male, with no other medical issues have prostate cancer? And, how amazing that it was caught by a simple test that my well versed female doctor required. Looking back, her diligence saved my life.

What next?

My local doctor wanted to schedule surgery immediately. He said I had four options: (1) Radical prostotectemy (traditional surgery); (2) Radiation; (3) Hormone therapy and/or (4) Watch and wait. Again, he recommended surgery. My immediate question was how many of the surgeries that he was suggesting did he do weekly or monthly. The number was low. In the back of my mind I thought, "Hum, maybe I need someone who isn't so surgery happy and who does this delicate removal frequently." I was like learning to play golf - I would prefer to learn from someone who plays daily than learn from a weekend hacker. Maybe that analogy seems harsh, but after all the decision made would have lasting and profound effects.

Following the meeting with the Urologist, and after telling my family (who thought I was joking), I spent some time in research. First thing I found - based on my diagnosis - I had time to consider carefully my options. Not that nothing should be done, but I didn't have to rush into any hasty decisions. Prostate cancer generally is slow in it's progression. CAUTION - do not use my experience as a crutch to avoid treatment (I witnessed my father-in-law die from complications from prostate cancer), rather, seek competent medical help in making your treatment decisions.

Options Considered:

Watch and wait. Well for several months I did just that. I researched - changed my diet - considered the possibility that I could reverse what existed and even reduce the cancer. I began a regiment of daily intake of cottage cheese and flax seed oil. For a short time I actually saw a decrease in my PSA; however, that was short lived. What I did learn was that diet was important - not only for general well being - but an effective tool in promoting a cancer free body. This was valuable time in that it gave me the opportunity to consider all my options.

Radiation Therapy. Not really an option for me. While I talked with a man in his late 60's to early 70's who had outstanding results using focused radiation (proton therapy I think it was called), the reality is - once you opt for radiation and the tissue is destroyed, if prostate cancer returns, it cannot be surgically removed. Hence the best advice I received was, in my case, this would not be a practical option. By the way information on proton treatment can be found at or at The people I talked with who had used this treatment were extremely pleased with the level of care they received and the overall outcome.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). In my search for the right treatment, I spent much time in considering this alternative. There were three practical objectives I wished to accomplish with whatever treatment I selected: (1) Cancer elimination, (2) Minimal issues with incontinence (preferably none) and (3) minimal issues with erectile function (again, preferably none). Based on my Gleason score and prostate cancer diagnosis, it seemed that this treatment would be viable. For research information visit As part of my consideration I met with Dr. George Suarez, Medical Director for USHifu. He reviewed my medical background and was kind in taking the time to discuss with me my options using this new prostate cancer treatment. Dr. Suarez took the time to explain all my options and how, if I elected, HIFU could be effective while meeting my three objectives. My only resistance was, at the time, it was not an option yet approved by the FDA in the United States, hence I would have to seek the treatment outside the scope of my medical insurance outside of the country. While I gave this serious consideration, I ultimately decided to go another route.

Radical Prostatectomy. All of the possibilities above, brought me back to the original suggestion - SURGERY. The issue I had was what kind and who would perform it. Since I had the time to research I discovered (through the wonder of the Internet) this, then, new procedure called a robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. Hum...seemed that needed more study. Of course, at the time, Johns Hopkins Brady Urological Institute was recognized as one of the best in the world for prostate cancer research and study. After careful consideration I contacted Johns Hopkins inquiring about this seemingly new procedure - using the daVinci Surgical System. The folks at Johns Hopkins could not have been more caring and helpful as I sought all my treatment options. Of course, they reviewed my file carefully and spent all the time I wanted and needed to evaluate my options. Dr. Li-Ming Su was my surgeon and my hat is off to him and his skill and patience. In the end, one thing was clear - all other options being equal - surgical removal was still the "gold standard" in the fight against prostate cancer. Likewise, it appeared that this robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy would meet my three objectives.

The surgery went fine - of course I don't remember a thing - so all I can base it on what the Doctor's report. Initially the report indicated that the cancer was contained in the prostate and the removal should yield me "cancer free." Of course this was to be confirmed later from lab reports. The first several days following surgery were not pleasant, but tolerable. Within three days, I boarded a plane and flew home to North Carolina - travel was not a big issue. The most discomforting thing following surgery was the catheter - which remained in for three weeks.

Outcome. Within four weeks following surgery I boarded a plane to Dallas, TX to begin a new job. My energy level was back and I had minimal incontinence isses with subsided within another three weeks. Within seven weeks of surgery incontinence was not an issue. Erecticle function returned within three months (with the aid of medication) and returned to full function (without medication) within twelve months.

Now it's been two years since surgery and all three objective have been achieved. Life is normal. I am cancer free. My sincere thanks to all who were there for me as I sought out the treatment that was right for me. I would not have the opportunity to function as a motivational speaker today if it were not for the skill and help of the fine folks at Johns Hopkins. While printing such personal items for all to read may seem (to some) out there! I feel that, perhaps, others who find themselves diagnosed with prostate cancer may learn from my experience. If you find this helpful, but still need to talk - please visit my web site: and contact me through that portal. I'll be happy to talk with you via e-mail or phone.

Chuck Gallagher is an international speaker and author who shares his life experience in a way that is meaningful for his audiences. For information on Chucks presentations or how to subscribe to his free ezine...visit

Home Mold Test Kits

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cheating Wife

Have you got a cheating wife? Most men go out to work every day and leave their wife at home. Does your wife stay at home being a homemaker whilst you are gone for 10 hors a day? More and more women are opting for extra marital activities. So how do you know that you haven't got a cheating wife?

I don't profess to know all there is to know about women or their habits, if I did I would be a very rich person. Women are a law unto themselves; they have habits and foibles which no man will ever understand. But what about those 10 hours, without you in the house; could your wife be cheating on you?

Women are very possessive about things like mobile phones, emails and letters, they have a rule (usually), and men are not allowed to touch these personal items. So how would you know if you have a cheating wife? If your wife has started changing her habits and making drastic changes to her appearance, you can probably take this as a sign of infidelity. This may sound drastic but hear me out. Why does a woman all of a sudden change? It's usually attention seeking or wanting to look nice for someone.

Have you ever turned up early from work only to fine that your wife isn't home? They probably told you that a friend called and needed to talk about "personal problems", the personal problems part of the conversation means that there is no chance of her telling you what they were. If you ask her which friend she will probably say "why do you need to know that, don't you believe me?" that is for the guilt effect, you feel guilty for asking.

Remember a cheating wife has a circle of friends who (once prompted) will validate her story without question, these are usually the same friends who laugh at you behind your back because you are so dumb for not seeing that she is cheating, but they are usually the first to your front door telling you what a shame it is that you were cheated on.

Personal email accounts are very hard to infiltrate, woman are very cunning with these. A cheating wife will probably have a normal email account where her friends send their daily routines or work problems, she will also have a private email account which you know nothing about, and this one is where you will find all of her inner secrets and desires. Cell phone are one of the greatest inventions over the last century, they are the best means of 24 hour contact available, unfortunately for you, they also mean that anyone can contact your wife whenever they want. When was the last time you answered your wife's phone while she was busy only to have the other party hang up, or went to answer the phone but were to leave it alone?

You can ignore it or you can pretend that life is fine, but the fact that you have a cheating wife will not go away, in fact it will probably eat away at you for every hour of every day until you do something about it.

You can lie down and get kicked again or you can stand up like the man you are, and do something about it, It's your choice.

Find out more here Cheating Wife

Structural Crack In Concrete Stair

Custom Golf Drivers Used to Enhance Your Golf Game

To watch your golf ball soar to great heights gives you a sense of gratification beyond compare. The driver is the most attractive club in your golf kit - it hits the ball farthest when compared to what other clubs can do. No wonder then, that you need to find the driver that suits your ability, swing and hitting approach. There are many diverse club permutations which is why custom golf drivers are fast becoming a rage.

Decide on what is your perfect grip. Size, weight, feel and tactile strengths for grips are very critical. In fact the experienced golfers say that the bigger a player's hands, the thicker the grip. The weight of the driver depends on how swift your swing is. So, the feel of the grip should be comfortable to your hands. Today, grips come in different forms and are weather specific.

The right shaft, either in steel or graphite is equally crucial. The former is heavier than the latter and thus affects the swing speed. Steel enables the golfer to feel the shot and indicates whether any improvement is in order. The graphite shafts are mainly used by amateurs, children, ladies and older players. A longer shaft additionally enables a longer arc for swinging and greater speed.

Club heads are equally important determinants. Steel club heads are small but heavy, very traditional but inexpensive. Titanium comes with the heavier and bigger golf drivers. As opposed to steel, these are lighter and larger in weight and size.

From the perfect grip to the right club head, custom golf drivers allow you to create the driver best suited for you, thus greatly enhancing your game.

Eric Stone

Home Mold Test Kits

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Masonite Boards For External Home Use

Masonite boards are a great option for many uses. The mason method, invented by William H. Mason in 1924, takes wooden chips and blasts them into long fibers. These fibers are then formed into boards with the help of wax and other resins. In its early days, masonite was used for things such as walls, desktops and roofing. It is still a valuable building material today, and it is used in a variety of ways including home siding and art production. Masonite boards have stood the test of time.

One of the most popular uses for masonite boards today is home siding. Fiber board siding is stronger than traditional siding because it is equally dense from every angle. If your wood siding is swelling or cracking, then masonite siding just might be for you. The look of natural wood with the strength of other materials will protect your home and be aesthetically pleasing as well.

Believe it or not, masonite board siding has even more positives. It is better for the environment than traditional siding because it uses fewer trees in its production. And because its artificial, there is less risk of insect infestation. Additionally, masonite boards are manufactured in a variety of styles, pre-stained, pre-painted and pre-primed. You can choose what kind of boards you would like based on the style you are going for. It is also more affordable than traditional siding in most cases.

Masonite boards do come with some precautions, however. Because they are still made of wood, you do need to make sure and keep up with the painting and maintenance in order to prevent cracking, swelling and insect infestation. Additionally, it is important to have masonite board siding installed professionally. An expert installation minimizes the risk of cracking and other problems over time.

Masonite boards are used in many ways. One of these ways is to use them in the place of siding on your home. Masonite boards are also used in furniture and cabinet production. Looking for a sturdy way to decorate and transport your cake creations? Consider purchasing masonite cake boards. Cake boards made of durable masonite are stronger and easier to use than traditional cake boards. If you are interested in exploring a new form of art, you should consider painting boards. Painting boards give you a much different style of art than canvas and other traditional painting surfaces.


Kitchen Flooring - More Important Than You May Realize

When it comes to kitchen remodeling, oftentimes the flooring gets overlooked. So much money is spent on cabinets and countertops that whatever little money is left over goes toward any old floor covering. But think about it. What part of your kitchen endures the most use and abuse? It's the floor of course. After all, you can't even enter the room without the flooring bearing impact. That said, you'll want to splurge at least a little bit on some kitchen flooring that will hold up well over the long haul. Following are some of your best options.

1. Armstrong Floors: The premier name in vinyl and laminate flooring, Armstrong floors come in vinyl sheet, vinyl tile and wood laminate options to match your dcor and decorating style. All options are durable and easy to clean.

2. Bruce Hardwood Floors: When only the look and feel of natural beauty will do, Bruce hardwood floors never disappoint. For over a century, Bruce has been providing homeowners with lifetime-quality flooring. Today, the company offers 400 styles of laminate and hardwood flooring to choose from.

3. Florida Tile: When you want the creative ability to design your kitchen around an artistic floor plan, nothing compares to Florida Tile. Florida Tile is committed to providing you with the materials you need to make your home the best it can be.

4. Hartco Wood Flooring: Hardwood flooring is rich, opulent, and naturally beautiful. It also often requires significant maintenance to keep it looking shiny and new. Hartco eliminates many of those maintenance issues with an advanced finishing system that actually repels water spots, stains and spills.

5. Robbins Hardwood Flooring: Meticulously crafted to bring out the finest qualities of naturally beautiful floors, Robbins has been providing its customers with premium hardwood flooring for eighty-five years and counting.

Whether it's hardwood, laminate, vinyl or tile you're craving, there is a high-quality kitchen flooring option to meet your needs and preferences... and one that will withstand years of high-traffic use.

To learn more about kitchen flooring options, visit the SuperKitchens ( kitchen floor section at

Home Remodeiling Ideas

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Using The Right Ladder Can Make Those Jobs Easier

Ladders come in a variety of styles and heights, and it's important to choose one that meets the needs of the task you're performing. Safety should always come first when using a ladder, so it's necessary to make sure you use the right ladder for the job. For instance, an extension ladder is suitable for reaching those high spots when decorating or cutting tree branches. But trying to reach up too high on a step ladder can be hazardous and lead to accidents. On the other hand, step ladders are ideal for those odd jobs round the house, from changing a light bulb to hanging curtains.

Extension ladders are used for all kinds of outside jobs, from professional window cleaning to painting gable ends of buildings. Aluminum ladders are commonly used, being lightweight and easily portable. However, a fiberglass ladder, although much heavier to move, is safer to use in the vicinity of electrical cables. Well-known manufacturers that sell a range of quality ladders include Werner Ladders and Wing Enterprises.

Inside the home, ladders come in handy in a number of situations. For instance, if you have high book shelves, fitting a rolling library ladder makes it quick and easy for you to reach those top shelves. Library ladders are generally made from wood, and come in a choice of colors and finishes to blend in with your dcor. Another place where a fitted ladder comes in useful is in a loft hatch. An attic access ladder makes it simple for you to utilize that extra storage space in the roof.

Whatever your requirements, from doing DIY in the home or garden, to reaching high shelves, there's a ladder to meet your needs. Choosing the right ladder for the job can help make your task much simpler.

Caroline Smith is a regular contributor to - an online resource offering a range of ladders including attic ladders, the Little Giant Ladder and more.

Step Ladders

Stepladders are ladders with wide steps that are specifically designed to provide foot comfort while climbing or standing. Stepladders are mostly used for painting, repairs, industrial work and household jobs. They come in an A-shape model with either one side having steps or both sides having steps. They are made from steel, wood, aluminum or fiberglass. The steps are lined with corrugated rubber or have slip-resistant texture. Generally, the depth of steps ranges from 3 inches to 10 inches. If the steps fold up, it becomes compact to store the ladder. The foot of the ladder should have slip-resistant molded footpads or rubber cups for better grip. Usually step ladders range from 18 inches to 20 feet height. Stepladders can carry up to 375 lbs of weight, depending on the model.

Some stepladders have a high railing for support at the top and wheels for rolling at the bottom. A few have an adjustable height of about one foot that can be incremented or reduced per requirements. A platform on the stepladder provides an ideal working place to keep tools and materials. Most stepladders can accommodate accessories that can be used while working. The assortment of accessories consists of paint can/bucket hanger, conduit holder, tool holder and ladder caddy. A special type of stepladder that can fold up to the length of a step is known as the Telescopic stepladder. It uses a patented lock and release mechanism for opening and closing the ladder.

Even though stepladders provide a better standing space, they must be used carefully. There should not be any extra loading on the side, since they can easily overturn. Stepladders can be purchased at a hardware store or over the Internet.

Ladders provides detailed information about ladders, pool ladders, boat ladders, step ladders and more. Ladders is the sister site of School Playground Equipment.

Metal Washer Shims

Monday, May 5, 2008

Residential Fencing

Although there are many different types of residential fencing perhaps aluminum is the most popular. This is a galvanized steel product with a hard wearing powder coat finish. It is designed to add beauty and value to residential homeowners. There are a wide variety of styles and colors to select from and any of them will complement any color that you may have on your home. This type of fence is designed with the residential person in mind and provides a level of quality and resilience that the home owner needs. This fence is made for durability to withstand the elements and it is possible to have a special formulated powder coating made to suit your needs.

This power coated system of polyester resin prevents early rusting. This type of fencing comes in eight-foot sections to cut down on time and labor. The posts that are provided will hold the pickets firmly in place and will adapt to any contour of slopes in your landscape. The panels can be secured to the post without any welding and there are brackets provided. Most of these come with a 12 year warranty.

You can find these available from 4 foot to 6 foot high and there are many different colors to choose from. This fence carries very low-maintenance which can free up your time for other things. Whether you need a picket fence or a privacy fence, this fencing can provide what you need. If you have animals that you want to keep in or animals that you want to keep out, this is the fence that can provide the security for you. With its low maintenance, durability, and appealing look this fence will be a welcome addition to your home. No matter what your needs this fence can provide what you're looking for.

For lots of information on remodeling your home and other related topics, visit Fences Guide at

Concrete Countertops

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Improve Your Bathroom, Improve Your Home

A bathroom does not have to be a drab or unexciting room although in many older homes this was the case. Here are some bathroom renovation ideas that will bring bathrooms to life.

In classical times, the bathroom was a room of great beauty. This was mostly because indoor plumbing was unknown and the function of the bathroom was to provide a place for bathing. This was often done in tiled baths surrounded by works of art and fancy tile mosaics. While space restrictions would prevent most modern bathrooms from copying the look of Roman baths, it is not impossible to add a little classic beauty and comfort to this room. Here are some bathroom renovation ideas that can accomplish this little trick.

One of the best ways to recreate a classic look is the use of tiles. Tiles were one of the earliest decorative motifs of classical bathrooms. The use of glass tiles on the walls of a bathroom or ceramic tiles on counter tops can add a classical look to an otherwise drab bathroom. Along with the use of tiles, lighting is something that is often overlooked in older bathroom designs. Attention to the improving of internal lighting and the subsequent brightening of the bathroom often changes the ambience of the room completely.

When you are working under budget restrictions in your renovation project, consider leaving as many original fixtures in place as possible and designing your improvements around them. If the plumbing fixtures are in good condition, it is not economical to tear them all out just to move a sink a few inches or relocate the toilette bowl. It is true that most bathroom designers in the past decades did not seem to appreciate the use of space, but you can often find creative ways to increase space without tearing everything out and starting over.

One of the new products being used in many modern bathrooms are under tile heating coils. These radiant heating systems produce warmed tiles on the bathroom floors. The installation is not too difficult and can be done as part of the floor tile replacement. Many bathroom renovations are based on the replacement of a tub with some type of shower. This involves a major investment in plumbing and can be avoided by considering the use of a handheld showerhead that can be used to convert the simple tub into a shower. The problem of installing shower curtains is not quite as expensive to solve as running behind the wall pipes to provide a conventional shower.

These are just a few bathroom renovation designs and ideas. The bathroom does not have to be the forgotten room of the home. The idea of bathing has always been as much to promote relaxation as well as cleanliness. A well lit and beautiful bathroom will recapture this classical feeling of comfort and can often be achieved with little effort.

Aazdak Alisimo writes about bathroom design ideas for

Home Remodeling Ideas

How to Save Money on Bathroom Fixtures

New bathroom fixtures can make up a big part of your redesign budget-especially if you're replacing your shower and tub. But replacing your bathroom fixtures doesn't have to cost a great deal. Whether you're planning a big remodeling project or a few small changes, here are a few ways to save money on your fixtures.

Do you really need to replace that tub? Replacing a shower or bathtub can be expensive. If you're looking to save on your bathroom redesign project, ask yourself: can you live with the tub and shower you have now? If your tub is cracked, chipped, or stained, a refinishing job might be all it needs. If you're looking for a spa bathroom on a budget, consider a new showerhead instead of a new shower. On the other hand, if you're already neck-deep in a redesign job that involves ripping out walls and floors, putting in a brand-new tub may be cost-effective.

Choose a one-piece shower instead of a tiled shower. If you want to replace your shower, a prefabricated unit may be your least expensive option. Tiling can cost a lot of money. And the reason for it isn't the material-it's the labor. A tiled shower stall must be hand-built by professional carpenters and expert tilers. And you can't expect to take on tiling yourself to save money, unless you have the skills to ensure your tiling is waterproof.

Instead, look into a prefabricated shower stall. These typically include a shower pan and three walls made of acrylic or fiberglass. Some can be disassembled to fit through the door of your home. And they're easy to install, so you may be able to save on labor.

Be informed about the work you need. Some fixture-replacement jobs are easier than others. For example, it might be expensive to install a new tub; but it shouldn't cost a lot to replace the toilet. Do some research on the work you need before hiring a contractor. This will give you an idea about what should cost a lot in labor and what shouldn't. If you have any doubts about the price your contractor is charging, get a second opinion.

Want an expensive item? Compromise elsewhere. You may have your heart set on a whirlpool tub or a new steam shower-even though you're on a budget. If this is the case, consider cutting costs elsewhere to afford it. If you want that whirlpool tub, for instance, maybe you should opt out of replacing your shower. Or maybe you can decide to keep your bathroom's layout the same.

Redesigning your bathroom? Buy the fixtures yourself. If you're planning a redesign, become familiar with the cost of fixtures and faucets. Your contractor may want you to let him buy your fixtures because he can get a discount from the supplier. While it's true that contractors can get discounts, some will mark up the price for their customers. Be familiar with the going rates for the fixtures you're looking for, so you know whether your contractor is truly offering the best deal. It might be more economical for you to buy the fixtures yourself.

Look in unconventional places. New fixtures can sometimes be found cheap at auctions, estate sales, and even secondhand stores. This can be a great option if you're going for an antique look. You may need your fixtures restored if you buy them secondhand, but it can still cost less than buying new.

Don't skimp on your faucets. It's usually not a good idea to buy faucets on the cheap. Your faucets have moving parts, and they can experience quite a bit of wear and tear over the years. To make sure you won't have to replace them after a few years, it's best to buy them new.

Still can't find good prices? Look online. There are some great places to buy bathroom fixtures online. Online stores often have wider selections and lower prices than you'll find in a conventional store, and you can shop around and compare prices without driving to different locations. Look for an online store that's been in business for over a year, and you should be able to find what you're looking for at a good price.

Redesigning your bathroom isn't cheap. But your fixtures don't need to break your budget. Know the going prices for what you need, be informed about the work you need done, and don't be hesitant to look for the best deals on your own. This way, you should be able to get a bathroom you'll love for a price you can afford.

R Dobson is managing director of WD Bathrooms whose website is For a wide range of bathrooms and showers including bathroom accessories visit

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Brown Staircase

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Home Improvement Contractor Is He Qualified

I am a general contractor in the state of Michigan. In other words I fix, build, or remodel anything pertaining to residential homes. The purpose of this article is to inform home owners about a growing problem in the construction/remodeling industry. That problem is the increasing numbers of unqualified individuals that are entering the field.

Due to the struggling economy and recent lay offs, many conversations around the kitchen table go something like this: What are we going to do now Jane? Well John, you helped my brother roof his house that one time and you fixed the door on our shed and you like working around the house...why dont you put an ad in the paper as a roofer or a carpenter? Hey Jane, thats a great idea. I can get business by offering a really low price. Yea, that's what Ill do!

Now I feel for a guy that is out of work. I really do. But when an unqualified individual decides "hey I'll be a contractor", all to often this results in nothing but trouble for the customer. What happens if John falls off the roof or drops his hammer on the hood of your brand new car? Is he insured?

What about warranties? If he says I will guarantee this roof wont leak for 5 years, and then it does, will he still be in business? Statistics say no. As a matter of fact, most of the people entering into business today will not be in business 1 year from now, much less 5 years from now.

Of course there is the most important question: does he know what hes doing? Does the fact that John helped his brother roof a house make him a qualified roofer?

There are insurance considerations as well. For example, lets say a home owner hires an individual that is not licensed to install a new furnace in his home. If the furnace starts a fire and burns the house down, some insurance companies will deny the claim. The reason is since there is no record of a permit(which there would not be as an unlicensed individual can not obtain a permit) they assume that the furnace could have been installed incorrectly. Now a home owner is left with a huge loss and all because they wanted to save a few bucks on the installation.

Do yourself a favor and stick with a pro. If you conduct a proper contractor interview, then you know that you are going to get a quality job by a licensed and insured individual who offers a warranty..and honors it. If you are not sure how to conduct a proper contractor interview, you can find information on this and other subjects at my web site.

My name is R. Paul Phillips. I am a co owner of Tanner-Phillips Properties, which is a new construction/remodeling business in Lansing, Mi. I have a free home improvement information website located at While my site is tailored for the Lansing area, the majority of the information is useful to anyone interested in home improvement tips, product reviews, how to screen contractors......etc. I also have a contact page so you can ask questions specific to your project.

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